I'm a big believer in diversity in entertainment. Whenever a white person tries to make the BET vs WET (white entertainment television) I'm always quick to remind them that pretty much every channel on television is WET.
But this I can't ride with.
GRRM built the show on the back of the War of the Roses and the middle ages. Black people weren't floating around medieval Europe like that. The Moors were in some places. And if I remember correctly GRRM said that the Moors did influence him. So maybe we should hold off before we start calling the show racist.
Also slavery was prevalent in Africa since the Roman Empire days. We're talking 50AD and up. For hundreds of years. It was black people who sold black people into slavery. Just like on the show, the en-slavers look like the slaves.
Let's just give the show a little more time.
But this I can't ride with.
GRRM built the show on the back of the War of the Roses and the middle ages. Black people weren't floating around medieval Europe like that. The Moors were in some places. And if I remember correctly GRRM said that the Moors did influence him. So maybe we should hold off before we start calling the show racist.
Also slavery was prevalent in Africa since the Roman Empire days. We're talking 50AD and up. For hundreds of years. It was black people who sold black people into slavery. Just like on the show, the en-slavers look like the slaves.
Let's just give the show a little more time.