Game of Thrones S07E06 Leaking! Discuss here only.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
nikkas act like they gotta see Jon & company pack some snacks on screen or something. That's what's stopping people from enjoying a show about people coming back to life, a dragon queen & white walkers.. but no.. them not eating is :mindblown:
I know I would love to see people traveling in carriages and boats in real time from one area to the next. :stopitslime:
This entire season would have consisted of Jon sailing to meet Dany. The final scene would have been Jon landing at Dragonstone and then everything would fade to black until the next season which would be all about Euron sailing from the Iron Isles looking for Yara's fleet in the open ocean.

Sonny Bonds

Apr 24, 2014
The super fast raven was a little silly. It's super lazy of the writers. They should've had suicide squad hiding in a cave for a few days or something and then they sent Gendry out beforehand.

And where's Euron been? And what's he doing to Yara?

Mr Clean

Mar 1, 2015
Wait, I'm confused, I was under the impression that Dany flew up North on a whim before any raven had reached her. Her aimlessly flying around until she conveniently found them is a stretch, but what's even more of stretch is the idea that Gendry ran all the way back to East Watch, sent a raven to Dragonstone, Dany got the letter, and flew all the way up to the North, before they were enclosed by all the Wights. :mjlol:

Please tell me that ain't how that actually went down yall :hhh:

If so the writers gotta explain themselves. Obviously the epicness of the dragons coming, Viseryion going down, and BenJen was must see-TV, but I think just some better planning/writing plot-wise could have had all those things without the ridiculousness of the teleports. Most of the season I was ok with, but this was over the top and in my opinion unnecessary if they really thought this one out.

Yea that's what happened :mjlol:

I thought Dany would be posted up near Eastwatch not in fukking Dragonstone.

For the anti - nitpicking cats. Notice how no one is clowning how fast Jon and crew made it to Eastwatch. Firstly there's nothing wrong with that cut in passage time seeing as nothing really would have happened along the way. Secondly Sansa says Jon has been gone for weeks. If Jon and them were chilling on a beach sipping tequila and they wanted Dany to light a camp fire with dragon fire and she just shows up that's one thing. But these dudes were stranded in a frozen wasteland surrounded by dead dudes waiting for help 1000 miles away. This shyt was straight wacky fam

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
Glad I'm not the only sick of all these complaints about travel time.:stopitslime: That's why this fat ass takes 10 years to write two books. We gotta read through endless chapters of traveling and eating.:hhh:

Dany looking good as hell in her winter gear.:banderas:
Hey man - some people would like to know about all the different types of birds Arya saw on her way to Winterfell :troll:
May 7, 2012
In the hardhome fight the WW that Jon killed walked into a burning hut and all the fire around him went out/backed off.

About the 2:50 mark

But I don't recall them stepping through dragon fire, that's some intense ass fire.

Nah, them being unfazed by Dragon fire would be huge. I'm pretty sure they're not, tho.

I knew fire didn't bother them, they walked through fire to get at Bron in the cave with the 3ER

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
Yea that's what happened :mjlol:

I thought Dany would be posted up near Eastwatch not in fukking Dragonstone.

For the anti - nitpicking cats. Notice how no one is clowning how fast Jon and crew made it to Eastwatch. Firstly there's nothing wrong with that cut in passage time seeing as nothing really would have happened along the way. Secondly Sansa says Jon has been gone for weeks. If Jon and them were chilling on a beach sipping tequila and they wanted Dany to light a camp fire with dragon fire and she just shows up that's one thing. But these dudes were stranded in a frozen wasteland surrounded by dead dudes waiting for help 1000 miles away. This shyt was straight wacky fam
Until The Hound threw that stone and the ice didn't break, it was assumed that the Walkers would have all fallen into the ice if they tried to get to Jon and his crew. And since the Night King is a slow strolling motherfukker he had the patience to wait Jon and them out. So its not like Jon and Crew were surrounded and the undead were 5 minutes off their ass and in that short amount of time Gendry ran to the Wall, sent out a raven, Dany got and flew up there.

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
I haven't watched the episode yet to see exactly how it was done. But a raven reaching Dragonstone and Dany flying up there in a day, if thats exactly how it happened, is the single biggest fukk you to the geography that George created in the entire series. It seriously breaks the continuity of the world.

For those saying "it doesn't matter! Dragons!" I wonder how the fukk you became a fan of this show in the first place. The first 3 seasons barely had any battles at all, and the geography was damn near a villain in the series that the characters had to overcome.

The entire reason the red wedding happened is one of geography and in-world consistency. Robb made a marriage pact so he could cross a fukking river. That's how important geography was as a plot point for this series. It did matter. If D&D didn't have the books to pull from, they just would have had the entire army magically show up on the other side of the river, with no explanation given, and fukk boys would have said "who cares!"

Maybe on other shows, who gives a fukk about how travel works, but when the single biggest event of your series is a plot tied directly to a problem created by distance and geography, you can't turn around and then claim distance and geography is irrelevant. I mean for fukks sake, the INTRO to the show is a MAP of the world. A map is the introduction to the series every week.

Saying "it doesn't matter" is just excusing shytty writing by a team of writers that just don't care about their world building anymore.
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Super Cheech

I Feel So Westcoast
Apr 30, 2012
Los Angeles / SOHH Icey
I haven't watched the episode yet to see exactly how it was done. But a raven reaching Dragonstone and Dany flying up there in a day, if thats exactly how it happened, is the single biggest fukk you to the geography that George created in the entire series. It seriously breaks the continuity of the world.

For those saying "it doesn't matter! Dragons!" I wonder how the fukk you became a fan of this show in the first place. The first 3 seasons barely had any battles at all, and the geography was damn near a villain in the series that the characters had to overcome.

The entire reason the red wedding happened is one of geography and in-world consistency. Robb made a marriage pact so he could cross a fukking river. That's how important geography was as a plot point for this series. It did matter. The fukking intro is a map of the world.

Maybe on other shows, who gives a fukk about how travel works, but when the single biggest event of your series is a plot tied directly to a problem created by distance and geography, you can't turn around and then claim distance and geography no longer matters. Then you're just excusing shytty writing by a team of writers that just don't care about their world building anymore.

Agreed. This season has been sloppy and rushed. Not saying its not entertaining but it isn't the same as how the rest of the stories and characters were fleshed out.


May 2, 2012
Houston to LA like I'm Robert Horry.
Found this on reddit about the distance and travel time.

One of the top comments was this...

Even simpler would be to insert a scene where Danny keeps doubting her decision to send Jon and others on the raid, finally her conscience forces her to fly North so she can help them. And when she gets to Eastwatch, that's when Gendry comes running, tells her the direction the rest are in and then she flies. Much more believable.

So much more believable and it wouldn't have even taken that much to do it this way instead :mindblown:

I haven't nitpicked once about the time travel this season, but this was just a fukk up no way around it.