fukkery alert mayne, Terrence Howard on the Joe Rogan Podcast

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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
So breh really lost his mind huh? He ain't playing :gucci:

It's legit possible that he's always had undiagnosed mental illness, like Kanye. When he tells his life story, most of it sounds like he's either making it up (but really believes it) or he's describing things a person with mental issues would do.

In his head, he’s now six years old, standing in front of a different mirror, in Cleveland, in the ghetto, just a little light-skinned black kid with his daddy, Tyrone, right next to him. His daddy who three years ago spent 11 months in prison for stabbing a man to death while waiting in line to see a department-store Santa. Everyone had children there. Little Terrence’s coat was splattered with blood. But now his daddy was here and saying to him, “You see that curly motherfukker right there? That little redheaded motherfukker right there? You love him, because the only person that’s gonna be there no matter what happens in your life is that little motherfukker.”

Leaning into the softness of the sofa, he continues, “My daddy taught me, ‘Never take the vertebrae out of your back or the bass out of your throat. I ain’t raisin’ sheep. I raised men. Stay a man.’ But being a man comes with a curse because it’s not a society made for men to flourish anymore. Everything is androgynous, you know? The more successful men now are the effeminate.” Which is another attitude that has gotten him heat. Not that he cares. “The people that judge you don’t matter. They’re not real. Everything is just frequencies.”

HE FIRST TOOK an interest in sex in grade school. “In the ghetto, things happen a lot quicker,” he says. But by the time he was 16, he’d sworn it off, and when he fell in love with this one girl, he refused to give her what she wanted. “And then she ended up having a gangbang and called me laughing with her friends on speakerphone, and I was crying because of what had happened to my girl, not knowing that this was something she wanted

When he was in high school, nerves in his cranium began to malfunction and paralyzed the right side of his face: Bell’s palsy. He says doctors gave him a 95 percent chance of it staying frozen like that forever. His right eye wouldn’t close, so he had to tape it shut at night. Determined to do something about the situation, he started applying electrical shocks to his face. He says he cut the wires off his dad’s electric razor, attached one end to the fuse box in the basement and pressed the other to his skin. “I did that every day for five months and then I felt the slightest little twitch inside,” he says. He recovered fully, pretty much.

It was around this time he began to experiment with his handwriting: “The right side of my face behaved in a different way from the left, so I thought, ‘Maybe that’s also true of hands.’ I was right-handed, so I started writing with my left hand and then I reversed the direction and started writing backward with both hands.”

After high school, he attended Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, studying chemical engineering, until he got into an argument with a professor about what one times one equals. “How can it equal one?” he said. “If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what’s the square root of two? Should be one, but we’re told it’s two, and that cannot be.” This did not go over well, he says, and he soon left school. “I mean, you can’t conform when you know innately that something is wrong.”

ANOTHER PROBLEM HOWARD has is his temper. He’s been escorted off a plane for unruly behavior. He’s punched out strangers in a restaurant. He’s said to have knocked at least two of his women around, most recently ex-wife Michelle Ghent, who after a 2013 trip to Costa Rica with Howard was photographed with a black eye. She said Howard did it. He either denies the allegations or shades the circumstances or has outright justifications.

That time in 2001 when he was arrested for slugging his first wife (who he married in 1989, divorced in 2003 remarried in 2005, and divorced again in 2007), which led to a guilty plea for disorderly conduct? According to the police report, he had “punched her twice with a closed fist.”

[The writer missed one other incident. "In 2008, he made his Broadway debut, playing Brick in an all-African-American production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, directed by Debbie Allen. During rehearsals, he allegedly attacked and seriously injured musical composer Tex Allen (brother of the director). Allen said he suffered multiple injuries and in October 2008, Allen filed a $5 million lawsuit against Howard.[11]"]

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

Howard says he told them he’d take a $1 million pay cut if they auditioned Downey and hired him. (Marvel Studios disputes Howard’s version of Downey’s hiring and the alleged salary cut, saying Howard played no part in getting Downey the job.) “Robert was so thankful and dadadadada,” says Howard. Come time to make Iron Man 2, however, the producers went to Howard’s agent, told him they were cutting Howard’s part down and wanted a salary reduction. As Howard recalls it, his agent said “fukk you” and slammed down the phone. By the next day, Don Cheadle had been hired as his replacement.

“And so,” he says, “I called Robby and was like, ‘Look, man . . .’ Leaving messages with his assistants, called him at least 17 times that day and 21 the next and finally left a message saying, ‘Look, man, I need the help that I gave you.’ Never heard from him. And guess who got the millions I was supposed to get? He got the whole franchise, so I’ve actually given him $100 million, which ends up being a $100 million loss for me from me trying to look after somebody, but, you know, to this day I would do the same thing. It’s just my nature.”

SHE SAYS SHE first met Howard in the middle of the day at an L.A. restaurant where she was having lunch with an old boss. He marched up to the table and said to the man, “I don’t know if she’s your wife or girlfriend, but she’s absolutely stunning.” She said, “That’s very bold of you.” He said, “Well, only a tiger can approach a tiger.” “Isn’t that crazy?” she says today. “And we have an amazing connection. But, I mean, he’s not perfect. Doesn’t do the dishes. Doesn’t cook. Doesn’t lift a finger. I probably leave him 30 times a month.” She laughs and goes on, “He’s so selfish. But, you know, he didn’t have much of a childhood. It was difficult for him being picked on and bullied all the time. We don’t have a normal life. In our two years together, I’ve only gone to restaurants with him two or three times. We’ve never been to the supermarket together. We’ve never been to the movies. I’ve never gotten a gift from him. Never, never.

