Maybe @
Liu Kang Da Gawd can speak on this too
We discussed the Quenelle issue in OFT in late december when Anelka did it. Here :
http://www.thecoli.com/threads/the-...to-keep-moyes-warm.159/page-1299#post-6774793. The whole page 1299 has a good debate about the gesture.
About Dieudonné, I'm mixed about him. I find him funny because of his deadspan humor and because he likes to talk about complex matters or socio-political stuff and I still defend his freedom of speech but I think he's crossing the line between anti-zionism and antisemitism.
Obviously, talking bad of Jews is more difficult than anything else because one always faces the risk to be labeled as antisemite but his shows have been mostly centered about fighting zionism lately and that's why I think he's slowly crossing the line. But he knows that and plays with that confusion between his jokes as a comedian and his opinion as a citizen.
Maybe I'm missing something, but this isn't funny at all.
Lol @ at this guy whining about "constantly being reminded" of Jewish history. I seriously doubt anyone in France is "constantly reminded" of anything related to centuries of rampant French antisemitism.
Reminds me of white Americans complaining about reverse racism.
I seriously doubt anyone in France is constantly reminded of anything. But perhaps, seeing as how THIS happened, they should be reminded a little more:
Next to the Holocaust, this was the most well-known antisemitic event of the 20th century.
So yes. By all means, remind yourself.
You may not live in France so you may have slight different point of view.
Jews live well in France, there is no generalized discrimination against them, they are not hunted or more abused than other communities. Antisemitism, is at the same height of racism or islamophobia. It happens. Rampant sexism is way higher if you ask me. Obviously, sometimes some neo-nazi imbeciles decide to vandalized Jewish cemeteries but they also do the same with Muslim ones. France is a Europe and is mostly white/christian, therefore a non-negligible minority still have anti-immigration, racist and nationalist views : Marine Le Pen (FN's head, which is the far-right party here) was at 18% in the last elections. She was third behind Hollande (29%) and Sarkozy (27%). In 2002, Jean-Marie Le Pen, her father (FN's head then) with 17% beat the socialist candidate and progressed to the second round of the elections which was a first in our history because he was one vote away from being elected. Against Chirac, he still made 18% (against 82%).
About the constant reminding, it's kinda true (even if it's more about the Holocaust being quasi-sacred here) but it's also because WW2 has a enormous part in our history books in school and therefore does the Holocaust. We have classes in 8th or 9th grade which go to Normandy to remember. We also have ones that go to Auschwitz to remember. I think what irks a part of french people is also the fact that the Jewish Genocide is always displayed as the most evil, the most horrendous, the most unhuman event in the World's history (while many other Genocides happened but it's foolish to compare sufferings). But I think it is shown that way because of our shame of the collaboration with the Nazis and their plans to annihilate the Jews. We are also ashamed by 1941 Vichy government when Pétain (a hero of the 14-18 war) basically surrendered to the Nazis and agreed to rule the southern half of France following the enemy's rules. That's why the Holocaust is kind of sacred in our history. It's a response due to our guilt in their past suffering like when a kid injures another, feels guilty and respond by being overly caring. That's what we do with the Jewish community. For example, there is a law which forbids the Holocaust denial and one faces fines if he does so in public.