Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012




NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
@kevm3 and the rest of the sexual frustrated phaggots

Difference between @She Agree That I'm Looney and his relationship is that he harbors no ill will towards black women. You know the women of his race. That's why his relationship will most likely be successful.

The reason black men and white women divorce rate is so high is simply because you phaggots are arrogant emasculated fatherless ckoons who blame your shtty lives on black women when in reality it is you and eventually the same negative hangups one had with black women carry over into relationships with others.

Riddle me this. Look at the relationships with American Black men and other women. What's the divorce rate in those relationship? Ask the kids of those relationships did they grow up with their fathers? :troll:

Again it's not the women. It's you negroes.

No one has yet to address what I've highlighted. They rather think their freedom is found by providing unearned sainthood to others. And it's that unearned sainthood these niqqas discover they've given to white women AFTER they've married them and realize that their whiteness didn't provide them the liberation they sought after running away from black women.


Seattle fan since 2013 *deal with it slime*
Nov 9, 2012
Seattle We Run You Nyggas Ask Russel Wilson
Lol these white girls in england, stay and i repeat stay pushin around carts with mixed race babies lol they usually live in poor council estates lol. I could see if dudes did all 5his bashin and lived on with their merry lives but majority of the time the white girl doesn`t get the wedding ring and is stuck raising a mixed race baby she didnt want. Lol niccas be talkin all that shyt but the vast majority of black men still marry black women and even when they do marry others they still have babymomma drama,abandon their kids,chick takes half his money,he cheats on her etc so the problem truly is them not the women lol dudes cant manage a successful relationship with a female and want to get mad at the world lmaooo


It's embarrassing. Every time I go to the DMV for new tags or something I see the overweight white women with the dingy tall white tee, littered with 3 day old ketchup stains and a gaggle of wooly haired mixed kids. :deadmanny:

Know that father aint no where to be seen.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
@kevm3 and the rest of the sexual frustrated phaggots

Difference between @She Agree That I'm Looney and his relationship is that he harbors no ill will towards black women. You know the women of his race. That's why his relationship will most likely be successful.

The reason black men and white women divorce rate is so high is simply because you phaggots are arrogant emasculated fatherless ckoons who blame your shtty lives on black women when in reality it is you and eventually the same negative hangups one had with black women carry over into relationships with others.

Riddle me this. Look at the relationships with American Black men and other women. What's the divorce rate in those relationship? Ask the kids of those relationships did they grow up with their fathers? :troll:

Again it's not the women. It's you negroes.

Yeah, I can honestly say I've never seen/read CTK speak even 1 bad thing about black women, not one. I am not usually for interracial relationships, but I can't knock his for such. He's never struck me as someone who has a problem with black women. Not surrounded by that many black people? Perhaps. Having a problem with black women? Not at all.

Dudes on here like to call me arrogant, and I'll admit I'm pretty overly confident, but you'll never catch me thinking I'm socially/mentally/etc. better than and too good for a whole country of people.
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
@kevm3 and the rest of the sexual frustrated phaggots

Difference between @She Agree That I'm Looney and his relationship is that he harbors no ill will towards black women. You know the women of his race. That's why his relationship will most likely be successful.

The reason black men and white women divorce rate is so high is simply because you phaggots are arrogant emasculated fatherless ckoons who blame your shtty lives on black women when in reality it is you and eventually the same negative hangups one had with black women carry over into relationships with others.

Riddle me this. Look at the relationships with American Black men and other women. What's the divorce rate in those relationship? Ask the kids of those relationships did they grow up with their fathers? :troll:

Again it's not the women. It's you negroes.

listen here genius, where did I say any of this was exclusive to black women? Maybe if you took the time to learn to read instead of rushing to cosign a motormouth broad and a negro that ain't even married to a black woman, you'd actually have the ability to comprehend. Dumb negro, I don't harbor any ill will towards black women. The MAJORITY of women I deal with are black. If you used your braincells, you'd learn that cats here are complaining about the westernized attitude of American women in general, not bashing black women. White women here aren't any different than the black women.
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Seattle fan since 2013 *deal with it slime*
Nov 9, 2012
Seattle We Run You Nyggas Ask Russel Wilson
No one has yet to address what I've highlighted. They rather think their freedom is found by providing unearned sainthood to others. And it's that unearned sainthood these niqqas discover they've given to white women AFTER they've married them and realize that their whiteness didn't provide them the liberation they sought after running away from black women.


Somehow it's the uncomfortable stares from Black women when they are out heading to slopes in Aspen that has damaged their relationships beyond repair.


Goat ™
May 2, 2012

It's embarrassing. Every time I go to the DMV for new tags or something I see the overweight white women with the dingy tall white tee, littered with 3 day old ketchup stains and a gaggle of wooly haired mixed kids. :deadmanny:

Know that father aint no where to be seen.
:deadmanny: :laff: :deadmanny:


Real O.G.
Dec 1, 2012
there is no difference

why didn't you step your game up and accept responsibility for your race and marry a black queen instead of opting to take the easy way out by settling for a white woman? At least with them going to Brazil, they have the potential to deal with someone with black blood in them. Why didn't you man up and hold down your community for the future of the black race and marry and share your finances with a black woman? Why didn't you tether yourself to 'your only ally' as you expect them to? How do you know that these men didn't mentor their community or raise kids here? They are like 30 to 50+ years old.

If them negroes are happier going overseas, I ain't mad at them. Why are you? Ya'll trying to paint them as if they are abandoning their community. The only cats I been noticing that are getting mad are the ones who are married or in long term relationships...

lol@telling us we need to 'step our game up', which in ya'lls mind is essentially settling for less, because in a few posts later, ya'll talking about their demands for women here are just too high. If their dollar wasn't stretching it here, why in the world would ya'll be mad at them for exchanging their currency somewhere else and finding more value for their time and effort? Funny how every interaction men have overseas is automatically pegged to prostitution, which attests to how YA'LL may think, but has little to say of what others are actually doing overseas. It almost sounds like some of you are envious of their position.

The only real retort to men expanding their option is, 'lolz they can't get coochie here so they need to fly overseas,' when what was being discussed in the documentary or in this thread has NOTHING to do with getting sex... it comes down to ATTITUDE and looking for a woman that plays the more traditional role of a woman. Some of them negroes may have been going for pay to play, but some of them may have actually ENJOYED the culture they've experienced elsewhere and found the attitude of the women they experienced there refreshing. I don't know where ya'll get this notion that sex is somehow difficult to get or even the topic.

And what in the world kind of sense does that even make? If it was just about 'getting the coochie', they'd save a ton of money paying prostitutes HERE instead of flying to a foreign country. It couldn't be that some guys ARE sex tourists, while others actually were wowed by their treatment overseas compared to here, could it be? It couldn't be that different cultures with completely different values have different ways of treating their men could it?

Funny how all these self proclaimed 'gamed up' negroes are cosigning the one motormouth broad here that is the perfect example of what cats AREN'T trying to deal with here. If ya'll are cool with dealing with that, having power struggles and working harder for less, that's on yall. I ain't mad at them cats for expanding their options to get the best deal where they can. That's called being smart.

Great post my brother! I don't care one way or the other how another dude gets it in, every man has their own outlook or way of viewing things when it comes to dealing with females. But to have some random dogmatic femanazi come here who isn't even of African descent give her biased opinions and get everyone off the subject matter, this raggedy b@tch needed to be put back in her place. We can all agree or disagree on various subject matters, nothing wrong with that but we don't need no mentally unstable women refereeing our issues. Some of you weak n@ggas need to have your man-card revoked.


Thunderbolt Them Suckers
Oct 13, 2012
listen here genius, where did I say any of this was exclusive to black women? Maybe if you took the time to learn to read instead of rushing to cosign a motormouth broad and a negro that ain't even married to a black woman, you'd actually have the ability to comprehend. Dumb negro, I don't harbor any ill will towards black women. The MAJORITY of women I deal with are black. If you used your braincells, you'd learn that cats here are complaining about the westernized attitude of American women in general, not bashing black women. White women here aren't any different than the black women.

You seem very intelligent it's quite sad seeing you waste your time arguing with these people. A hip hop website isn't the ideal place to hold an intellectual and mature discussion anyway. They're unable to muster a profound counter-argument so they resort to shaming tactics: "you're a fakkit", "you pay for prostitutes" (although true sometimes but not all the time), "man up", "you're a p*ssy".

They're coming into the discussion with this mindset that American culture is fine and dandy. Anyone who complains is 'weird' and 'cooky'. Or "there must be something wrong with you", etc. America is a rapidly declining empire and these brainwashed, hyper patriotic drones fail to see that.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
my fam is jamaican...and i'm married to white guy of course i'm gonna defend them when ppl makes wild generalizations.. :manny:

You were doing that long before you were married.

To each his own....eveyone has their own preference.


Seattle fan since 2013 *deal with it slime*
Nov 9, 2012
Seattle We Run You Nyggas Ask Russel Wilson
listen here genius, where did I say any of this was exclusive to black women? Maybe if you took the time to learn to read instead of rushing to cosign a motormouth broad and a negro that ain't even married to a black woman, you'd actually have the ability to comprehend. Dumb negro, I don't harbor any ill will towards black women. The MAJORITY of women I deal with are black. If you used your braincells, you'd learn that cats here are complaining about the westernized attitude of American women in general, not bashing black women. White women here aren't any different than the black women.

In short you are a phaggot.

Western Attitudes? You want to know why the divorce rate in brazil was so low at one point? Women had little choice, so the mentioning of prostitution is very relevant because it shows that women there had little choice for growth.

BRASILIA, Dec 18 (BERNAMA-NNN-MERCOPRESS) -- Brazil had a record-setting 351,153 divorces in 2011, 45.6 percent more than in 2010 and the most since the annual statistic began to be kept in 1984, the government said Monday.

The 2011 divorce rate 2.6 for every 1,000 inhabitants over the age of 15 was also the highest since 1984, when it was only 0.5 for every 1,000, according to figures released by the IBGE statistics agency.

The IBGE attributed the steep rise in the number of couples opting for divorce to a new legislation in 2010 that reduced the length of time required by law for the granting of a divorce, which has been legal in Brazil since 1977.

"With the new regulations, a person who married last week can get a divorce today. That was impossible before," Claudio Crespo, IBGE economist and coordinator of the study, said.

Must be the influx of Americans :troll: