Lol @ trying school dudes on racial superiority and calling them cacs in the same breath
Life isnt a movie, friend.
Truly....who the fukk cares?
And I say this from a white man who knows without a doubt that Egyptians were not white like me and has zero fukks given about what color Egyptians were.
Why are you touting this? Do you feel like if its proven you can mention it to a cop when he's racially profiling you and he'll say 'My bad, this changes everything?"
How will this make your life better? Will you walk down the street with your chest puffed out a little further?
I do not understand.
white people have sat in their cradle of privilege and have atrophied.
I remember back when I had a music history class and the white teacher explained how blacks invented rock n' roll, which was a slang term for sex, and how the record companies put white faces on the cover of albums sung by black folks.
And some honkey refused to believe in a dramatic outburst as if his world was turned up side down.
If the white devil would put white faces on black artist, why wouldn't he put white faces on everything else that was black.
When black people ruled in Kemet the so called Jew didn't exists. There's no records for a mass Exodus lead by Moses and Kemetians documented pretty much everything even their first encounter with the greeks. They also had a written language as well as hieroglyphics, but used hieroglyphics because they knew far into the future nobody would be able to understand their written language and wanted to describe the events unfolding at that time. An entire population of slaves being freed and lead out of Kemet would surely have been depicted somewhere, but it is nowhere to be found.
Hebrew is what they called the wanderers, a nomadic tribe who they used as mercenaries, they were never enslaved. Slaves did not build the pyramids, the construction of the last pyramid predates the time of Moses and even the fictional bible only states the children of Israel built the cities Pitham and Ramses, which was already built long before the bible and had different names, but the author of the passages used the current names of his time.
The reason why they don't want to associate anything from Kemet with black people or even call it Kemet, or any of the cities by their original names, is because they will have to acknowledge that medicine, science, mathematics, government, civilization as you we know it is here all thanks to the black man.
The man that took them in from caves, bathed them, educated them, and returned betrayed that men, stabbed in the back like a theft in the night, and have done everything in their to burn the thought of our superiority out of existence for the FEAR that would rise again and seek vengeance.
What i said was an accurate assessment of your online character, friend.
Edit: are pagans demonic?
So why exactly did God create european people and let them enslave "gods people"This planet is ours.
Before the blackman existed there was chaos..
We have no beginning or ending..
We are the fathers of civilization..
Gods people.
The 1st shall be last and the last shall be 1st..
So why exactly did God create european people and let them enslave "gods people"
What do you mean mistakes? How is that possible?God didn't create Europeans. They are albino mistakes from black people.
What do you mean mistakes? How is that possible?
So God didn't create them, but he allowed them to enslave the people he did create? Why did he do that?
And no, I'm not mad. The things you believe have no impact upon reality.
What do you mean mistakes? How is that possible?
So God didn't create them, but he allowed them to enslave the people he did create? Why did he do that?
And no, I'm not mad. The things you believe have no impact upon reality.
What? I don't know what you're talking about.
Your time is almost up..
Just know that..
black people are the original humans..there's no debating..it's scientific truth..but to say whites are albino mistake is the most retarded thing i've ever heard...the oher races are just product of 10s of toushands of years of environmental stress/differences of diet due to human migration thus changing their physical phenotypes..and just because you're the original man..doesn't make you superior then others..we are all huma..skin color doesn't define who we are or our capacity to excel in society
Whatever you say homie
You lack melanin you are barely human..