There was a second book though that was soft pushed as a follow up. If it Bleeds or some shyt.
The outsider wasn’t supposed to continue. The book was pretty short and neatly wrapped up at the end. The show just followed the book, and now the story is told.
Continuing it with no prior foundation would just fukk it up like what happened to “The Terror. The book was amazing, the first season followed it and was amazing. They tried to pull some new ghost story out of their ass for season 2 and it was stupid.
Besides, I just know the way they left it after the last few episodes, them mfs owed some reparations in a S2

There's a reason they tried to shop it to other networks after it was 'canceled' or the 'story wrapped'. Whichever side you wanna believe, there was clearly a plan to continue on and they told that bullshyt like they were privy of that the whole time and then it turned out dem niccas wasn't gonna get a chance to color inside some more of dem damn lines.
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