Do you remember the outrage when Idris Elba was chosen as a Norse God in the movie Thor? Individually you might not be offended but there was outrage over a black man playing a fictional Norse God.
If white people(not all of you) didn't care about the race of Ancient Egyptians, then they should be portrayed as how they actually look, right? On the Discovery Channel, History Channel & Movies right?... Yet, they aren't.. I'm asking you, why do you think that is? Why are Ancient Egyptians never portrayed as dark skinned? Just answer that for me.
I think "outrage" over Thor is a bit of an exaggeration. A few idiots made a stink, and the 24 hour news cycle picked it up to fill a few minutes..
And in regards to media depictions of Ancient Egyptians....I've never seen them portrayed as white either

but i see your point...