Who are the dark skinned that these people are referring to?
Your 2nd part is not taking shots at me as I am not a direct descendant of slaves. If you want to take shots at those who are descendants of slaves. You better be man enough to go to where those people live and say it to their face.
Nobody on this thread said that their own descendants built the pyramids, In fact, nobody I know has laid claim to that...so you are the one who is reaching.
Its typical anti-black response
"Whats the big deal...Egypt is in Africa"
"We all know they were dark skinned (very vague)"
"Who cares what Hollywood cast the characters to be in movies, its just a movie"
These are all coded language to say everything but the fact that they were black people. Hardest thing for a lot the st0rmfr0nt members of this site to admit