This is a good thread to read, hope it continues. VERY ironic posts in this thread as well.
to those dropping knowledge.


Brehs, don't fall for the "slavery" tactic. It has become the most commonly used tactic used when I have debated so-called white intellectuals at the highest level of academia. Bringing up slavery is one of the ways that whites avoid the discussion of the impact of white supremacist thinking, unwarranted hatred, discrimination, dehumanization, exploitation, profiling, segregation, lynching, brutality, exclusion et cetera et cetera that have happened to the black man outside the scope of slavery since he encountered the white man. We know that these issues have gone deeper than slavery, if not why were still treated bad after slavery? They will tell you that every culture enslaved others and give you theIts a trap. They know it and I know it, because it diverts attention from the original topic on the falsification of the history of black people and the damages that white supremacist thinking has caused in the psyche of the common man.
so you just going to dance around what i just asked you..![]()
Its amazing to me that the guys really think every thing just stopped once slavery was abolished. Why don't they realize that honestly we just became full citizens in the late 60's. Its been what...a little over 50yrs now? That isn't even 3 full generations of being on equal footing. They act like Jim Crow wasn't in full effect until 1965![]()
Do you remember the outrage when Idris Elba was chosen as a Norse God in the movie Thor? Individually you might not be offended but there was outrage over a black man playing a fictional Norse God.
If white people(not all of you) didn't care about the race of Ancient Egyptians, then they should be portrayed as how they actually look, right? On the Discovery Channel, History Channel & Movies right?... Yet, they aren't.. I'm asking you, why do you think that is? Why are Ancient Egyptians never portrayed as dark skinned? Just answer that for me.
they are portrayed as they looked, mostly brownish people with a lot of african people mixed in.
It's obvious this topic is more of a personal pride thing than a fact finding mission, obviously lots of black people feel insecure about their position in the worldand want to believe that they once were on top of the world but some evil creature came and took it all from them.
If it helps you get up in the morning im all for it![]()
they are portrayed as they looked, mostly brownish people with a lot of african people mixed in.
It's obvious this topic is more of a personal pride thing than a fact finding mission, obviously lots of black people feel insecure about their position in the worldand want to believe that they once were on top of the world but some evil creature came and took it all from them.
If it helps you get up in the morning im all for it![]()
They will tell you that every culture enslaved others and give you theIts a trap. They know it and I know it, because it diverts attention from the original topic on the falsification of the history of black people and the damage that white supremacist thinking has caused in the psyche of the common man.
There really hasn't been opposing views in this thread. People need to view people as people; not "black people", not "white people", not "brown people", etc. Ultimately, we're all on the same team. Everyone needs to recognize that.