Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..


En Causa Sui
May 9, 2012
Breh, the BLS and US Census isn't ignoring the corporate world. Again, you're relying on your own anecdotal evidence to support your belief. I'm saying to look at the actual statistics (don't take my word, the BLS and Census release reports yearly).

I work in IT and I live in Atlanta. So my job is 99% male, 70% black, and people are probably making on average 50-75k a year. Can I use that and say the Average black dude is making 60k/yr and pushing a 3 series?

U not understanding
I talking the corporate world by itself
Been to different states and its like this
The second part of what u said makes no sense
I saying numbers would be different if it was solely based on corporate numbers


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Colombia is dope too, stayed in Cartagena and visited Barranquilla and Santa Marta.

It's not Brazil specific, dudes really need to travel, it's one of the best things you can do in life. Just for a different perspective, do not get caught up in working your life away.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012

Black women here are often confused where they want to be independent while at the same time wanting the comforts of man taking care of everything.

You can see them fighting the instinct within themselves of letting a man lead at times because they feel it's a weakness to let a man do so.

I can say that as a father to two young black women, I raise them as to not rely on a man for anything. But at the same time, I know I am contributing to them not being as available to a man as they should be. Then you got girls who've been raised about nothing but women, seeing them do everything because a man wasn't in the home.

It's a tough thing man. A lot of those clowns in that video fail to see that a lot of times, the reason why black women are they way they are starts with what we do or didn't do.

It's chauvinistic....but balls still run shyt.
Jun 16, 2012
respect, usa
Black women here are often confused where they want to be independent while at the same time wanting the comforts of man taking care of everything.

You can see them fighting the instinct within themselves of letting a man lead at times because they feel it's a weakness to let a man do so.

I can say that as a father to two young black women, I raise them as to not rely on a man for anything. But at the same time, I know I am contributing to them not being as available to a man as they should be. Then you got girls who've been raised about nothing but women, seeing them do everything because a man wasn't in the home.

It's a tough thing man. A lot of those clowns in that video fail to see that a lot of times, the reason why black women are they way they are starts with what we do or didn't do.

It's chauvinistic....but balls still run shyt.

Rep this man.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
It ain't even about the women to me.

Check this. I used to be on that patriotic, proud to be an American steeze, and I am proud to be an American... but the more I live here and analyze things, I've come to realize that we've been thrown under the bus a long time ago. The sort of culture that mainstream media is perpetuating is abhorrent. All of these companies have left at lightning speed and took the jobs to different parts of the world where they can minimize labor expenses. Instead of paying an American a liveable wage, they'd rather go to China and pay them $1 an hour when they would have had to pay us $15. There's little reason for me to stick around. Why should I not go and see where I am valued the most in this world? I've been brainwashed my whole life into this America is the best at everything method of thinking, but how do I really know that unless I visit different places?

I'm definitely getting my passport and going to check these different places... and if I like what I see, you might have to call a brotha project expat


May 17, 2012
As opposed to having to wave a suitcase with $10,000 over here. If you can get the same thing if not better for a hundredth of the price, why wouldn't you do it?

nah man. the thing is, when u marry overseas, i would assume u would love ur wife. now, when the wife u love expresses strong interest in wanting to move to the states, what u gon do? are you gonna say no? or are you going to rely on your immaculate ability to choose the type of woman that just cant succumb to temptations?

my thing is, women are women wherever they are on the planet. see, i watch a lot of these news stories. and i've seen documentaries of men who traveled overseas, brought their wives over here, their wives shortly divorced them, took the house and everything. (i'm leaving out the part where the wife was fuccking the gardener too).

ok scratch that. say ur wife doesn't even have interest in the US. guess what. i've also seen and heard stories of women setting their husbands up to be killed in these foreign countries. see, for an american, its often difficult to see the world for what it is. there are many countries out there with utter lawlessness. let people find out ur an american, and see how often you'll have to watch ur back. here in the states, when there's a murder, there's a deep investigation into the matter (lets ignore racism for now). in these foreign places, there may be an investigation but it's laughable. crime runs rampant because criminals know they most likely wont be caught.

i personally would never ever ever ever ever live in a underdeveloped country. a country where crime often goes unsolved. a country where authority is likely to be crooked. u live in those countries, and ur chances of living in peace will dwindle dramatically. unless, u already have family in the country u intend on living in, u are playing a very dangerous game with ur life. going overseas just for a broad is highly ill-advised.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
It ain't even about the women to me.

Check this. I used to be on that patriotic, proud to be an American steeze, and I am proud to be an American... but the more I live here and analyze things, I've come to realize that we've been thrown under the bus a long time ago. The sort of culture that mainstream media is perpetuating is abhorrent. All of these companies have left at lightning speed and took the jobs to different parts of the world where they can minimize labor expenses. Instead of paying an American a liveable wage, they'd rather go to China and pay them $1 an hour when they would have had to pay us $15. There's little reason for me to stick around. Why should I not go and see where I am valued the most in this world? I've been brainwashed my whole life into this America is the best at everything method of thinking, but how do I really know that unless I visit different places?

