Daemon's love for his brother is real. We can talk shyt but nobody else better agree or say shyt 

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It's bigger than Rhaegar. The North was too powerful at that point and Aerys crossed the line torturing and killing Ned's father and brother. It started off being about Lyanna but when the Stark Lords died the way they did the North said "Nah fukk that. We riding"So I have a Targset question for the family.
Let's say that fatboy usurper Bobby B never gets the drop on Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident. Let's say the Targaryans win and keep power.
Would it have been a scandal for Rhaegar's baby son to have black hair?
Like, how would that have been perceived by the Targaryan family? Also, how would that have been perceived by the family and the kingdom for him to leave the woman he was married to, who was the mother of his heir and his daughter, and just run off and get married to someone else?
Would that have technically made his claim to the throne forfeit, and then his eldest son would have become the Mad King's heir?![]()
Yeah some of us don't like watching upcoming episodes previews. This should be allowed but with a spoiler tag. Its common etiquette.
Right. Otto knew if Viserys would have went, they probably squash it and make up. It’s a bigger slap in the face that Otto showed up instead.Its still manipulating cause Daemon does fukk around with his brother but does him no harm. He doesn't even tolerate nobody else disrespecting the king. He risked his life just to drive a further wedge between them. Peep what even viserys told otto. That no matter what Daemon Does or where he puts him on the counsel he still complains about it. If he been smart he would have sent someone else or handled it himself.
He could have took her as his bride and just waited until she became of age..meanwhile have ol girl as his mistress
I only read the 1st book because I so hooked on G.o.T. but I feel like this series and the subject family is way more easily "spoilable" than G.o.T. I mean what I thought was going to be a minor spoiler,Exactly. Cats did the same shyt in the "GOT" threads. It's one of the quickest ways to get banned from the site.
Great episode
Never read the books
Who was that guy on the Beach, last shot of the episode?
NEED THISYeah Rhaegar's chance was at the tourney at Harrenhal rumor was that he organizing the coup there. The king wasn't going to show up he rarely went out in public after his kidnapping at Duskendale he only went there cause Varys found out and told him about it. He also got obsessed with the mystery knight of the laughing tree. Rumored to be Lyanna. The theory is (since the book hasn't come out and they haven't expounded on it thank you you fat fukk) that The king sent the kings guard or someone to bring the head of that knight , Rhaegar got wind of it(he might have been sent or the kingsguard told him) and interceded and found out the knight was Lyanna and they fell hard for each other.
There was so much shyt going on at that tournament that you could have a whole 10 hour season on it. That's why A Robert's Rebellion prequel would do superbowl numbers cause so much crazy shyt happened with characters we know or are closely related to the main cast. Imagine a Cast of young Robert, young Ned shiiiet Og Brandon stark (basically roberts attitude with a stark last name a flashback to when he cut up young little finger up) Ashara Dayne
, a full blown crazy mad king, Varys in his ear, young tywin scheming, and best of all the legendary and probably best ever Kingsguard 7 there ever was we already saw arthur Dayne in action in brans vision now if they accurate with it and give him the sword of the morning