GAY AGENDA STRIKES AGAIN: Schools’ Funding Cut if Gay Students Are Bullied


Jun 11, 2012
the treatment isnt the same NOW compared to BACK THEN, but u telling me if gays werent more out there back in those days, they wouldnt be getting the same treatment? im not comparing the treatment cause its different time periods, im comparing the amount of hatred that goes at them from certain people. its 2013 and punching a nikka and calling him a homo will get u locked up for a LONGGG time as a hate crime, but why u think gays were hiding back in those days? shiitttt blacks and whites would probably have been united by their hate for fakkits.

and yea they can hide, but why should a person have to life their whole life suppressing who they are for fear of hate? we only live once and they gotta spend that shyt faking it so they dont get spit on?

like i said, im not comparing the treatment of gays NOW to that of blacks THEN, only the hatred.

don't even explain it to that ignorant fool.

he clearly doesn't know what the fukk he's talking about. if he did, he would realize that gays have been discriminated against since the START of this country and even before then.


Jun 11, 2012
Man getting shytted on is just life. Fat people get shytted on, where is the sympathy for them. oh they just fat. what about poor people hell a Presidential candidate shytted on half the country. Black women get shytted on, Arabs = Terrorist = shytted On. Mexicans - Illegal Aliens = shytted On. So why is talking shyt about gays the new bullying. that's all I'm saying. shyt is annoying.

you clearly need to read a book or get yourself in tuned to what's going on because IF you did, you wouldn't be telling gay teenagers to accept that shyt.

godforbid you have a child that turns out to be gay. then again, seeing what you're putting, you would probably kick them out the house. then you have the audacity to ask why gay teens have to be protected by the government like this from ignorant a$$holes from yourself that are extremely uneducated and unaware. school should be a damn safe zone. i understand that there's other types of people being bullied BUT lgbt persons are very likely to be bullied compared to everyone else. what YOU'RE not seeing is that lgbt persons are vunerable in and outside of school. you have lgbt kids that are homeless or being shytted on by their families for being gay.

it's completely understandable how a gay kid would be fukking depressed and suicidal even when they basically have to deal with bullshyt @ school then have to deal with the world shytting on them outside of school. that's a lot of fukking stress knowing that the world doesn't like you where you have to basically reject yourself and live someone elses life in order to basically LIVE.

i could NOT imagine coming out the closet or telling the world that i was gay 10 years ago because things back then were fukking horrible. sure, my school had a straight and gay alliance BUT it didn't mean shyt, really. we had a damn president that was anti-gay and even proposed an anti-gay amendment prohibiting gay marriage. it was acceptable to bash gay people. i couldn't imagine coming out on sohh when i was in high school. i already had grown ass adults that were insulting me for being a damn virgin. :smh: they were in their 30s and they thought that they were keeping it real shytting on a 16 year old for not getting p*ssy. imagine if i told them i were gay now??? :bryan: that was 10 years ago. 20 years ago, it was much worse and fukk it if it were 30 years ago. just because YOU can't relate to it or are in that boat, doesn't mean that us folks that are in that boat should accept and learn to live with hate especially if it affects our livelihood as human beings. :snoop: i remember basically rejected who i was @ 12, trying to be straight throughout my teenager years and fighting my attractions to the same sex out of fear of what WOULD happen to me if i did accept and acknowledge that i was gay. people such as yourself were the reason why i did that. i had been bullied as a kid and i damn sure wasn't going to go through the same shyt as a teenager so i chose to lie and be someone else instead of being ME.

if you don't want things like this to happen, then maybe PEOPLE such as yourself need to change your attitude and stop hating towards gay people. it's that simple. no more homophobic slurs, no more "i hate gay people", no more insulting someone for being gay, making funny faces or wanting to beat them up because they're gay. blame yourself and people such as yourself for THIS. it's NOT our fault for your ignorance but it is YOUR fault for the reason why the government has to intervene where they have to implement shyt like this in order to protect some people who are simply attracted to the same sex where they can just live. :smh:
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
I have a huge issue with you operating from the notion that being gay is natural.

Do you have any medical/scientific proof to back up this statement?

What I hear from those people who are ok with it, or are actually gay is that well it is natural, because "It occurs in nature" which is true. But so does Pedophilia and necrophilia

But anytime I ask Gay's why they aren't fighting for the rights of pedophiles or necrophile's they always say some shyt like...eww that's sick or "Its not the same" or some "well xyz isn't consensual..." etc..

I laugh.

Its all sexually deviant behavior.
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
you clearly need to read a book or get yourself in tuned to what's going on because IF you did, you wouldn't be telling gay teenagers to accept that shyt.

godforbid you have a child that turns out to be gay. then again, seeing what you're putting, you would probably kick them out the house. then you have the audacity to ask why gay teens have to be protected by the government like this from ignorant a$$holes from yourself that are extremely uneducated and unaware. school should be a damn safe zone. i understand that there's other types of people being bullied BUT lgbt persons are very likely to be bullied compared to everyone else. what YOU'RE not seeing is that lgbt persons are vunerable in and outside of school. you have lgbt kids that are homeless or being shytted on by their families for being gay.

it's completely understandable how a gay kid would be fukking depressed and suicidal even when they basically have to deal with bullshyt @ school then have to deal with the world shytting on them outside of school. that's a lot of fukking stress knowing that the world doesn't like you where you have to basically reject yourself and live someone elses life in order to basically LIVE.

