Get arrested in Switzerland brehs


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
Prisons are supposed to rehabilitate. I don't think the situation in Norway would be frowned upon as much in the US if we didn't have such an ass backwards society where we're one of the only 1st world countries with no universal healthcare, this stupid drug war, and billions allocated to war and military.
Well in Norway, you pay a gajillion Euros for a small bottle of water. Just tax the heck out of everything. 40 to 50 percent of your gross income goes to the government. That's a backwards society.
Look at your paycheck, cut the gross amount in half. Would you be okay with that?


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
It seems that the entire philosophy on criminalization is different in Scandinavia than in the US.

I would think that the US, a nation comprised of a Christian majority, would have the New Testament ideas of forgiveness and turning the other cheek at the forefront of their imprisonment philosophy.

Instead it is the less religious Scandinavians who have a maximum murder sentence of 21 years (Norway) with prison conditions that look like the Real World house.

Why is that brehs?

I suspect the answer has to do with having an individualist mentality versus a collective one, but I am not sure.
Well, that guy who went on a shooting spree in Finland gets to study university courses. It's like there's no punishment for killing and injuring a number of children who were unarmed and at a summer camp. That's not justice.


Jun 8, 2012
Prisons are supposed to rehabilitate. I don't think the situation in Norway would be frowned upon as much in the US if we didn't have such an ass backwards society where we're one of the only 1st world countries with no universal healthcare, this stupid drug war, and billions allocated to war and military.

Breh if a dude raped my daughter I wouldn't want him living good like that. That's just over the top it looks like a day spa

So sicc2def, let me ask you a real question. let me ask you two questions. Do you think your daughter will become UNRAPED by you throwing her rapist in a crazy US prison over the nice looking Scandi prison?
i'll answer that. NO. whats done is done as sad as it is to say. its DONE. nothing you do, no amt of revenge can turn back to the hands of time to undo that rape. it wont make you FEEL better. because it cant UNDO what it did.

So now, next question. you're saying because its YOUR daughter and you feel this rapist needs to get punished to the fullest extent of the US law. thats fine. but here's the problem with that thinking. if statistics show for a FACT, not a guess. for a fACT that US prisons that put your daughters rapist behind bars, will treat him like less then human. and when he gets out. HE WILL GET OUT. he will most likely REPEAT OFFEND. aka RAPE someone else or even RAPE your daughter AGAIN. think about that for a moment.

now lets compare that to do stats that show the SCANDI prison treating him like a human being, yes he gets to leave in real nice jail. you are correct. but when he gets out. odds are he wont Rape another person, no your daughter or anyone elses daughter.

So now ask yourself, whats more important to you at this point? getting revenge and most likely putting other women at risk, including your daughter, when the guy gets out. OR is it more important for the rapist to not rape anyone else when he gets out? your choice.

dont be so hell bent on revenge in the short run that you cant help yourself and society in the long run.

your ancestors took the brunt of hard knock life no matter what race you are. in order for you to have the freedom to post on the internet today. so maybe you and your daughter haveto take that L for everyone including yourself to win in the end. are you willing to suck that L up? i mean your daughter got raped no matter how you take it. that wont change. but are you willing to watch the rapist lay up in a cake walk prison but come out a non rapist? or do you want revenge so bad you dont care that he will probably come out a rapist and to boot most of the time when rapist and kiddie diddlers come out of jail and do it again. they usually end up killing their victims this time around for fear of going to jail again. remember when you go to a US prison you learn how to become a BETTER CRIMINAL. you become more hardened as a person. not less.
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Jun 8, 2012
Well in Norway, you pay a gajillion Euros for a small bottle of water. Just tax the heck out of everything. 40 to 50 percent of your gross income goes to the government. That's a backwards society.
Look at your paycheck, cut the gross amount in half. Would you be okay with that?
you can have HALF Of my pay check, if you're telling me i can have my mother, my sister and my niece can go jogging alone at 10pm at night and not worry about getting snatched or raped. you can have 50% of my check. i'll take that L for every women out there. shoot for every man. you tell me my country is so safe to the point where i can go for a walk at 2am in the morning and not get jacked, ran up on, shot, stabbed, ran up on by crooked cops, etc.
you can have 50% of my check if you can promise me my house/car will virtually NEVER be broken into.

you can have 50% of my check if you are telling me i have healthcare even if i dont work. meaning if i dont like the job i'm currently in. i can change jobs without having the fear of losing my BENEFITS. i can make a push to run my own business without having the fear of NO BENEFITS.

if 50% of my check says i dont have to look at 100,000's of homeless folks on the daily. then go ahead and take 50% of my check. sure some will always be homeless. but it doesnt have to be like it currently is now.

if you're saying you're going to take care of these US vets and stop leaving them out to dry after these fools have fought on our behalf(whether or not i agree with every policy isnt the point), then you can have 50% of my check.

if that means the 405 fwy wont be half as congested since we will have the train system setup properly, we will have a better fwy system. you can have 50% of my check.

half of your paycheck unless you're balling out of control goes to the basics anyway. so if my basics are covered, then go ahead and take half of my check.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
you can have HALF Of my pay check, if you're telling me i can have my mother, my sister and my niece can go jogging alone at 10pm at night and not worry about getting snatched or raped. you can have 50% of my check. i'll take that L for every women out there. shoot for every man. you tell me my country is so safe to the point where i can go for a walk at 2am in the morning and not get jacked, ran up on, shot, stabbed, ran up on by crooked cops, etc.
you can have 50% of my check if you can promise me my house/car will virtually NEVER be broken into.

you can have 50% of my check if you are telling me i have healthcare even if i dont work. meaning if i dont like the job i'm currently in. i can change jobs without having the fear of losing my BENEFITS. i can make a push to run my own business without having the fear of NO BENEFITS.

if 50% of my check says i dont have to look at 100,000's of homeless folks on the daily. then go ahead and take 50% of my check. sure some will always be homeless. but it doesnt have to be like it currently is now.

if you're saying you're going to take care of these US vets and stop leaving them out to dry after these fools have fought on our behalf(whether or not i agree with every policy isnt the point), then you can have 50% of my check.

if that means the 405 fwy wont be half as congested since we will have the train system setup properly, we will have a better fwy system. you can have 50% of my check.

half of your paycheck unless you're balling out of control goes to the basics anyway. so if my basics are covered, then go ahead and take half of my check.
It's all relative. I don't know your gross income.
If your paycheck is $1000, then $500 net income isn't great. If your paycheck is $4000, then $2000 income isn't too bad. If your paycheck is $100,000, then $50,000 feels like you are getting robbed by the government.

I live in a neighborhood where I can jog at night safely. My car doesn't get jacked at night. I'm not paying 50% tax. I've lived in a neighborhood where I didn't go jogging out at night and in that same apartment, my car was jacked in the early morning hours. I wasn't paying 50% tax. This is America. You can move.



Jun 8, 2012
It's all relative. I don't know your gross income.
If your paycheck is $1000, then $500 net income isn't great. If your paycheck is $4000, then $2000 income isn't too bad. If your paycheck is $100,000, then $50,000 feels like you are getting robbed by the government.

I live in a neighborhood where I can jog at night safely. My car doesn't get jacked at night. I'm not paying 50% tax. I've lived in a neighborhood where I didn't go jogging out at night and in that same apartment, my car was jacked in the early morning hours. I wasn't paying 50% tax. This is America. You can move.

there is no neighborhood in america where a woman can TRULY safely jog at night on her on. a guy yes some hoods you can do it and not worry TO MUCH but if you're smart you still dont turn them headphones up to high where you cant hear a fool coming with the sneak attack. lol. i'm talking about having an entire country where you can have everyone woman in your life be able to go walking at 1am in the morning by themselves and not have to worry about getting snatched, raped or robbed. if 50% of my check does that. You can have my 50%, no matter how much i make. i care that much about the people. i care that much about just living LIFE. not having a bunch of material possessions. sure i like the finer things like everyone else. but nothing beats a situation like i just described. a piece of mind is worth a lot of money to me. i was born and raised in the hood, went to college in an area where i could walk around at 2am and not be bothered by anyone or the police. but even then women were still getting snatched and raped on occasion around that area.


Jun 8, 2012
Well, that guy who went on a shooting spree in Finland gets to study university courses. It's like there's no punishment for killing and injuring a number of children who were unarmed and at a summer camp. That's not justice.
doesnt matter. nothing you do to him will bring back those kids. the death penalty statistically speaking does not DETER criminals. so please dont bring that up. sure the way us US citiziens think. that fool shouldve been taken out back and shot to death ASAP. but even that, wont bring those kids back. and it wont stop the next lone crazy fool from trying it again. what will cause less of that is a jail like the scandi jails. because it doesnt have that revolving door situations. which also really messes up families and has families in a generational curse of jailbirds. my daddy was a jailbird, so was i, so is my son, my mama was a jailbird so was am i, so is my brother, so forth and so on. thats the life that comes out of the US type of jails. all because we want REVENGE that wont turn back the hands of time and take away what these criminals have done to us.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
doesnt matter. nothing you do to him will bring back those kids. the death penalty statistically speaking does not DETER criminals. so please dont bring that up. sure the way us US citiziens think. that fool shouldve been taken out back and shot to death ASAP. but even that, wont bring those kids back. and it wont stop the next lone crazy fool from trying it again. what will cause less of that is a jail like the scandi jails. because it doesnt have that revolving door situations. which also really messes up families and has families in a generational curse of jailbirds. my daddy was a jailbird, so was i, so is my son, my mama was a jailbird so was am i, so is my brother, so forth and so on. thats the life that comes out of the US type of jails. all because we want REVENGE that wont turn back the hands of time and take away what these criminals have done to us.
No, I'm not saying it deters criminal activity. I'm saying a weak-azz punishment is not justice.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
there is no neighborhood in america where a woman can TRULY safely jog at night on her on. a guy yes some hoods you can do it and not worry TO MUCH but if you're smart you still dont turn them headphones up to high where you cant hear a fool coming with the sneak attack. lol. i'm talking about having an entire country where you can have everyone woman in your life be able to go walking at 1am in the morning by themselves and not have to worry about getting snatched, raped or robbed. if 50% of my check does that. You can have my 50%, no matter how much i make. i care that much about the people. i care that much about just living LIFE. not having a bunch of material possessions. sure i like the finer things like everyone else. but nothing beats a situation like i just described. a piece of mind is worth a lot of money to me. i was born and raised in the hood, went to college in an area where i could walk around at 2am and not be bothered by anyone or the police. but even then women were still getting snatched and raped on occasion around that area.
Well, I guess you have not lived in a crappy middle-of-nowhere cac white town. I would be coming home from a late movie and there would be a woman walking her dog for a poop. No lie.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
which also really messes up families and has families in a generational curse of jailbirds. my daddy was a jailbird, so was i, so is my son, my mama was a jailbird so was am i, so is my brother, so forth and so on. thats the life that comes out of the US type of jails. all because we want REVENGE that wont turn back the hands of time and take away what these criminals have done to us.
Okay. Go to Norway. Laterz.


