From (Sci fi horror on Epix/MGM Plus)


Own ya mind & mind ya own.
May 26, 2012
TMC 8-24
The outsider wasn’t supposed to continue. The book was pretty short and neatly wrapped up at the end. The show just followed the book, and now the story is told.

Continuing it with no prior foundation would just fukk it up like what happened to “The Terror. The book was amazing, the first season followed it and was amazing. They tried to pull some new ghost story out of their ass for season 2 and it was stupid.
There was a second book though that was soft pushed as a follow up. If it Bleeds or some shyt.

Besides, I just know the way they left it after the last few episodes, them mfs owed some reparations in a S2 :ufdup:

There's a reason they tried to shop it to other networks after it was 'canceled' or the 'story wrapped'. Whichever side you wanna believe, there was clearly a plan to continue on and they told that bullshyt like they were privy of that the whole time and then it turned out dem niccas wasn't gonna get a chance to color inside some more of dem damn lines.
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Own ya mind & mind ya own.
May 26, 2012
TMC 8-24
Ayo I've heard about that outsider show years ago when it first released, bookmarked it and never watched it. I just google it and it says it's a mini series. Based on what you wrote I think I know the ending but was the lead up to the end at least entertaining?

I might have a problem because even though the ending might be azz with no answers. I'm still thinking about telling my folk to check it out. Shyt I might to :russ:
The first few episodes were gripping, I can't lie :hubie:

I think YOU and ya folk should check it out :ehh: :mjlit:


Jun 15, 2018
There was a second book though that was soft pushed as a follow up. If it Bleeds or some shyt.

Besides, I just know the way they left it after the last few episodes, them mfs owed some reparations in a S2 :ufdup:

There's a reason they tried to shop it to other networks after it was 'canceled' or the 'story wrapped'. Whichever side you wanna believe, there was clearly a plan to continue on and they told that bullshyt like they were privy of that the whole time and then it turned out dem niccas wasn't gonna get a chance to color inside some more of dem damn lines.

Stop saving these shows, let these shows die!

Plus the “If it bleeds short story is about the lady going off on her own”. It sounds okay on paper, but we already know the fukkery that comes with others trying to stretch out a King short story. That story is finished, we got other shyt on the horizon. From should have probably been 2 seasons max. Now we have to deal with them making shyt up as they go along, even though they told us they had everything already written smh.
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Jul 24, 2018
A few minor pet peeves of mine:

Them forcing this wood cane on Ethan. He doesn't even walk with a limp.

The Asian mom suddenly speaking good English in S2
The mom. That shyt was weird. All of a sudden she’s speaking broken English then next episode she’s making whole sentences.


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Last episode was sooo slow. Too much talking, characters doing the same old going off by themselves, not communicating etc. It seemed like a regular ass episode for 54 minutes. Then the last scene happened and….(sighs) they got me for at least one more episode next season, ngl. I did not see that ending coming. I got’s to see what happens next.

Everyone saying Tabitha is probably going to find Victor’s sister in the normal outside world. She’ll probably be much older and reveal she’s been trying to find Fromville to save Victor all those years. Tabitha is going to want to go back (Just like Lost lol) to save her children and husband. I wonder if she had the lunch box with her when she was found because me and my folk were saying it might be important in some way. I’m thinking Victor’s sister will end up believing her even more when she sees the lunchbox. I would say the police or someone could dust it for fingerprints but I don’t think that’ll get them anywhere.

I told my folk last week (or maybe the week before idk). What if dying really brings them back to the outside world. But nobody is going to willingly do that when they think they’re alive and it’s real. I honestly don’t think dying in Fromville brings you back to life. If that was the case. Boyd’s wife and everyone else would have probably cracked the code already. If dying does bring you back in some random place in the outside world. It’s probably without any memory of Fromville. It’s possible Tabitha will be the only one that remembers everything that happened in Fromville (and maybe Victor’s sister will remember things to).

The boy in white probably pushed Tabitha out the window not to save her. But because she was getting too close to the truth. He’s probably not necessarily good or evil but he’s probably been up to something the people (or aliens or something) don’t know about and would be bad for him if they found out. Thus the push out the window.

Way I see it. They’re definitely in a pocket dimension and they’re part of an experiment. Ran by either the government, aliens, or witches. The dimension itself possibly moves from time to time. Which is why Victor says the trees always move. It’s also possible the pocket universe will be a different time if Tabitha and Victor’s sister does make it back somehow. Maybe that’s how Victor’s mom has the same bracelet as Tabitha. Because Tabitha went back to the past, lost her bracelet, then Victor’s mom found it. I just don’t see how the bracelet ended up in the diner if Victor buried his mother (assuming it was with the bracelet on her). That bracelet is coming back into play somehow. There has been focused, and subtle hints about it in season 1 and 2.

Jim might think Victor either killed Tabitha, or got her killed. He might kill (or attempt to kill) Victor. It’ll be ironic because Jim said a few episodes back “I’m not going to let this place turn me into a monster” or something like that.

Jade found that opening up top with that logo. I doubt it’ll be a way out. Probably more undiscovered land within Fromville.

I still think that old lady is a mole/witch or something who possibly sacrificed her grandchildren. She said in the previous episode she had 4 kids and 7 grandchildren. There were 7 children that Jade saw in the tunnels. Plus she just looks suspicious. Even in the finale when they showed her in the prayer circle (Donna looked kind of suspicious to in that scene). There’s literally no way (other than eavesdropping which she didn’t) she could tell Fatima was pregnant. Her explanation is definitely bs.

Maybe Fatima will have to decide whether that old lady or Donna is a mole next season. They’ve both been motherly to the news of her being pregnant. But only one of them were legit happy (Donna). Both have been acting mole like all of season 2. And I think the creators of the show did that on purpose.

At least we know there is a way out (unless Tabitha is being fooled and is still in Fromville, wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a twist next season’s finale).

Ngl we’re damn near exactly where we were at the end of season 1. Only real difference is Tabitha is out (allegedly).

Sidebar, that boy in white reminds me of the boy from Mass Effect 3. Boyd not listening to Abby, and destroying the music box reminded me of the end of Mass Effect 3 if you chose destroy. Kind of ironic because some of the biggest theories on that game includes indoctrination, and manipulation. Abby tried to manipulate Boyd this episode. The boy in white could be manipulating people to.
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