Wow, I didn't know this was a thing in our community.
Most nikkaz I know just go the Jordan/Kareem route
I genuinely enjoy being bald, I just don't understand being this pressed over hair. I went ahead and took my L when my hairline started to thin, I didn't try to hold on. I could grow my hair back and get a haircut with a 1 and hide my thinning but who wants to go through all of that?
Yeah easy to say when you have the proper ovular head shape, and or can grow facial hair. I have a rounder more/spherical head and grow minimal facial hair, I'd look like a literal baby, despite being considerably muscular, best case I'd be black Mr. Clean. Brehs like me or the son from my wife and kid end up looking struggle without hair.
I ain’t gone lie... if nikkas could get surgery to be taller I’d be hating too. Can’t have having people encroach on what I was naturally blessed with. So I get why some nikkas with Paul George hairlines talk shyt... because their lane is about to be a little more crowded
This is a bad take, because most MEN aren't tryna get what they never had, just trying to get that old thing back. This isn't like a certain Coli harlot adding ass she never had. (which ironically you can do squats to shape).
@BlackPearl The Empress completely derailed this thread my lord
That wench does that in 50% of threads she enters, I'd ignored the ho long ago just like irl I refuse to listen to ho babble word to @Crayola Coyote