Neo. The Only. The One.
Negged. Respect the Flying Wolf over here.
Smh, never understood all this hate for Bran as a character or as the king. Just like IRL, folks only pay attention to the loud, pretty and obvious and ignore everything else. Couldn't understand why more folks didn't pay attention to this character and what was happening with him. D&D may have underdeveloped him, sure, but it seemed to me he was obviously a very important character with a major role to play.
Let it be a lesson in your life to stop underestimating folks that aren't always walking around talking shyt. You need to be afraid of the ones who ain't saying anything but see everything.
He didn't say anything, he definitely ain't walking around, and he spent 80% of season 8 zooted out his mind. Do I need to post video proof?

They rolled that lil nicca into the Wormwood forest, set him up next to the tree, and as soon as everybody left, that nicca fired up a fat one so potent that it would make @surf go

This nicca was on a trip during the entire battle with the dead. Everybody was expecting him to warg a dragon. Man, that nicca wasn't warging nothing. He wasn't even warging birds cause he was too far gone.
So now y'all got a cripple weedhead sitting on the throne of Westeros. And you think that's gonna last? You say he can "see everything". The only thing this fool is looking at is people having sex.