They really going all out this season. Hope this means they have an actual ending already mapped out
Yea... if episode 4 is the same "people not communicating, no answer, filler type episode" I'm checking out .Gawd, give strength to my coli brethren. For the ending of episode 3 is going to piss a lot of them off and make them threaten to quit the show (again)
Once I saw the duration of the episode was only 47 minutes. I immediately thought “this is going to be a setup episode for next week”. The car crash was mad predictable. I bet anyone who watches predicts it. As soon as I saw them get in the car I knew they were going to crash. Because why show them driving there? They could have just skipped the scene to them just being there. I thought they would at least leave them finding the tree as a cliffhanger once I heard Victor’s father say “yeah the tree is about a 30-40 minutes drive from here”These writers are like that barber from that one episode of Atlanta. They prolong EVERYTHING
Watch the tree either be revealed as a dream at the end of next week’s episode, or just some regular tree that just happened to be there. The writers lazy azz way of providing a distraction for the ambulance people to give Tabitha an opening to escape.
Still all over the place but it seems it's trying to get better somewhat.
If Boyd is successful with what he’s probably attempting with the bus, that would be a good switch up…
Granted we still waiting on the payoff from that autopsy and the jack and shyt that came outta it lol