Jun 22, 2012
It seems that the entire philosophy on criminalization is different in Scandinavia than in the US.

I would think that the US, a nation comprised of a Christian majority, would have the New Testament ideas of forgiveness and turning the other cheek at the forefront of their imprisonment philosophy.

Instead it is the less religious Scandinavians who have a maximum murder sentence of 21 years (Norway) with prison conditions that look like the Real World house.

Why is that brehs?

I suspect the answer has to do with having an individualist mentality versus a collective one, but I am not sure.
Jesus Christ used whip and chains to beat people in church who were caught sinning


Thunderbolt Them Suckers
Oct 13, 2012
They were later to be found unconstitutional after nearly 100 years of practice in most states. I live less than a mile from a prison where men still work the fields. Most states decided on their own parameters. Now there is so much money in locking up people, they don't need to be "leased" out to private companies and farms for work. Each prisoner in use got an average of $43k a year to take care off.

Where does this money come from? Tax payers.
Who gets the money? Those that runs prisons and their friends in high places.
Who gets the contracts to build prisons? Publicly traded companies like Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), a publicly traded company and the GEO Group, also a publicly traded company, founded in 1983 and 1984, respectively....during the WAR ON DRUGS, its no a coincidence :ohhh:

These companies rely on increased incarceration to make more money. Just like a for profit school that is publicly traded needs more students for increased stock value. I am get you nikkas up on the game, I'm not reaching :birdman:

Also just to add for those idiots championing socialism: America's brand of capitalism is crony capitalism. The prison-industrial complex, for example, isn't an open market and is damn near impossible for a new business to break into the field unless you have friends in the government. The industry, like the military-industrial complex, energy, telecommunications, and banking industries are all dominated by a handful of companies who are in cahoots with the politicians who advocate legislative and policies that favor these monopolies. It's American kleptocracy under the guise of capitalism. And now the ill-informed citizens, guided by laughable, trollish news outlets like CNN and Bill "I'm an authority in black culture' Maher, are pushing for socialism. I wouldn't want to live in a police state where cops can legally gang rape you because you owe $5 in taxes to the IRS and His Excellency Ben Bernanke.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Also just to add for those idiots championing socialism: America's brand of capitalism is crony capitalism. The prison-industrial complex, for example, isn't an open market and is damn near impossible for a new business to break into the field unless you have friends in the government. The industry, like the military-industrial complex, energy, telecommunications, and banking industries are all dominated by a handful of companies who are in cahoots with the politicians who advocate legislative and policies that favor these monopolies. It's American kleptocracy under the guise of capitalism. And now the ill-informed citizens, guided by laughable, trollish news outlets like CNN and Bill "I'm an authority in black culture' Maher, are pushing for socialism. I wouldn't want to live in a police state where cops can legally gang rape you because you owe $5 in taxes to the IRS and His Excellency Ben Bernanke.

A lot of Americans are too ignorant to see this, then when you bring it up...they look at you crazy.

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Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012
Well in Norway, you pay a gajillion Euros for a small bottle of water. Just tax the heck out of everything. 40 to 50 percent of your gross income goes to the government. That's a backwards society.
Look at your paycheck, cut the gross amount in half. Would you be okay with that?

The problem is you measure your happiness by dollars and work.

The Scandinavians are extremely content paying high taxes because they live better lives. They actually see benefit to their high taxes. Things we Americans stress about they don't.

They don't worry about paying for any preventive or other medical care. They don't worry about education costs and failing education institutions. They don't worry about taking maternity and paternity leave and losing money or their job. They can take sick pay and time off without losing their job. They can take a month paid vacation, from a janitor to a CEO. The income disparity is extremely low.

Now here's the funny part: we spend more per capita on some of those things than they do.