I'm definitely getting my passport and going to check these different places... and if I like what I see, you might have to call a brotha project expat

if you just went to canada kevm3.

you would not come back.
i say that and mean it all the time.
i have said it for a decade here almost now.
once you see the lie you are living here.
it will make you not want to come back.
in other countries and especially just canada.
you are treated like a king!

art barr


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
It ain't even about the women to me.

Check this. I used to be on that patriotic, proud to be an American steeze, and I am proud to be an American... but the more I live here and analyze things, I've come to realize that we've been thrown under the bus a long time ago. The sort of culture that mainstream media is perpetuating is abhorrent. All of these companies have left at lightning speed and took the jobs to different parts of the world where they can minimize labor expenses. Instead of paying an American a liveable wage, they'd rather go to China and pay them $1 an hour when they would have had to pay us $15. There's little reason for me to stick around. Why should I not go and see where I am valued the most in this world? I've been brainwashed my whole life into this America is the best at everything method of thinking, but how do I really know that unless I visit different places?

I'm definitely getting my passport and going to check these different places... and if I like what I see, you might have to call a brotha project expat

It's amazing that people don't see it, one day I was at work when I was younger and I literally said to myself "What the fukk am I doing" I had an epiphany right then and there. Everything we do in this country is designed to keep you moving towards some new goal, keep you working, keep you acquiring debt and to keep you blind. That 30 year mortgage is a death sentence on mobility and freedom. The inevitable "get ya paper up" bullshyt, people trading time, the only truly valuable thing they own on something that only has a value because we say it does.

Americans work harder than any other first world nation, get the least amount of time off, and are on the most antidepressants in the world. I always bring up my friend, he lives in Indonesia, he works 15 hours has a house on the beach (no car) and is as happy as can be. There's only 24 hours in a day, 8-12 are spent at work, another 6-8 are spent sleeping....your life is over before you know it, and 1/3rd of your time was spent working.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
nah man. the thing is, when u marry overseas, i would assume u would love ur wife. now, when the wife u love expresses strong interest in wanting to move to the states, what u gon do? are you gonna say no? or are you going to rely on your immaculate ability to choose the type of woman that just cant succumb to temptations?

my thing is, women are women wherever they are on the planet. see, i watch a lot of these news stories. and i've seen documentaries of men who traveled overseas, brought their wives over here, their wives shortly divorced them, took the house and everything. (i'm leaving out the part where the wife was fuccking the gardener too).

ok scratch that. say ur wife doesn't even have interest in the US. guess what. i've also seen and heard stories of women setting their husbands up to be killed in these foreign countries. see, for an american, its often difficult to see the world for what it is. there are many countries out there with utter lawlessness. let people find out ur an american, and see how often you'll have to watch ur back. here in the states, when there's a murder, there's a deep investigation into the matter (lets ignore racism for now). in these foreign places, there may be an investigation but it's laughable. crime runs rampant because criminals know they most likely wont be caught.

i personally would never ever ever ever ever live in a underdeveloped country. a country where crime often goes unsolved. a country where authority is likely to be crooked. u live in those countries, and ur chances of living in peace will dwindle dramatically. unless, u already have family in the country u intend on living in, u are playing a very dangerous game with ur life. going overseas just for a broad is highly ill-advised.

No offense, but if you haven't really traveled you can't speak on "women being women" everywhere, because that is honestly not the case. Our culture is what is causing the deterioration of MEN and WOMEN as a whole, not just women. You're talking about people bringing people back to our culture, that is the root of the problem, a lot of these men are just expatriating and not coming back.

Word, you hear stories of men getting set up and killed in other countries? Post them, and I'll show you 10x as many men killed by their wives or girlfriends in the US.

The US is the most violent first world nation in the world, the way you're talking about underdeveloped nations is how a lot of people in Europe view us :yeshrug: There are more murders in Chicago and Philly than Spain, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden and Austria....combined. So, if you're that afraid of being killed, maybe you should move to a more developed country?


En Causa Sui
May 9, 2012
No offense, but if you haven't really traveled you can't speak on "women being women" everywhere, because that is honestly not the case. Our culture is what is causing the deterioration of MEN and WOMEN as a whole, not just women. You're talking about people bringing people back to our culture, that is the root of the problem, a lot of these men are just expatriating and not coming back.

Word, you hear stories of men getting set up and killed in other countries? Post them, and I'll show you 10x as many men killed by their wives or girlfriends in the US.

The US is the most violent first world nation in the world, the way you're talking about underdeveloped nations is how a lot of people in Europe view us :yeshrug: There are more murders in Chicago and Philly than Spain, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden and Austria....combined. So, if you're that afraid of being killed, maybe you should move to a more developed country?
Ether that shyt that makes ur soul burn slow :to::to: :wow: