They are going back around breh there is a Jon snow show coming, A dunk and egg show in the worksOne thing I HATE about the Tower of Joy scene as a whole is it totally pissed on some supposedly ICE COLD characters. Gerold Hightower was supposed to be this super wise, elder statesman who everyone respected. But then there was SWORD OF THE FUKKIN MORNING, Arthur Dayne who was arguably the sauciest fighter in the land outside of Jamie and Barristan. Wasted potential in that scene.
But Robert's Rebellion would be amazing as a prequel. Problem is fans are SO connected to the characters that there would have to be some massive deconstruction of their perceptions. Tywin would almost be a hero, Ned would come off looking weak AF.
It would be hard IMO to paint Rhaegar as sympathetic. However, I'd still love to see it if not for Harrenhall and the Battle at the Trident alone...
I think it would actually function better as an anime or something like that. I don't think HBO would have the willingness to go back around a THIRD time with the same IP.

After all that they could do a live action rebellion show and if the recasted younger actors connect they could restart got at around season 5 or something. Its possible this piff cost a grip to produce but its a money printing machine. Of course that is if fatboy writes something new which is a big if. But if he does and its his usual stuff fans are going to beg for a proper send off to the main series again big if. But its possible. Its also possible that i Hit the powerball and my wife lets me accept one of the westbrooks sisters or both into our home