Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
what would you say is the difference between what you experience in American culture compared to what is going on in brazil?

My experience was that Rio was a lot more westernized than Salvador, even though Salvador gets a lot of tourists the goal seems to be to keep the culture as close to what it was as possible. Where as Rio is more of a world city, so while they still have their culture they try to accommodate tourists more. Bahians (Salvador is in the state of Bahia) get labeled lazy by people from Rio, cause they bout that relaxation life. The atmosphere of the city is like no other I have ever been to, I posted this in another thread -

The culture is through the roof there.
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dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
I imagine it's even worse for you, cause I literally had post trip depression when I came back for about a month. I went from chilling pretty much for almost 6 months straight, to having to get back into the rat race, and everyone just seemed so phony when I came back. The people in Bahia were so laid back and coming back to NY was just such shyt to me, the only good thing about coming back is I met my girl a few months later.
yeah i jumped right into a 50 hr per week job in an office with a c*nt boss and bright white lighting :ld:

had to WOO SAHH myself out of a few panic attacks the first couple weeks :pachaha:
what would you say is the difference between what you experience in American culture compared to what is going on in brazil?

not sure where to start, really. america has problems brazil doesn't have, like stress levels and cynicism, but brazil has weird racial issues and disgusting amounts of corruption and bureaucracy, soooo :manny:

my main problem with the US is being bored. i can handle cultural differences, it's not like it's China or something. Brazil is very Western


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
we definitely are a work-a-holic culture here in America, which I love to an extent, but I also feels that it causes a lot of undue stress. For example, I love that businesses are open all day and that things get handled promptly here. We have a ton of economic opportunity. On the other hand, I feel that things are way too commoditized and that too much of culture here revolves around making money instead of taking things easy and enjoying life for life's sake. I'm definitely getting my passport soon and I'm going to experience a different nation just to get a deeper perspective on life.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I'm really sick of nikkas oversimplifying the issue with the "You can't get p*ssy" :umad: accusations
That shyt is really tired and played out, you really think nikkas are flying across the world just for p*ssy

The issue is much more deeper and complex than that, how about you stop seeing p*ssy as the end all be all in every situation

It's Christmas Eve so this convo is gettin' pretty dull. But no one is talking about just getting p*ssy as their whole argument.

Frankly, in America, (especially as a black man with the amount of desperation that black women have), if you can't get a woman to cook, clean, treat you as a man, be good to you, etc. you are not worth it and you have some serious flaws that you should be introspective about.

I know broke sophomores/juniors/seniors in college who can get their girlfriends to spend their refund checks on buying food and treatin' for the both of them, helpin' clean up the spot, doin' laundry, etc. Women who are holding them down when they are studying on them late nights, busy looking for jobs, etc. They are good guys. Dudes gettin' king treatment like it's nothing. My dude just grad. in spring with a 2.7 GPA, no job. Got a faithful woman (he took her virginity), who makes +80K a year, who holds him down to a t. She's such a good cook, I done had the food before and it was godly. Apartment stay clean. Recently helped him get a job in a career field he's very passionate about. She does not give him attitude, she does not belittle him, etc. That's just 1 of many cases I know of.

But yet and somehow, I log on to here with a bunch of non-simpin "alpha males" with great personalities, 6 packs makin' gains in the gym, with great salaries, who can't even get a woman to act the way they want them to act.

So no, it's not just about p*ssy. You guys can't get women to do other basic things either and it's obvious the other stuff that people tell about themselves on here are straight up lies/delusion.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
we definitely are a work-a-holic culture here in America, which I love to an extent, but I also feels that it causes a lot of undue stress. For example, I love that businesses are open all day and that things get handled promptly here. We have a ton of economic opportunity. On the other hand, I feel that things are way too commoditized and that too much of culture here revolves around making money instead of taking things easy and enjoying life for life's sake. I'm definitely getting my passport soon and I'm going to experience a different nation just to get a deeper perspective on life.

I think it can be what you want it to be here, which is what its great about this country. You can link with like minded people and profit from both sides. Me and wifey hate commercialism so its a good match. Duff smarter to invest in yourself and travel

Sent from handheld Minority Report console


G-Zeus Chrystler...the brehsident
May 1, 2012
Brehsident evil
lol... man.. these guys are :sadcam: and :steviej: at the same damn time...

dont bullshyt people while being recorded.. you cant take back those :noah: tones...

but..... i get it :leostare:


Seattle fan since 2013 *deal with it slime*
Nov 9, 2012
Seattle We Run You Nyggas Ask Russel Wilson
It's Christmas Eve so this convo is gettin' pretty dull. But no one is talking about just getting p*ssy as their whole argument.

Frankly, in America, (especially as a black man with the amount of desperation that black women have), if you can't get a woman to cook, clean, treat you as a man, be good to you, etc. you are not worth it and you have some serious flaws that you should be introspective about.

I know broke sophomores/juniors/seniors in college who can get their girlfriends to spend their refund checks on buying food and treatin' for the both of them, helpin' clean up the spot, doin' laundry, etc. Women who are holding them down when they are studying on them late nights, busy looking for jobs, etc. They are good guys. Dudes gettin' king treatment like it's nothing. My dude just grad. in spring with a 2.7 GPA, no job. Got a faithful woman (he took her virginity), who makes +80K a year, who holds him down to a t. She's such a good cook, I done had the food before and it was godly. Apartment stay clean. Recently helped him get a job in a career field he's very passionate about. She does not give him attitude, she does not belittle him, etc. That's just 1 of many cases I know of.

But yet and somehow, I log on to here with a bunch of non-simpin "alpha males" with great personalities, 6 packs makin' gains in the gym, with great salaries, who can't even get a woman to act the way they want them to act.

So no, it's not just about p*ssy. You guys can't get women to do other basic things either and it's obvious the other stuff that people tell about themselves on here are straight up lies/delusion.



Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
Damn this thread had a positive vibe when I left it a few weeks ago...the fukk happened? :huh:

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
It's Christmas Eve so this convo is gettin' pretty dull. But no one is talking about just getting p*ssy as their whole argument.

Frankly, in America, (especially as a black man with the amount of desperation that black women have), if you can't get a woman to cook, clean, treat you as a man, be good to you, etc. you are not worth it and you have some serious flaws that you should be introspective about.

I know broke sophomores/juniors/seniors in college who can get their girlfriends to spend their refund checks on buying food and treatin' for the both of them, helpin' clean up the spot, doin' laundry, etc. Women who are holding them down when they are studying on them late nights, busy looking for jobs, etc. They are good guys. Dudes gettin' king treatment like it's nothing. My dude just grad. in spring with a 2.7 GPA, no job. Got a faithful woman (he took her virginity), who makes +80K a year, who holds him down to a t. She's such a good cook, I done had the food before and it was godly. Apartment stay clean. Recently helped him get a job in a career field he's very passionate about. She does not give him attitude, she does not belittle him, etc. That's just 1 of many cases I know of.

But yet and somehow, I log on to here with a bunch of non-simpin "alpha males" with great personalities, 6 packs makin' gains in the gym, with great salaries, who can't even get a woman to act the way they want them to act.

So no, it's not just about p*ssy. You guys can't get women to do other basic things either and it's obvious the other stuff that people tell about themselves on here are straight up lies/delusion.

For real.

Ol "it's them!!!!! Not me!!!" 40 plus year old ass niqqas. Teaching young cats its ok to be old simps like them. You can find all your wants from a woman right here.


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
So it's not as simple as going out and traveling to meet women as you proposed.

? I never talked about how complicated or simple it is to link women abroad, i simply said the men in the vid found their peace abroad.

They got "frustrated" enough to do so. I think that's what some of us are laughing at. The hang ups forcing them to run away miles from home. That's wack. No set of p*ssy should dictate a mans movements to that lame degree.

So they’re lame because they were frustrated about sht we find trivial? I can guarantee there were times in your life that you’ve been frustrated with somthing someone else would have handled with ease, does that make you a lame nikka too?

You see, I can’t identify with their difficulties either (I sure most of us cant) , but unlike some of yall im solid enough not to seriously sht on nikkas finding things I would consider easy hard, that’s ironically one of the most bytch ass feminine mentalities a nikka can have and is a symptom of CNPD.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
? I never talked about how complicated or simple it is to link women abroad, i simply said the men in the vid found their peace abroad.

So they’re lame because they were frustrated about sht we find trivial? I can guarantee there were times in your life that you’ve been frustrated with somthing someone else would have handled with ease, does that make you a lame nikka too?

You see, I can’t identify with their difficulties either (I sure most of us cant) , but unlike some of yall im solid enough not to seriously sht on nikkas finding things I would consider easy hard, that’s ironically one of the most bytch ass feminine mentalities a nikka can have and is a symptom of CNPD.

They're lame because they blamed others to altering their movements.

I'm sorry...but the chauvinist in me refuses to let women dictate how I alter my lifestyle. No amount of getting or not getting p*ssy should force me to shyt on an entire group of people to justify why I do what it is I do.

That freckled out flabby dude was complaining that chicks here would back off from him when he walked up on em and how hes free of that in Brazil.

NOOOO.....the problem couldn't be's American women. You'd swear up and down that American women refuse dikk just because his means of pulling in a woman was rebuffed.

Man what it is you do...but don't blame women for the shyt you couldn't attract of the shytty women you did attract. Reclaim your balls, niqqas. fukk these "I'm hurt" movements. What part of the game is that for strong black men? bytches cackle together and build camp fires around that shyt..

I can't recall in my black ass life sitting around a circle of hurt men saying they were forced here based on that hurt and frustration. :heh:

fukk outta here with that hoe shyt they teaching y'all young niqqas. I grew up with men that ran shyt, not run away from shyt. The fukk is wrong with y'all?


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
They're lame because they blamed others to altering their movements.

I'm sorry...but the chauvinist in me refuses to let women dictate how I alter my lifestyle. No amount of getting or not getting p*ssy should force me to shyt on an entire group of people to justify why I do what it is I do.

That freckled out flabby dude was complaining that chicks here would back off from him when he walked up on em and how hes free of that in Brazil.

NOOOO.....the problem couldn't be's American women. You'd swear up and down that American women refuse dikk just because his means of pulling in a woman was rebuffed.

Man what it is you do...but don't blame women for the shyt you couldn't attract of the shytty women you did attract. Reclaim your balls, niqqas. fukk these "I'm hurt" movements. What part of the game is that for strong black men? bytches cackle together and build camp fires around that shyt..

I can't recall in my black ass life sitting around a circle of hurt men saying they were forced here based on that hurt and frustration. :heh:

fukk outta here with that hoe shyt they teaching y'all young niqqas. I grew up with men that ran shyt, not run away from shyt. The fukk is wrong with y'all?

Damn Breh chill out, you have come off real bitter towards the people on here who would like to see and experience a different culture.. Different strokes for different folks.. And why are you so determine to shyt on anyone who agrees with the video? It's just there preference.. Unless you have been then you can't really be sure brazil women aren't different...

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Damn Breh chill out, you have come off real bitter towards the people on here who would like to see and experience a different culture.. Different strokes for different folks.. And why are you so determine to shyt on anyone who agrees with the video? It's just there preference.. Unless you have been then you can't really be sure brazil women aren't different...

Why am I bitter? :heh:

im happy and content. i can look at my dikk and say "man....we had some great days" about the women I've hit off over the years and my current.

They're the ones who are bitter.

These are grown ass men saying women forced them to move out of the country.

They couldn't just say that they wanted to move out of the country for easy p*ssy....they were "Frustrated" but the quality they got back home while others seem not to have that problem.

What part of the game is it where we blame the lesser sex for making us run into the arms of others?

That's not me being bitter. That's me saying that's bytch made.


May 1, 2012
It's Christmas Eve so this convo is gettin' pretty dull. But no one is talking about just getting p*ssy as their whole argument.

Frankly, in America, (especially as a black man with the amount of desperation that black women have), if you can't get a woman to cook, clean, treat you as a man, be good to you, etc. you are not worth it and you have some serious flaws that you should be introspective about.

I know broke sophomores/juniors/seniors in college who can get their girlfriends to spend their refund checks on buying food and treatin' for the both of them, helpin' clean up the spot, doin' laundry, etc. Women who are holding them down when they are studying on them late nights, busy looking for jobs, etc. They are good guys. Dudes gettin' king treatment like it's nothing. My dude just grad. in spring with a 2.7 GPA, no job. Got a faithful woman (he took her virginity), who makes +80K a year, who holds him down to a t. She's such a good cook, I done had the food before and it was godly. Apartment stay clean. Recently helped him get a job in a career field he's very passionate about. She does not give him attitude, she does not belittle him, etc. That's just 1 of many cases I know of.

But yet and somehow, I log on to here with a bunch of non-simpin "alpha males" with great personalities, 6 packs makin' gains in the gym, with great salaries, who can't even get a woman to act the way they want them to act.

So no, it's not just about p*ssy. You guys can't get women to do other basic things either and it's obvious the other stuff that people tell about themselves on here are straight up lies/delusion.

How ugly is she? :mjpls: