For the first time South Africa ANC party loses election


May 1, 2012
So hes saying south africans are institutionalized by the white man

South africans

Are the house nikkas ?

Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
I thought the EFF was that party. :francis:
EFF only got started once Julius Malema was kicked out of the ANC (the older guys felt threatened by him)... So he took on a more black radical stance to basically appeal to that demographic that was sick and tired of the older generation (Nelson Mandela/ANC party). Again this was purely political opportunism and strategy.

EFF is not and has never been a black revolutionary party.

It's actually crazy growing up in a country or a place that you can see and feel get regressively worse every 10 years.
Growinh up in SA in the 90s there was this hopefulness that black people had, there was a spirit of helping one another etc these days, even though it's unspoken, the spirit of the people have been broken.


Sep 29, 2015
EFF only got started once Julius Malema was kicked out of the ANC (the older guys felt threatened by him)... So he took on a more black radical stance to basically appeal to that demographic that was sick and tired of the older generation (Nelson Mandela/ANC party). Again this was purely political opportunism and strategy.

EFF is not and has never been a black revolutionary party.

It's actually crazy growing up in a country or a place that you can see and feel get regressively worse every 10 years.
Growinh up in SA in the 90s there was this hopefulness that black people had, there was a spirit of helping one another etc these days, even though it's unspoken, the spirit of the people have been broken.
Another factor with EFF decline that is not talked about is that stupid 10 year celebration, Malema fired loyal people who built the party and parachuted former ANC lackeys in positions who never put the groundwork, that turned a lot of people off. And Malema wants to flood South Africa with immigrants which is not palatable.

Let The Coli tell it, that things aren't getting worse, but I've learned to accept that majority of people here are clueless on SADC politics.


Jun 20, 2015
Ever since Nelson Mandela, South Africa has been led by the (mostly) black ANC party. That will change since, for the first time ever, the ANC party is getting less than 42% of the votes. This means that there will be a "coalition government" for the first time. This means that the mostly white "democratic alliance" party (the one that wanted the western cape to secede from south africa) will hold way more political power. This is the beggining of the re-colonization of Africa in my opinion.

No...Not Re-colonization.
But a continuation of the delaying of Land and the Economy's Wealth redistribution

sad shyt if they form a coalition with the MK that{s worse since They literally kicked Zuma out of the party now they need him to save their party,

They cant use the DA because the DA will never go for the bullshyt that the ANC wants to do

L all around
The ANC is being forced by Western Powers to go with the DA....
Zuma seems to be a tribalist.....
Malema is the Best Choice in my opinion to form a coalition with

South Africans might win the koon of the year award. Idk how this happens in a country where you're 80% or more of the population, shyt wild. Immigration will lead to South Africa turning back into SOFT apartheid I'm afraid.
To understand why this happen one should start by asking what message is being sent by local Mass Media and what type of History is being taught in schools
Corruption is a minor problem at this stage....because if the proceeds is left within the local economy then it can act as a stimulus.
what is major is the local narratives on the street

Cant really blame the voters for kicking the ANC out
The Voters did not kick the ANC out....Their votes were split.
This Fracturing or factioning of the ANC benefits only one group....The DA

Zulus are the only black South Africans people who can hold their head high.
Is it about All or Most South Africans or Only the Zulus?

That{s the thing Tribe still hold sway in SUTH Africa. They destroyed Durban to protect Zuma and he{s a kingmaker now.

The guptas are never going to jail.
Tribalism is the progenitor of Casteism Racism Classism and Shadeism/featurism
The Guptas or wealthy Indians are being blamed for what exactly?

Guptas are a scapegoat the people no longer buy. Glencore were the ones who did state capture. Zulus rioted because of bullshyt Covid mandates, people were starving.
My sense is that they meaning the Guptas and Glencore are working together to secure and insure their wealth and privilege remain in tact.

either way the better move would{ve been to vote for anyone not in the room when everything fell apart.

The MK and the ANC will continue to sell out to any foriegner with a bag
Sell outs are never can voting for anybody not in the room - you become a spoiler splitting the voting.
That depends on whether or not the proceeds from the sell out remain in country or is repatriated outside of the country

Hope South Africa would elect decent leaders regardless of party one day. Because the system is broken no matter where you go
It is the responsibility of the electorate/voters/citizenry to insure the character of the crafting rules laws regulations and institutions to assure this.

IDK what this means but it sounds goofy lol. Arent yall all black and from the same country? I'm here to tell yall that once white folks gain political power and open up the floodgates for immigration from america, Europe, australia, canada and the UK, its a wrap for yall. As you will get a lot of white nationalists who want a new Rhodesia flocking over there.
It wont be a wrap....the fight will just be so much more difficult.
Worst their first order of business will be to insure the redistribution of Land and the Economy never Happens.

Of course you'll say that. You have a Zulu name

Having said that, Zuma finally got his revenge on the ANC.

This MK party had nothing to do with being president, he just wanted to split the vote and frustrated his old party.

