FOX News Staffers are Embarrassed by Hannity: UPDATE: WH and FOX News colluded on Seth Rich story


May 20, 2012
Seeing a black man as POTUS really fukked with cacs heads. Hannity was bad before but after Obama dude legit lost his mind :wow:

This is very true. That Obama PTSD is real. I look at it this way, Obama's election was a historically improbable event for the entire nation, the pure joy that we felt when a black man became president was matched equally by an opposite reaction from the bigots.


Aug 5, 2015
The DNC got to them. :whoo:

There's a huge conspiracy at the DNC, MSM and the intelligence agencies to pin the DNC hack on Russia when it was this hero of America, Seth who hacked and leaked it to Wikileaks and he was brutally gunned down for this brave act.

Brave champion of truth, Kim Dotcom has put his neck on the line after mourning his dear Seth for a year, he didn't want to use his friend as a political tool during the election. But he will keep quiet no longer. It's now on the USA Gov to bring him in to make his statements.
Although I wish he released these message transcripts of him supposedly talking to Seth back in 2014 though. :mjcry: Just to destroy MSM and all these sheep. :ohlawd:

Trump our god king is the victim of the establishment and the MSM who's trying to stop his agenda of benefitting the rich and fukking with the poor. :wow:

Hail Trump. :blessed:

May the Hotep-Alt right alliance prosper forever. :lawd:


Jan 5, 2017
Hannity on Seth Rich Controversy: 'For Now, I am Not Discussing the Matter at This Time'

Following several days of pushing the Seth Rich murder conspiracy theory, much to the chagrin of Rich’s family and his own colleagues, Fox News’ Sean Hannity addressed the controversy at the top of his program tonight.

With Fox News having retracted the story that Rich had been in contact with WikiLeaks, and Rich’s parents writing an op-ed begging those politicizing Rich’s murder to please stop, Hannity said the following:

“I totally and completely understand how upset and how hard this is on this family, especially over the recent coverage of Seth’s death. I’ve been communicating with them. I got a very heartfelt note. I also sent them a heartfelt note back.”

Explaining he reached out personally to the family and Seth’s brother Aaron, Hannity then added that it truly pained him to see a video of the parents. He then said he wouldn’t be talking about the murder for the time being.

“Out of respect for the family’s wishes,” he stated. “For now, I am not discussing this matter at this time.”

And with that, he moved on to discussing the Trump/Russia collusion issue.

Source: Hannity on Seth Rich Controversy: ‘For Now, I am Not Discussing the Matter at This Time’



Jan 5, 2017
We’re Seth Rich’s parents. Stop politicizing our son’s murder.

The writers are the parents of Seth Rich, who was killed in the District in 2016.

Imagine living in a nightmare that you can never wake up from. Imagine having to face every single day knowing that your son was murdered. Imagine you have no answers — that no one has been brought to justice and there are few clues leading to the killer or killers. Imagine that every single day, with every phone call you hope that it’s the police, calling to tell you that there has been a break in the case.

Imagine that instead, every call that comes in is a reporter asking what you think of a series of lies or conspiracies about the death. That nightmare is what our family goes through every day.

Our beloved son Seth Rich was gunned down in the early hours of July 10, 2016, in his Washington, D.C., neighborhood of Bloomingdale. On the day he was murdered, Seth was excited about a new job he had been offered on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Seth had dedicated his life to public service, and he told us that he wanted to work on the campaign’s effort to expand voter participation because he loved our country dearly and believed deeply in the promise of democratic engagement. Seth had been walking around, calling friends, family and his girlfriend, pondering the broader picture of what the job change would mean. He wondered how he would pick up and move to New York City for four months, the strain that might put on his relationships, and how it would all affect the life he had built for himself in Washington.

The circumstances of what happened next are still unclear. We know that Seth was abruptly confronted on the street, that he had been on the phone and quickly ended the call. We also know that there were signs of a struggle, including a watchband torn when the assailants attempted to rip it off his wrist. Law-enforcement officials told us that Seth’s murder looked like a botched robbery attempt in which the assailants — after shooting our son — panicked, immediately ran and abandoned Seth’s personal belongings. We have seen no evidence, by any person at any time, that Seth’s murder had any connection to his job at the Democratic National Committee or his life in politics. Anyone who claims to have such evidence is either concealing it from us or lying.

Still, conservative news outlets and commentators continue, day after painful day, to peddle discredited conspiracy theories that Seth was killed after having provided WikiLeaks with emails from the DNC. Those theories, which some reporters have since retracted, are baseless, and they are unspeakably cruel.

We know that Seth’s personal email and his personal computer were both inspected by detectives early in the investigation and that the inspection revealed no evidence of any communications with anyone at WikiLeaks or anyone associated with WikiLeaks. Nor did that inspection reveal any evidence that Seth had leaked DNC emails to WikiLeaks or to anyone else. Indeed, those who have suggested that Seth’s role as a data analyst at the DNC gave him access to a wide trove of emails are simply incorrect — Seth’s job was to develop analytical models to encourage voters to turn out to vote. He didn’t have access to DNC emails, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee emails, John Podesta’s emails or Hillary Clinton’s emails. That simply wasn’t his job.

Despite these facts, our family’s nightmare persists. Seth’s death has been turned into a political football. Every day we wake up to new headlines, new lies, new factual errors, new people approaching us to take advantage of us and Seth’s legacy. It just won’t stop. The amount of pain and anguish this has caused us is unbearable. With every conspiratorial flare-up, we are forced to relive Seth’s murder and a small piece of us dies as more of Seth’s memory is torn away from us.

To those who sincerely want to get to the bottom of Seth’s murder, we don’t hold this against you. We don’t think you are monsters, and we don’t think you are terrible people. We know that so many people out there really do care, don’t know what to think and are angry at the lack of answers.

We also know that many people are angry at our government and want to see justice done in some way, somehow. We are asking you to please consider our feelings and words. There are people who are using our beloved Seth’s memory and legacy for their own political goals, and they are using your outrage to perpetuate our nightmare. We ask those purveying falsehoods to give us peace, and to give law enforcement the time and space to do the investigation they need to solve our son’s murder.

Source: Opinion | We’re Seth Rich’s parents. Stop politicizing our son’s murder.


All Star
Feb 9, 2013
What surprises me about the so-called objective people who are willing to listen to other sources is how they mistake cynicism for critical thinking. A lot of the alternative media can afford to make whatever claims they like because if they get it wrong no one cares to read about a retraction. Only a few get to the stage where they have to behave like MSM media and thus have an interest in accuracy. The random blogspots, gateway pundit types can write whatever they like, the guy who shot up that pizza chain believed these conspiracy nuts and after he got caught they called him a crisis actor.:mjlol:

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Versus who?
Vanderbilt grandson?
Or the androgynous person?

I don't care about Hannity...the story is the issue.

Personally, right now, Mike Rivero is the top pundit out there. He's says what I want to hear. He digs into both parties if they doing funky shiit. That's a quality pundit.


Lemme fix that for you.

Mike Rivero is a fukking white supremacist. There's nothing objective about this dude.


Jan 5, 2017
So Who Is Kim Dotcom, This Guy Who Is Suddenly Popping Up in Seth Rich Stories?


Hot on the heels of Sean Hannity‘s one-man campaign to drag Seth Rich‘s murder out into a full-fledged conspiracy involving Wikileaks, the DNC, and of course, the Clintons, enter Kim Dotcom.

Dotcom surfaced last Friday to tease information via Twitter about Rich’s alleged connection to Wikileaks and the John Podesta emails. Hannity then tweeted at the internet gadfly, credulously asking if Dotcom had any evidence. Dotcom replied, “I’m the evidence!”

A series of tweets ensued which hinted at forthcoming information regarding the purported Rich-Wikileaks nexus. After stating that he was consulting with his legal team, Dotcom promised a statement would be released “on Tuesday”.

That statement, which was released earlier today, didn’t actually have any information in it–except for what Dotcom claims was Rich’s nickname: “Panda”.

A bit of a letdown to conspiracy theorists across the interwebz, the whole (and likely wholly) manufactured drama has people asking: Just who is this Kim Dotcom guy anyway?

Well, to begin with, he was born Kim Schmitz, and eventually changed his name to reflect the fact that he is very much online. As a teenager, Dotcom rose to prominence in Germany for his internet entrepreneurship and hacking abilities; the latter of which got him slapped with a suspended two-year sentence for identity theft.

A reformed man, Dotcom eventually attained worldwide fame as the founder of the popular file-hosting and sharing website Megaupload from 2005 until 2012 when it was shut down and seized by the FBI and Department of Justice on allegations of copyright infringement.

Dotcom was later arrested at his home in New Zealand and his assets totaling over $200 million were seized and frozen by authorities by way of a controversial legal procedure. Following multiple appeals, Dotcom was released on bail so that he could spend time with his family and fight the charges.

Extradition proceedings were initiated by the United States and extensive legal wrangling ensued. Famed law professor Lawrence Lessig offered his opinion pro bono, stating that no legal grounds existed to extradite Dotcom and that the allegations against him “do not meet the requirements necessary to support a prima facie case that would be recognized by United States federal law”.

In 2013, Dotcom launched the encryption-protected cloud storage service Mega and followed that up the next year by launching his own political party. Dotcom’s Internet Party contested New Zealand’s 2014 elections, but didn’t pick up any seats.

In February of this year, a judge in New Zealand signed off on the United States’ extradition request but Dotcom has filed an appeal.

Source: So Who Is Kim Dotcom, This Guy Who Is Suddenly Popping Up in Seth Rich Stories?


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining

Lemme fix that for you.

Mike Rivero is a fukking white supremacist. There's nothing objective about this dude.

You make a blanket claim about white supremacy....but have probably never listened to a show before in your life....what are you basing that on? You just saying the most triggering statement you can think of....gotcha..

Listen to the first 15 minutes and he goes over parts of the case that stand out as suspicious....things that a normal investigatiom wouldn't have missed. Things that any normal crime journalist would have to be like "why wasn't this looked at". :yeshrug:.

I guess you are referring to honest media like this here

I gotcha :sas1:........these are yall heroes

I noticed how all the detractors skip over this video. This is a video I repeatedly use to make the point how deceptive the MsM is and how if they would decieve their viewers with a Gilligan's Island green screen, why is it so difficult to see why folks don't trust them just cause they make blanket statements.

Without fail and on que...the detractors act like they didn't see the video and/or go off on tangents..:russ:....c'mon son.
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