i could NOT imagine coming out the closet or telling the world that i was gay 10 years ago because things back then were fukking horrible. sure, my school had a straight and gay alliance BUT it didn't mean shyt, really. we had a damn president that was anti-gay and even proposed an anti-gay amendment prohibiting gay marriage. it was acceptable to bash gay people. i couldn't imagine coming out on sohh when i was in high school. i already had grown ass adults that were insulting me for being a damn virgin. :smh: they were in their 30s and they thought that they were keeping it real shytting on a 16 year old for not getting p*ssy. imagine if i told them i were gay now??? :bryan: that was 10 years ago. 20 years ago, it was much worse and fukk it if it were 30 years ago. just because YOU can't relate to it or are in that boat, doesn't mean that us folks that are in that boat should accept and learn to live with hate especially if it affects our livelihood as human beings. :snoop: i remember basically rejected who i was @ 12, trying to be straight throughout my teenager years and fighting my attractions to the same sex out of fear of what WOULD happen to me if i did accept and acknowledge that i was gay. people such as yourself were the reason why i did that. i had been bullied as a kid and i damn sure wasn't going to go through the same shyt as a teenager so i chose to lie and be someone else instead of being ME.

if you don't want things like this to happen, then maybe PEOPLE such as yourself need to change your attitude and stop hating towards gay people. it's that simple. no more homophobic slurs, no more "i hate gay people", no more insulting someone for being gay, making funny faces or wanting to beat them up because they're gay. blame yourself and people such as yourself for THIS. it's NOT our fault for your ignorance but it is YOUR fault for the reason why the government has to intervene where they have to implement shyt like this in order to protect some people who are simply attracted to the same sex where they can just live. :smh:
I don't hate anyone bruh. I don't have a problem with Gay people I do believe Transgender is quite possibly the stupidest shyt ever thought up, but I'm not going to bash a motherfukkers head in or kill someone over what they do with their body. That being said gay kids ain't the only one's being bullied. or being disowned by their families so stop it slime.

Rockstar Mom

Aug 13, 2012
I'd actually have no problem with this, if it was to include everyone.:manny:

ALL kids should be able to attend school, without being bullied to death. Literally.


Mar 18, 2013
What I hear from those people who are ok with it, or are actually gay is that well it is natural, because "It occurs in nature" which is true. But so does Pedophilia and necrophilia

But anytime I ask Gay's why they aren't fighting for the rights of pedophiles or necrophile's they always say some shyt like...eww that's sick or "Its not the same" or some "well xyz isn't consensual..." etc..

I laugh.

Its all sexually deviant behavior.

how can u compare sex between 2 consenting adults and sex between an adult and a child? nobody is being hurt in a gay relationship. u saying since gays are accepted, having sex with 12 year old kids should be accepted too. :rudy: :aicmon:


Mar 18, 2013

Why is it "hatred" just to question why these particular youths are being protected among the myriad of youths that are being bullied?

if u have a problem with the law thats one thing, but u gotta be honest, most people have a problem with it because they have problems with gays. i think the law should be applied accross the board, but when people start talking about this "gay agenda" its kind of ridiculous.
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
how can u compare sex between 2 consenting adults and sex between an adult and a child? nobody is being hurt in a gay relationship. u saying since gays are accepted, having sex with 12 year old kids should be accepted too. :rudy: :aicmon:

Its all sexually deviant shyt.

Kids can consent to sex too. or were you never a child. My argument was that if people can defend homosexual behavior, then they can defend pedophiliac behavior as well.

Or do you believe that all those kids who slept with teachers(Male & female) were raped?


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
if u have a problem with the law thats one thing, but u gotta be honest, most people have a problem with it because they have problems with gays.

We can't control what "most people" have a problem with. But to paint everyone that questions this law as a "hater" of gays is the same type of prejudice you were maligning earlier.

i think the law should be applied accross the board, but when people start talking about this "gay agenda" its kind of ridiculous.

Is it ridiculous?

I can't speak to it because I haven't been to any LGBT meetings, but if they have a plan of things they want to happen for their community and are making moves to get them done, that's an agenda - and there's nothing wrong with that, and it's not ridiculous to think it may be happening...especially if they can acheive this kind of legislation.

It seems like some people hear the word "agenda" and automatically think it means something sinister.


Mar 18, 2013
Its all sexually deviant shyt.

Kids can consent to sex too. or were you never a child. My argument was that if people can defend homosexual behavior, then they can defend pedophiliac behavior as well.

Or do you believe that all those kids who slept with teachers(Male & female) were raped?


there is a reason there are legal age limits for certain things. kids cant make rational decisions. kids often make very very stupid decisions. some of these decisions ruin the rest of their lives(dumb tattoos, teen pregnancy, teenagers in chicago acting buckwild), so for that reason, there are laws in place to protect them from themselves. i cant believe im actually explaining this to someone.



Mar 18, 2013

We can't control what "most people" have a problem with. But to paint everyone that questions this law as a "hater" of gays is the same type of prejudice you were maligning earlier.

Is it ridiculous?

I can't speak to it because I haven't been to any LGBT meetings, but if they have a plan of things they want to happen for their community and are making moves to get them done, that's an agenda - and there's nothing wrong with that, and it's not ridiculous to think it may be happening...especially if they can acheive this kind of legislation.

It seems like some people hear the word "agenda" and automatically think it means something sinister.

come on bro be honest. when most people say "gay agenda" they mean it like the gay community has plans to turn the children of the nation into gays. it IS a gay "agenda" to gain acceptance and there is nothing wrong with that, but the context most people (thread starter for instance) use that phrase in is negative. as if gay people pushing for acceptance and rights is something terribly wrong with our nation.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
kids cant make rational decisions.

So wait a minute...

looking at this legislation the thread is based on...why punish whole school systems based on the activities of a fraction of kids, whom you say "can't make rational decisions"?