GAY AGENDA STRIKES AGAIN: Schools’ Funding Cut if Gay Students Are Bullied


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza

I was just going off what ol' dude said...he's the one who said "kids can't make rational decisions" and "school is supposed to teach them how to make rational decisions", if you got a problem with that reasoning you can take it up with him...

If you're going by what he said, then your analogy of a 15 and 12 year old makes no sense since you're just proving his point. Lol. What...

Oh, is that all they have to do? These teachers have enough to do trying to teach Math and English, now they have to take time from those lessons to teach Advanced Interpersonal Relationships...with less resources.
Well, this is what we would acknowledge as lazy parent syndrome. Don't get mad at people not addressing your students concerns if you are content with the basics/be jealous of other parent addressing their concerns and getting things done. If you don't ask for more, don't complain that it's not for "all students" since you don't believe in teachers fostering beneficial interpersonal relationships. You don't even make any sense.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Well, this is what we would acknowledge as lazy parent syndrome.

...And this is the first thing of merit you've added here.

Don't get mad at people not addressing your students concerns if you are content with the basics/be jealous of other parent addressing their concerns and getting things done. If you don't ask for more, don't complain that it's not for "all students" since you don't believe in teachers fostering beneficial interpersonal relationships. You don't even make any sense.

The issue is, how do these children attain "more" here? So there are students being bullied left and issue involves a gay the schools funding is cut. Now the school has less does that help the bullied gay kid? It doesn't.

The onus of "fostering beneficial interpersonal relationships" should lie with the parents, and it appears to be being lied at the feet of the schools.


West Coast Legend
May 26, 2012
its so funny how yall sound JUST LIKE white people...but dont even realize it.

Whenever black people rise for a cause some white people start complaining just like yall.
shyt like this really shows me how stupid a percentage of the population is...people have no compassion.
You dont think some white people think there is a black agenda?
You think a federally funded program can openly discriminate against blacks?

Why should a gay person have to duck and hide who they are?
Are they really just supposed to sit back and not get laws that benefit them?

Instead of hating how about you peep game.

How about you STOP comparing over 400 years of slavery plus another 80 years of no rights AT ALL.

To a some homosexuals that cry about marriage.. You're as much part of the problem.

They have right, they got their own clubs, they're openly admitted into any club and besides a few extreme cases rarely get any violance towards them.

You're telling me I need to smarten up :heh: How about u stop being a fvcking c00n :snoop:

If you're gay you don't have to let the world know, so how r u comparing that to being Black? Can we hide our skin color and avoid the repercussions and stigmas our society have attached to them? :pacspit:



Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
When politicians form policy with the hope of people accepting homosexuality that's a gay agenda


But they don't want people to accept homosexuality is what I'm saying. They want to appear as if they're doing something to appease homosexuals for their own gain. Any gay rights activist would see right through it.

What I understand as the gay agenda you guys keep going on about is gay people simply trying to force their "lifestyle" onto you, which isn't what I see here. If I'm wrong about what exactly it includes then, hey, correct me.


I 💗My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
I still don't understand the coli's problem with gays.

Though the-coli is where hyperbole is paramount, it's not that hard to understand.

While I subscribe to biblical principles and don't condone homosexuality (yes, I do believe ppl can be born homosexual), I do have compassion for what they go through.

But, as a theist, I can't go to an atheist and ask; what's your problem with my belief, what I do is no issue to you? Well, it is. A lot of public policy is decided with religious bias and ppl are outcast, in many parts of the country, for their position as atheist. No dissent is acceptable, they are generalized and dialogue is discouraged.

The same can be said for people who don't "accept" and "tolerate" homosexuality.

Now, I understand; comparing theists and people who don't' support the gay cause (they are not all homophobic [the fear of homosexuals]) sounds like a stretch. I will not disagree. But, it's the same principal.

Without that dialogue; everyone--whether it's the perception or reality--is operating on the fringes of the argument.

  • For it? You're a liberal heretic, who is an abomination to the Most High, who is going to burn for eternity
  • Against it? You're an ignorant, religious zealot, knuckle dragging, close-minded bigot

In short; there's no real discussion about homosexuality. It's just; "get with the times" or "this marks to the downfall of society."

Myself; I feel it is hypocritical of religious organizations to target homosexuals as the worst of the worst. At the same; they're afraid to speak truth to power and go after greedy and selfish bankers who, literally, stole from countless people. That goes for other sin that doesn't get the same amount of fight, but, directly effects more people (ie. systemic poverty, homelessness, the lack of health care, etc.). I have to understand that may be more political, than religious.

I also feel it's unreasonable to expect me to change my beliefs because it offends you.

I don't get too passionate about gay rights. I feel homosexuals and their supporters feel so indignantly because sex has been separated from conception.

Sex is viewed as solely a tool of pleasure and for conception, secondly. And you can literally birth a child with a machine.

If two people want to have a sexual relationship, what's the problem?

And that idea has be promoted by heterosexuals of society. I feel this is where it goes.

I don't agree it's fine that two men with the same penis, testicles and sperm, as I, want to share those fluids with each other. I feel the urge to do so with a woman--one who has a vagina and eggs.

I do believe it naturally occurs. I do feel, in some case it's a nurtured action based in decadence and hedonism (see prison rape and seasonal lesbianism.

I don't buy it's "normal." Human do not asexuality reproduce.

This is my opinion.

But, that is lost on a lot of ppl because sex = pleasure is where society stands--a society headed by heterosexual men.

"Adam and Steve" can't make a child, so how do they make a nuclear family that includes progeny with the DNA of both parents?

There's a bunch of "un-natural" ways, so it's viewed as "normal" or, the fight is that, it should be.

