Frustrated: Black Men In Brazil full documentary..


May 2, 2012
Passport Abuse
:beli::beli: They are bitter at African-American women, they may be happy in most aspects of their lives but it is clear and evident that they have kept some animosity towards AA women. I'm not shaming or name-calling I'm calling it like I see it, just like they supposedly were when they were describing African-American females.

You can question your American way of life in various ways, but you don't have to do it with espousing blanket statements, projecting bitterness because of your own shortcomings, and presenting an exxagerated and/or misguided analysis of the community you prefer. I also want to point to point out that many Latin females find the whole "spicy latina, easy latina, uncorrupted latina" stereotype condescending and offensive to say the very least.
:mindblown: WTF deep-seeded as emotions are you PROJECTING onto my screen? :childplease:

Dude, these niccas arent even THINKING about AfAmer women. They're not even SPEAKING OF THEM :krs:. What in thee fukk are you talking about? :snoop:

Dude, life goes on. These cats and AfAmer women may not be on the best terms, but these dudes got on with their lives and found happiness. Why do we have to marginalize them and call them "bitter" because they know what they DO and DONT want in life?

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
:mindblown: WTF deep-seeded as emotions are you PROJECTING onto my screen? :childplease:

Dude, these niccas arent even THINKING about AfAmer women. They're not even SPEAKING OF THEM :krs:. What in thee fukk are you talking about? :snoop:

Dude, life goes on. These cats and AfAmer women may not be on the best terms, but these dudes got on with their lives and found happiness. Why do we have to marginalize them and call them "bitter" because they know what they DO and DONT want in life?

The doc is called "frustrated"

Why are you in denial?


May 2, 2012
No....they blamed black women for it.

i've been watching the documentary for 20 minutes and i haven't heard any of them blame black women

they're talking about patriarchal cultures, negative press, woman values, etc. the one black woman i've seen is the only 1 throwing black women under the bus. she gave her reasons why she thinks black men are leaving, and then followed up with "i agree"

edit: @ 34:00 there's another black chick who just shyt on her own gender and agreed with the men :what:

this reminds me of how women will ask black men "Why do y'all date white women", then get mad at the response they receive. they walked out the back door and left these bytches alone in silence, and they were demonized for it. so they're just giving their side of the story, what the fukk is the problem :what: you're acting like these guys are on youtube making video after video saying "YOO, GET YOU A WHITE GIRL" like them black bytches do on youtube about white men.


May 1, 2012
Dudes who've dealt with foreign women how are they with Finances? An few of my Asian friends who married women from overseas most of their wives tended to be really good with money. They weren't as materialistic as American women and didn't seem to spend all their money on bullshyt.

American chicks that claim their doing so well are usually in debt up to their eyeballs. Most have huge credit card and student loan debt to go along with their car and mortgage payments. Yet their still in the mall shopping damn near every weekend. I've lost count on how many American women I've met who make decent money yet their debt to income ratio is crazy. They love to talk about what they own but most are living paycheck to paycheck.

:what: :childplease:

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
I honestly don't believe him. Just judging by his attitude, his behavior, his shytty logic, and the way he types I doubt he can co-exist with an ivy league graduate who's 'fine as hell' and 'cooks'. Just seems like an exaggeration or a desperate attempt to get the upper hand in the argument/debate at hand.

I know I sound a bit antagonistic but if he was truly happy with his life/wife/family he wouldn't need to shame people on an internet forum about traveling to Brazil. If anything he probably harbors some level of jealousy for men who seek refuge in foreign lands.

Whatever makes you feel good.

There's a cat in here that went to UPenn around the same time as my wife.

The problem is that some of you weak niqqas didn't grow up around black men who had expectations for you. I expect black men to find suitable black women wherever they are. But y'all get mad at me for not expecting less and want me to co sign simping across the world to find your manhood.

Man please.


May 25, 2012
Bronx, NYC
:mindblown: WTF deep-seeded as emotions are you PROJECTING onto my screen? :childplease:

Dude, these niccas arent even THINKING about AfAmer women. They're not even SPEAKING OF THEM :krs:. What in thee fukk are you talking about? :snoop:

Dude, life goes on. These cats and AfAmer women may not be on the best terms, but these dudes got on with their lives and found happiness. Why do we have to marginalize them and call them "bitter" because they know what they DO and DONT want in life?

:merchant::merchant: They are not even speaking about AA women?!!! :wtf: I'm going to ignore your post from now on bruh, no disrespect but I don't see any point in us discussing this even further.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
Women are women :manny: if you fine idgaf if you from Columbia, South America or Columbia, South Carolina.

Alot of these cats are leaving because the culture is stacked against them. Now while im AGAINST leaving JUST for females. I think that the general message DOES have validity. Many black women ARE dismissing black men. And while their standards AREN'T astronomical, they fail to look at the social barriers that stand against young black men that they DO NOT HAVE. Black women will be hired, sought after, accepted, and trusted MUCH quicker than black men. And while many men DO need to step up, its tough to do when you feel like NO ONE, not even your own queens are in your corner.

It's demoralizing on a multitude of levels and black women don't seem to understand that.

This. This. This :lawd:

Sometimes I really question whether black women as a whole truly understand the black man's plight and I'm trying hard to not make this seem like I'm making this a "The white man is holding the black man back" argument but I can't help but to ackowledge this as a factor. There are not many programs dedicated to black boys as there are to black women. The black community has always invested in the girls especially when you see shows like "Black Girls Rock" promoting it.:whoo:

I don't think Black women in general understand that the white man would rather let them in than the black man because the black woman is not a threat to the white man Black men are a threat to white men physically, and a threat in the sense of taking his white woman from him. And by letting black women in they kill two bids with one stone when it comes to fulfilling certain quotas with the minority requirements.

Now I'm not trying to take away from black women's accomplishments by any means wit this but I'm just keepin it real.. :usure:

Black men in general start out at a great disadvantage compared to black women when they don't even have their fathers in the home to teach them how to be a man as a result they have to learn on their own. At least black women have their mothers to look up to as a point of reference on how to be a woman. The mothers actually push and raise their daughters to be sucessful but they either baby or neglect the boys.

All I'm saying is that you would think that with the few black men actually doing the right thing that black women would be a bit more sympathetic to the the black man's struggle but it's quite the contrary. These women feel that since they have done it as black women that there's no excuse why black men should be doing it as well but that's not necessarily true. There's many different things we go thru as black men that prevents us from progressing that black women will never understand because they aren't men.

Yes Black women are probably gonna look at this as a bullshyt excuse but it's whatever. Yes more Black men need to step up and be men but don't act like we became like this out of nowhere. There's alot of shyt that contributed to it.:ufdup:

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
JT-Money said:
Dudes who've dealt with foreign women how are they with Finances? An few of my Asian friends who married women from overseas most of their wives tended to be really good with money. They weren't as materialistic as American women and didn't seem to spend all their money on bull****.

this is exactly what I mean. dudes put foreign women on this holy grail pedestal, as if these same superficial qualities found in American women are not found in foreign ones. if you travel and also expand your social circle you know this is not the case


May 2, 2012
Passport Abuse
i've been watching the documentary for 20 minutes and i haven't heard any of them blame black women
Dudes are PROJECTING their internal-teat-suckling phase. Cats arent even SPEAKING of AfAmer women AT ALL. :bryan:

The doc is called "frustrated"

Why are you in denial?
Dude, u are judging them off the tittle of this doc? The Tittle? :upsetfavre:

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
This. This. This :lawd:

Sometimes I really question whether black women as a whole truly understand the black man's plight and I'm tying hard to not make this seem like I'm making this a "The white man is holding the black man back" argument but I can't help but to ackowledge this as a factor. There are not many programs dedicated to black boys as there are to black women. The black community has always invested in the girls especially when you see shows like "Black Girls Rock" promoting it.:whoo:

I don't think Black women in general understand that the white man would rather let them in than the black man because the black woman is not a threat to the white man Black men are a threat to white men physically, and a threat in the sense of taking his white woman from him. And by letting black women in they kill two bids with one stone when it comes to fulfilling certain quotas with the minority requirements.

Now I'm not trying to take away from black women's accomplishments by any means wit this but I'm just keepin it real.. :usure:

Black men in general start out at a great disadvantage compared to black women when they don't even have their fathers in the home to teach them how to be a man as a result they have to learn on their own. At least black women have their mothers to look up to as a point of reference on how to be a woman. The mothers actually push and raise their daughters to be sucessful but they either baby or neglect the boys.

All I'm saying is that you would think that with the few black men actually doing the right thing that black women would be a bit more sympathetic to the the black man's struggle but it's quite the contrary. These women feel that since they have done it as black women that there's no excuse why black men should be doing it as well but that's not necessarily true. There's many different things we go thru as black men that prevents us from progressing that black women will never understand because they aren't men.

Yes Black women are probably gonna look at this as a bullshyt excuse but it's whatever. Yes more Black men need to step up and be men but don't act like we became like this out of nowhere. There's alot of shyt that contributed to it.:ufdup:
I'm too chauvinistic to say black women dictate shyt.


May 2, 2012
I don't think Black women in general understand that the white man would rather let them in than the black man because the black woman is not a threat to the white man Black men are a threat to white men physically, and a threat in the sense of taking his white woman from him. And by letting black women in they kill two bids with one stone when it comes to fulfilling certain quotas with the minority requirements.


they understand, they just dont care. they are the first breed of women that's gotten a little taste of what it's like to be the man in the relationship. these are the only group of women that will purposely seek out men that SHOULD BE considered out of their league.

then when they get older, these hoes complain about how useless their men are.