F*ck your bootleg fraudulent sh*t sourced “list”. Kingston is ranked 11th out 27 most dangerous cities in the world Craig. If you truly think it’s more safe to be dropped in the middle of some American city at night, than it is to be dropped of in the middle of Kingston Jamaica at night, you’re even dumber than the other poster I quoted.
While traveling is one of the greatest joys humans have, certain places need you to take extra precautions. With frequent news stories of violence, kidnappings and gang warfare, it's hard to ignore the reality that
But but but Kingston isn’t even on the list
even in your source, they have an American City ahead of Kingston

the only cities ahead of the American cities are in Mexico and Brazil.
mind you, most of Kingston is poor or underdeveloped and St Louis has much, more rich and affluent parts than Kingston and yet it still come out ahead off Kingston. which means St Louis> Kingston
honestly, most the the hoods in the top 10 most dangerous cities in America are most likely more deadlier than Kingston, but those cities also develop, as oppose to Kingston. so off course you are most likely to run into trouble in Kingston than American cities, dummy.
at the end of the day, your whole point is wrong, American hoods are just as dangerous as other nations because the only other nations that get more cities on these list are Mexico and Brazil.
you were wrong, I am right. take you L, anime virgin