Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..


May 2, 2012
:whoa: Having lived in Brazil for 1.5 years I don’t think that documentary was all that good. Why interview someone who has only been in Brazil for 2 days?? They should’ve interviewed more Brazilian women here & in the United States who have dated men, specifically black men, BUT their society is so mixed they don’t fully understand the racial divide here in America. Majority of Brazilians think its all been good in the U.S.A because of Dr. King.

:whoa: Yalls most opportune time to come to Brazil is an exchange program through your university. It's easier than u think to accomplish, no matter what major u are. I did 3 semesters total (2 undergrad, 1 masters). I paid LESS studying there than studying here in the U.S.

There’s dozen of reasons why Brazilian women look better than American women but 1 thing you immediately realize when you return to America is; food is SO abundant. So easy to access here. There’s food even in Menards! :beli:

For example, that Tahiri chick Joe Budden had that everyone was sweating… in Brazil there’s probably 50 more of her same body top better face & far more pleasant acting within a 10 mile radius. By far the best looking-women on the planet… still have flash backs & I’ve been gone since December. Brazil has rendered white-women (non-mixed) unattractive to me. :flabbynsick:

:hamster: You'll be surprised how slutty a large portion of the women ARENT in brazil. I know dozens of more virgins in brazil than I do the states. HIV is actually worse in the U.S than Brazil it's an unfortunate stigma that's been tied to it.

If you go I advise to be smart... don't be acting like a fool or 1 of them ‘dangerous adventure’-type white dudes that end up hog-tied in a trashcan & don’t understand why... use the same judgment u would in the U.S.

Studying Abroad

:whoa: - The dollar is always at least worth 1.5 of their money (reias). It really never goes under that. Right now it’s 1.7. It got to as high as 2.6 during my undergrad. Basically, every time you buy something there in reality it’s half that price.
- You don’t have to pay for credits. It’s all free. You only pay for student exchange, if that’s the type of study abroad program you were to choose. Take 21 credits and pay 0 and have them transferred in.
- Student exchange means you’re going to pay the tuition of a student going to your university. But if you get a large scholarship that will even out the tuition cost. Many programs provide a large scholarship for 1 semester that can go up to $3,000.
- However, you can simply enroll in a university in Brazil & they will be happy to accept you. Just simply do the process on their website. Then just link up with your college that you’re gonna do a semester in brazil.
- I did this in my Masters & paid neither college ANYTHING. Brazilians don’t pay for the university themselves, the government does. They just have to pass a test called the vestibular, which is similar to the SAT but a bit more difficult. They actually get upset when you tell them you didn’t even have to take a test.
- They do not use textbooks, only handouts and copies (from the books) and/or supply the materials. Take 15 credits and pay less than $50 for books.
- Meals are much cheaper. On campus lunch is no more than a buck fifty & it fills you up. Meat/beans/rice/fruit/vegetable/juice. The biggest meal they eat is lunch, where many restaurants have you pay by the kilo. For a huge plate you may only end up paying 7$
- Public trans buses is only $1.50. Buses to travel to other cities are cheap. To get to Rio you could only end up paying like $30.

- Housing is cheap. If you were to live in a dorm on campus it’s less than 60. I had an apartment with a maid that came twice a week for like $250. U can find some much cheaper than this.
- If you have a good GPA it will stay that way because your credits will come in as transfer credits.
- The Visa/passport will cost you about $250, but you won’t have to get another passport for 10 years.
- They have all the majors down there that the states have. You CAN go. If you can find a few classes that fit in your curriculum you CAN go. They'll let you sign-up for them in Brazil, and many of times
- Professors know you’re a foreigner they'll have mercy may be a bit lenient on you for the fact that you’re taking the courses in another language. As long as you don't fail your credits transfer in, and they really don't fail anyone.
- They have all the technology we have, u aint gonna end up in no jungles.
- The ONLY thing that can get you is the plane ticket. But if u know how to get good deals on those u can avoid the high costs, which can go up to $1700 (round trip). Unfortunately to obtain a visa, u need to get a round-trip ticket. I should also note though that there is a ton of parties & sometimes the ticket prices are a bit unnecessary, the high range from $40-50.

