i honestly hate the whole tipping system also. but i'll keep it real, i still tip just because of "social etiquette". i just hate the entitlement. it's not an incentive anymore. nowadays it's expected even with shytty service.
to be fair though, i know this girl who works at a restaurant (hostess) and she told me waitresses have to share the tips with the cooks and hostesses (i suspect they probably don't share everything). she also told me that where she works, they give the salary option to the cooks and hostesses. they could either work with tips with a lower base salary or the opposite.
i personally think that tips should be for if you ask for special requests and shyt like that from the wait staff.
barbers i sincerely don't even understand the logic. you go to a barber, they set the standard price for the cut, but still expect a tip? what is the tip for exactly? should i also give my accountant, lawyer, doctor, janitor, etc a tip as well????
the whole thing is stupid and it has nothing to do with being cheap/broke or not being "distinguished" or "cultured" enough. i just think it's stupid in a lot of cases and i actually make an effort to not eat out at restaurants and cut my own hair. and when i do eat out, i do tip cause it's "the thing to do" or whatever but i tip 15% and order nothing expensive plus no drinks except for water. it's sad cause some of them are cool and those are the ones that deserve the tip.
i used to work in a store as a shipping guy and we often had to help clients bring shyt to their cars, etc. some clients tipped, some didn't. i got paid minimum wage. never expected a tip and whenever i got one i was all
on the inside. when i didn't get one, i swear to god, i never had ill feelings towards the customer cause i sincerely didn't expect it (since it was part of the job and all to help customers with heavy shyt).