“And then every minute that he has free, it’s to do this.” She gestures at some of Howard’s thingamajigs, tilting her head questioningly. “I help him, cutting, drawing and putting things together. I’ve developed a slight form of agoraphobia lately. I never go out. I have no friends here. I feel like Rapunzel, you know, stuck in a penthouse with my baby.”

IN RESPONSE, THE formerly redheaded little motherfukker did what he had to do. He continued to love himself by buying scissors, wire, magnets and vast numbers of sheets of plastic. He had a theory. It might seem crazy, it may even be crazy, but a long time ago he’d gotten hold of this notion that one times one doesn’t equal one, but two. He began writing down his logic, in a language of his own devising that he calls Terryology. He wrote forward and backward, with both his right and left hands, sometimes using symbols he made up that look foreign, if not alien, to keep his ideas secret until they could be patented.

HE PICKS UP one of his intricate plastic what-is-its and holds it to his eyes. “Like with these things,” he says. “In those four years where I was shunned and walked away from everything, look at what I’ve created. But I was not trying to make this when I made it, I was just trying to find the four forces, so I took four planes and put them together where they fit naturally, an equilateral triangle, and it created a circle, a triangle and a square, and from there everything else was created just following my hands leading to a good place.”

THEN AGAIN, IT’S also in his nature to say things like, “I don’t talk about my ex-wife because I don’t talk about negative things,” and later on to call out to Pak, “Hey, honey, where’s the blackmail CD?” Pak rummages around and comes up with it. Howard puts it in a laptop. It’s a phone call, he says, between him and ex-wife Ghent that he secretly recorded. It starts off with her calling him “a fukking twat.” She then goes on a rampage, threatening to sell tabloids some “fukking shytty tapes” of him having phone sex and dancing naked if he doesn’t give her the money she says she is due and barking, “You’re a fukking sociopath. Everybody should know it. I’m so sick of the shyt that you’ve put me through.”

Afterward, Howard sets himself down on the sofa and looks like he’s gulping for air. He once said about himself, “The sooner people declare me insane, the sooner I’ll be free.” So has he ever been to a shrink? “Back in the Nineties or something. Told me I was crazy,” he says. ” No, he actually told me I had a sex addiction. I said, ‘So what do I do?’ He said, ‘Don’t have any sex.’ I was like, ‘OK, good, I getcha, I getcha.’ ”

“I spent all my time as a kid trying to fit in,” he goes on. “My uncle said to me, ‘Why are you so busy trying to fit in when you were born to stand out?’ I was 14. He said, ‘You’re a young prince, and someday ye shall grow up to be a king.’ Many years ago, Oprah said to me, ‘Your crown is waiting right there. Pick it up and put it on.’ I remember being in the womb, found comfort there, and have been aware since that moment. As a result of the travesties I’ve gone through, I have become awakened. I mean, after spending time with me, you can see a good part of my nature. I’m on my own path, and I like the pebbles of my cobblestones.”

And so it would seem. But you never know what you’re going to get with a guy like Howard. Or which one of those 432 faces he has allowed to come out and talk. Or what’s behind his smile. Or his words. Even a simple word like “wife,” for instance. A few weeks later, it comes out that he and Pak had separated in mid-2014, with her filing for divorce earlier this year, citing “irreconcilable differences,” and a month from now, their divorce will be final. Plus, in a court document signed in March, Pak stated that she hadn’t lived with Howard since August 2014. And yet here they are, looking at each other somewhat fondly, and letting no one else be any the wiser.

Wig Twistin Season

May 24, 2022
San Diego
The year of truth. We are officially in the Age of Aquarius.


"Age of Aquarius" will be a dark and spiritually deficient time for humanity, mentioning that "it will no longer be possible to write off evil as the mere privation of good; it's real existence will have to be recognized in the Age of Aquarius".



Jan 29, 2017
“I spent all my time as a kid trying to fit in,” he goes on. “My uncle said to me, ‘Why are you so busy trying to fit in when you were born to stand out?’ I was 14. He said, ‘You’re a young prince, and someday ye shall grow up to be a king.’ Many years ago, Oprah said to me, ‘Your crown is waiting right there. Pick it up and put it on.’ I remember being in the womb, found comfort there, and have been aware since that moment. As a result of the travesties I’ve gone through, I have become awakened. I mean, after spending time with me, you can see a good part of my nature. I’m on my own path, and I like the pebbles of my cobblestones.”


Jun 14, 2012
It's legit possible that he's always had undiagnosed mental illness, like Kanye. When he tells his life story, most of it sounds like he's either making it up (but really believes it) or he's describing things a person with mental is

When he was in high school, nerves in his cranium began to malfunction and paralyzed the right side of his face: Bell’s palsy. He says doctors gave him a 95 percent chance of it staying frozen like that forever. His right eye wouldn’t close, so he had to tape it shut at night. Determined to do something about the situation, he started applying electrical shocks to his face. He says he cut the wires off his dad’s electric razor, attached one end to the fuse box in the basement and pressed the other to his skin. “I did that every day for five months and then I felt the slightest little twitch inside,” he says. He recovered fully, pretty much.”
Bro. I am HOLLERING :laff:

This nikka done watched too many cartoons I am fukkin done
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