Therefore, I encourage folks to study abroad. There is 0 negatives and u save your money. It's worth stopping by your study abroad office to see what kind of opportunities they have for Brazil. & if they don't have any for Brazil, just search Brazilian college online, and when you find 1 you like and fits your program in that states, apply. This may be actually better so you won't have to pay for tuition exchange. If I were to do it all over again I would've done half of my entire college career there. You could do your entire college education there, but I know some are worried that foreign degrees don't look as good. All what I've said would be confirmed by 3 of my good friends that went with me and the other study abroad students we met. These are only the $ benefits, there's dozens of others.

:whoa: People are shook by learning a new language so they choose easy places like Europe & Australia like everyone else does. With Brazil you learn a new language (Portuguese instead of spanish like everyone else), spend less $, drop 20lbs immediately because the food is heather, they’re gonna become even more powerful in the future, great atmosphere, lots if not more tourist spots than America, meet hundreds of brazilians and other study abroad students across the world… and of course the women, which is a whole 'nother topic.

Sounds like you had mad fun bruh. Im hating :to:


May 19, 2012
Black men in america definitly have a higher expectation when it comes to bein cool,having swag and bein charismatic....the expectation is that you are born with that:laff:...other races don't. Have that same expectation of their men...but u gotta be honest same reason white women and white people in general,as well as people accross the world are "intrigued" by the black man is the same reason nikkas in america who dont possess those traits the world thinks we are born with,those nikkas will have it a little bit harder with our own black women....u can blame it on the history of black swag,that black excellence:obama:

:werd: I swear, b*tches overseas expect you to be 12" strong, dunk a basketball, do the moonwalk, and :bustback: on any little thing on some ultragangster drug overlord type sh*t. :snoop: White dudes can just be them. They have no pressure, literally show up and be like :jawalrus: "I'm white". I gotta be in shape, fluent, financially well off, basically way above average. Thank God I am though :whew: :lolbron:


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
It looks like the only time those nikkas feel bitter is on the day they have to return home on some "ahh man do I have to :sadbron:"

man, first time i traveled outside the states, i came back to US looking at women like :what: these hoes aint worth a shyt
Underrated post, I swear every time I come back, I ask myself, why is everyone disproportionately overweight....

I mean there's overweight people abroad, but America has a serious problem. It's disgusting. I refuse to put up with it.....

Dudes who've dealt with foreign women how are they with Finances? An few of my Asian friends who married women from overseas most of their wives tended to be really good with money. They weren't as materialistic as American women and didn't seem to spend all their money on bullshyt.

American chicks that claim their doing so well are usually in debt up to their eyeballs. Most have huge credit card and student loan debt to go along with their car and mortgage payments. Yet their still in the mall shopping damn near every weekend. I've lost count on how many American women I've met who make decent money yet their debt to income ratio is crazy. They love to talk about what they own but most are living paycheck to paycheck.
Bro, this is why I encourage people to learn how to save money. It doesn't matter if you're on a fixed lower income( minimum wage), learn how to save. I've worked bottom of the barrel jobs, and still managed to save.

Quit living the unrealistic materialistic lifestyle. My swag is probably still on 100, and I rarely even shop.

I have my own distinct style. :salute: @ steve jobs.....


Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
Check out this dope documentary about the black race in Brazil:

The 'Frustrated' director needs to make something along these lines about the brothers living there without any bm/bw bullshyt.
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May 19, 2012
Thanks for the impression. I'm just trying to get this thread back on track into talking about travelling instead of the same black men vs black women, who got game, who got this who got that these threads keep on devolving into.

What was your favorite place in South America?

I haven't been to Brazil on a long term basis, so take my advice with a grain of salt, I have some spots I'll keep to myself, but outside of those spots, definitely Cali in Colombia is bomb.

someone speak on dominican love to go there

the resort looks nice, but im trying to mingle with the locals

how safe is it?

Only go to Santo Domingo, I don't want you f*ckin' it up for the rest of us :jawalrus:


May 19, 2012
They crabs. Women in the states HATE competition cause they force to step their game up, and a lot of them cannot do that. The best they can do is to shame you into pursuit of getting better quality women overseas:heh:

American chicks are shytted on by the world and are jokes. Their time is soon coming to an end.

:werd: Americans be dissing you for traveling because quote on quote you don't cut it in US. Newsflash to you bytch, you don't either :krs: :scusthov: at a b*tch with a belly thinking she's hot sh*t, f*ckin' roaches.


May 19, 2012
:steviej: nope , strapping up is mandatory, i mean honestly though after while it does get boring , takes the fun out of running game them getting a chick , but man comin out a club 4am , pulling up to a place

:whew: if i told yall about drive through red light districts

* pulls up to mid level semi gated housing complex *

* picks up shakira look alike *

* drives INTO any covered driveway , garage door auto shuts behind me*

* steps out of car , walks up to a door puts $5 in, room door unlocks *

* handles business, females leave out front door , i leave out door i came in *

* gets back in car, rings buzzer garage door opens , i drive off *

I imagine you rollin' to a chick like:


I think most women in those foreign countries hate being treated/looked at as 'sex workers'

Guys who treat em like regular women probably have more fun than those throwing money around every 2 secs tryina buy their affection


Thing is there is A LOT of sex workers and i mean its out in the open Amsterdam style pretty much , every club / casino /lounge is full of them and even with that you can pull you a "dime" type chick for cheap

:manny: call it simpin, its just reality

69 others

May 2, 2012
To me, watching this, it just says to me that the cities are what's killing us as Black people.

If you look at when the break down of the Black family started, it was after the Great Migration and we came up North to New York, Chicago, Detroit, etc. . , which were already violent ghettos from when the Jews and Italians and Irish were living in them.

In America, the cities are where everything is dumped. All the pollution, all the drugs, prostitutes, crappiest jobs, etc. . ., so the people who get raised in these environments( and I'm one of them) end up jaded and stressed the fukk out.

A lot of us need to even before we get out of America, get out of the rat race of the cities.

I'd bet a lot of Black families would do better in (don't laugh) the country. I know a guy who's a cowboy with his own horses and shyt who owns his own land and doesn't really even fukk with the hassle outside of work. He leaves his job, goes out to the country and chills out with his wife and tends to his land.

That's really what built the Black family structure.

It's the city that causes materialism, overworked parents, kids in constant danger, and all that shyt. If Black folks in mass started abandoning that for the slower pace of the country again, you'd see Black relationships doing better, us eating better with stuff that we grew ourselves, and have less temptations to drive us Black men and women apart.

I know I sound slow as hell, but this culture is fukked.

interested theory but but it doesn't hold up to reality. blacks in the cities were doing fine up until jobs started getting outsource around the 70's. but your right on some of us need to leave the cesspool ghetto neighborhoods and start over fresh but not all of us cause the dynamics of cities in the U.S are changing for the better and more and more wealth and opportunities are gonna be centered in cities (look at gentrification) so if we all leave we'll just be on the opposite side history once more.


May 19, 2012
:whoa: am not going to say this is completely false and am speak for most of south america only but a lot am say over half of these girls do it out of there own freewill , pu$$y sells and they know it , so theyll work at one of these "clubs" they pay a renters fee to club and leave with whatever else they make, this isnt me making it ive had two different working girls tell me this

:werd: a lot of those chicks. don't just leave with anybody. I've seen hos reject dudes in the club :wow:, which by the way looks to be incredibly emasculating. My boys and I have gotten chicks to leave for the renters fee :lolbron: I've had the owner come out of the ho house like "$10?! Really? I'm gonna need more than that you slick azz muthasucka." :lolbron: That's why you need to learn the local language. You roll up to a b*tch and be like "En serio? El? :childplease: Eso viejo no se puede aguantar tu popolla" :jawalrus: B*tch be like :lolbron:, the client be like :whoa:, few minutes later b*tch be like, what that d*ck like? :takedat: Don't be a tourist, learn the local language, I guarantee you foreigners who got that local swag get treated like kings :wow: