All that ‘spraining for why you were wrong to say Kingston wasn’t on the list. Now ask any sane person, would they rather be dropped off in the middle of a bad American city at night, or in the middle of Kingston Jamaica. American city danger doesn’t rival most of the rest of the world’s cities danger, get over it, tryhard.
There is nothing lame about that, when you don’t know the culture or don’t have any connects. When I go to Jamaica, I go everywhere BUT resorts. But that’s because I’ve lived there before, have tons of friends and family, and I am of that culture. Even with all of that said, I’m still in danger and could be targeted because I am an American. I would strongly suggest anybody who doesn’t have those ties to stay their asses in the tourist parts of the island and not go traipsing around through the guts of the country as I do. You would be FOOD, in so many ways. From cab drivers to police, you risk being kidnapped robbed and possibly killed. Nothing lame about you going there and only staying in the tourist spots.
Americans and Brits are the only people who go online and BOAST about how fukked up and dangerous their city is I dont go around telling people that my boys brother got his neck slit and teeth knocked out of his corpse when he went back home for flashing his golds in the wrong barrio still thinking he was in Florida like its a fukking badge of honor to be from a place like that