Look, I'm not rallying against "un-natural" anything.

I don't see the problem with ppl adopting and I really don't have a stance on invetro birth [forgive my spelling].

But, my point is the homosexual cause is starting to do some bullying, it's fighting again, of it's own, as if we all have done them wrong--even if we come out neutral on the issue.

The "slippery slope" exists when it's not clear what counts as good enough protection and what is just unfair to ask for a minority of students. And then it becomes a burden, mostly, on those you have nothing to do with policy (ie teachers, students, other staff).


May 17, 2012
the internet
How about you STOP comparing over 400 years of slavery plus another 80 years of no rights AT ALL.

To a some homosexuals that cry about marriage.. You're as much part of the problem.

They have right, they got their own clubs, they're openly admitted into any club and besides a few extreme cases rarely get any violance towards them.

You're telling me I need to smarten up :heh: How about u stop being a fvcking c00n :snoop:

If you're gay you don't have to let the world know, so how r u comparing that to being Black? Can we hide our skin color and avoid the repercussions and stigmas our society have attached to them? :pacspit:

you were never a slave, and you grew up post Civil Rights let it go.

you dont think you cant tell if someone is gay? and the ones that are able to hide it should hide their whole life to make you feel better?
Man shut your dumb ass up.

You love to play the fukking about you man up and stop complaining about shyt you never had to go through (slavery, Pre Civil Rights era).

You just want to feel better than another group of people, in this is your lame ass way.


West Coast Legend
May 26, 2012
you were never a slave, and you grew up post Civil Rights let it go.

you dont think you cant tell if someone is gay? and the ones that are able to hide it should hide their whole life to make you feel better?
Man shut your dumb ass up.

You love to play the fukking about you man up and stop complaining about shyt you never had to go through (slavery, Pre Civil Rights era).

You just want to feel better than another group of people, in this is your lame ass way.

Not once have I complained about it I'm just stating the facts.

The fallacy you are commiting here is that you're switching the matter to another so that you're first and biggest point doesn't appear as fraudalent and invalid.. :aicmon:

I'm not talking about them hiding it 24/7 and never did I say that, I mean why do they feel the need to announce that shxt everytime they walk in a room? :why:

That's where the problems are created. Besides now you're sounding like a homophob when U say u can spot fakkits. the hell you can't most gay people aren't stereotypical queers that act like ultra flamboyant males.

Most of them are regular dudes that you would never guess they're gay, word to Lionel Hollins to take a celebrity example. Or even Neil Patrick Harris..

Last but not least, SLAVERY should NEVER be forgotten. The genocide and atrocity MY people went through. Shaped our history, present and future forever. We will one day rise above it completely, we've already made significant strides towards it. nd we will achieve it.




May 17, 2012
the internet
Not once have I complained about it I'm just stating the facts.

The fallacy you are commiting here is that you're switching the matter to another so that you're first and biggest point doesn't appear as fraudalent and invalid.. :aicmon:

I'm not talking about them hiding it 24/7 and never did I say that, I mean why do they feel the need to announce that shxt everytime they walk in a room? :why:

That's where the problems are created. Besides now you're sounding like a homophob when U say u can spot fakkits. the hell you can't most gay people aren't stereotypical queers that act like ultra flamboyant males.

Most of them are regular dudes that you would never guess they're gay, word to Lionel Hollins to take a celebrity example. Or even Neil Patrick Harris..

Last but not least, SLAVERY should NEVER be forgotten. The genocide and atrocity MY people went through. Shaped our history, present and future forever. We will one day rise above it completely, we've already made significant strides towards it. nd we will achieve it.


Who are these gay people that announce it when they walk in the room? thats some bullshyt you have in your head.

and I brought up slavery because youre acting like it has a place in this discussion...slavery doesnt have anything to do w/ it. Some of yall are annoying like Jews who wont stop talking about the Holocaust. Yea it happened, but not to what happens in your life has shyt to do w/ that.


West Coast Legend
May 26, 2012
Who are these gay people that announce it when they walk in the room? thats some bullshyt you have in your head.

and I brought up slavery because youre acting like it has a place in this discussion...slavery doesnt have anything to do w/ it. Some of yall are annoying like Jews who wont stop talking about the Holocaust. Yea it happened, but not to what happens in your life has shyt to do w/ that.


Racism is a social construct that came up during the early times of slavery to separate the white servants and the black servants so that they wouldn't rebel against their owners...

Obviously today in 2013, Racism still effects millions of lives 24/7 across the world. :stopitslime:

Illeye buckmatic

I Don't Stunt I Regulate
May 25, 2012
A Buckeye State Of Mind
So nikkas knew John Amechie and Jason Collins were fakkits:nawnikka:
:wtfnas: where's the logic with these gay activist posters?

Overall there is too huge of a difference between the two groups. Only a fakkit,racist,c00n,or a mixture of some of them would say otherwise:aicmon:


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Some of yall are annoying like Jews who wont stop talking about the Holocaust. Yea it happened, but not to what happens in your life has shyt to do w/ that.

Hey everyone - this guy is Judeophobic!

How can he feel this way, especially being a black man...he should be able to relate to their struggle.


All Star
May 2, 2012
But they don't want people to accept homosexuality is what I'm saying. They want to appear as if they're doing something to appease homosexuals for their own gain. Any gay rights activist would see right through it.

What I understand as the gay agenda you guys keep going on about is gay people simply trying to force their "lifestyle" onto you, which isn't what I see here. If I'm wrong about what exactly it includes then, hey, correct me.

They are forcing different facets of society to accept homosexuality or face a penalty, whether financial, legal, or criminal...

that implies an agenda