For everyone thinking people are picking on Sansa, let's go back down memory lane.
- Sansa fell in love with Joffrey. Never really saw herself as a Northern girl. Wanted to go down South, marry a Prince, etc. Her and Arya never got along because of these differences.
- Sansa sees Joffrey fukking with Arya & Mycah. Sansa lies about Joffrey starting it.
- Mycah gets killed because of it. Lady gets killed because of it. Don't try to act like this isn't a big deal
This is incredibly grimy.
- Sansa snitches on Ned for wanting to leave King's Landing before the Lannister guards can catch him (only a Book storyline though)
- Sansa continues to think Joffrey may change, while her father sits in a prison cell dirty and stinking
- Joffrey kills Ned....Sansa writes a letter to Robb calling their recently beheaded father a traitor. Even if she was a pawn, that's something Arya or Lyanna would never do.
- Sansa is used as a pawn by the Tyrells, the Lannisters and Littlefinger, all conspiring to get to claim Winterfell through her. Something the Northmen see through EASILY.
- She actually marries Tyrion and Ramsey....not her fault....but others cant help but question what her motives are.
- In the Battle of the b*stards, she goes from wanting Rickon back to saying he's dead already
Imagine Ned saying that about his son?
Imagine Catelyn saying that about Sansa & Arya when they were kidnapped in KL?
No, Catelyn sent Brienne on a suicide mission to get her daughters back, remember?
- In the Battle of the b*stards, she withheld crucial information from Jon, putting his life at risk.
- Before Jon was crowned KITN, she still kept calling him a b*stard every now and then
- After Jon was crowned KITN, she undermined his authority twice in front of the other Lords when she should've handled that in private
- After Jon left her in charge, instead of immediately shutting down any talks of treason, she allowed it to fester before saying "no, my lords, Jon is King, okay"
along with being a little too happy to be in charge.
- Plus, when Bran came back, she was EXTREMELY QUICK to say Bran could be the Lord of Winterfell now, eventhough Jon was just chosen as King and Bran's a cripple and clearly had no desire to rule.
Arya MIGHT BE CRAZY but, she's NOT CRAZY to think this way about Sansa giving their past with each other and Sansa's history.