Crooks fighting crooks.
Zuma got his revenge but at what cost...
Politics is always about crooks fighting crooks....and by crooks I mean competeing self interest first - Country/Nation some where after or as a consequence of.

isn't the thread title alittle sensational

they still hold the majority, just not complete majority and Ramaposa was still comfortably elected

the real losers in this is the EFF. i think they lost votes. i think it's time for Malema to hand it over to someone else. sheesh
Yes it is sensational.
Yes now they lost most hope of forcing a timely Redistribution of the Nations Wealth into the hands of its rightful recipients.
The Real losers is Primarily Black South Africans and secondarily All South Africans

The group who cooperated with the white government during Aparheid :mjlol:
There is enough blame to go around...
This is what the DA want Blacks South Africa Mired down in Tribalism - Divided and Ruled over
Unity is what is needed....or if we be divided then lets us function as One toward our mutual goals or interests - Functional Unity
Respectfully the ANC deserves this. The corruption from the ANC has been absolutely horrendous and the people had enough.
Nearly every country has corruption...none more so than the US
The ANC corruption is growing pains of a relatively young Party and Administration/Government.

I wouldn't vote for them either if I knew they was selling my energy resources to Zimbabwe while I had to suffer through unannounced rolling black outs every day in the nicest parts of the country and live damn near in the stone ages the further I moved away from the whites of Pretoria and the fancy blacks in Joburg.

Non issue.

Peace to my people out in Winterveld

Hopefully you will finally get the resources you need and deserve now that the fancy blacks will have to work again.
I feel your pain..
Let us not blame Zimbabwe or engender Xenophobia.
why do i get the feeling you would not vote for ANC regardless of what they did right or wrong...?

Technically apartheid doesn’t seem to have left. The wealth is still concentrated with white elites. Neighborhoods are still segregated in terms of infrastructure and education. ANC created an artifice of leadership but it’s been rife with grift and impotence. They let some Indian family come in and run the government for years and now look…just heartbreaking.
But why did it happen?
Malema should be running things!
The Brother is Right On All points....but something about him seems suspect - but his rhetoric is the Best

Lol, some of you analyze geopolitics like toddlers in constant fear, and your fear is always white people...

Just reactionaries, and the reactions always being dictated by whites or fear of their actions...Smh, how can some of you live like this?

80% of the votes went to parties led by black people. 20% went to a mixed coalition. You don't even understand what apartheid was...

Exactly. They relaxed(because they believed they controlled the black vote completely), however, the new generation has decided to send them a message..."You work harder the next years, improve our situation, or you will be out completely"...Seriously, ANC districts have been a mess.
Yes we fear white people...because if given the opportunity we know the cruelty they are capable of...
Maybe you have forgotten the fight to get from under their oppression.
The party that whites lead got 20% of the votes whiles they themselves is only 7% of the population with coloreds and asians they make up 19%....
Thats scary Blacks (ANC EFF MK) are not making any significant in roads in those communities
Yes lets hope ANC wakes up....and Coalesce with those who share the same goals and interest and not out of spite or political expediencies.


Sep 29, 2015
No...Not Re-colonization.
But a continuation of the delaying of Land and the Economy's Wealth redistribution
Forget land reform it's over black South Africans have lost. Helen Zille a white racist plans to naturalize 15 million illegals, how will natives get their land then?
The ANC is being forced by Western Powers to go with the DA....
Zuma seems to be a tribalist.....
Malema is the Best Choice in my opinion to form a coalition with
Malema is a Pedi tribalist, all the EFF top brass are from Limpopo, he's a joke who wants to open borders.
To understand why this happen one should start by asking what message is being sent by local Mass Media and what type of History is being taught in schools
Corruption is a minor problem at this stage....because if the proceeds is left within the local economy then it can act as a stimulus.
what is major is the local narratives on the street
Corruption is a minor problem when ANC hires ghost workers to steal money instead of hiring the unemployed youth? I doubt your knowledge of South Africa, South Africa is top 10 in illicit outflows of money, it is a capital exporter despite the poverty. Even the Nats governed better.
It wont be a wrap....the fight will just be so much more difficult.
Worst their first order of business will be to insure the redistribution of Land and the Economy never Happens.
This will be done by naturalizing illegal immigrants.
Nearly every country has corruption...none more so than the US
The ANC corruption is growing pains of a relatively young Party and Administration/Government.
ANC is beyond corruption it is plain destruction at this point.


Jun 20, 2015
This man really said, "well actually, corruption is a good thing."
Yes I did....but i did lay out a condition - that the proceeds be spent in the local economy .
The socalled first world countries are so corrupt that they legalize and regulated corruption...
South Africa is young when compared to countries like the USA which is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.


Jun 20, 2015
Forget land reform it's over black South Africans have lost. Helen Zille a white racist plans to naturalize 15 million illegals, how will natives get their land then?
The Problem is not fellow Africans legal or illegal....but Rich Racist (Mostly White) Elites.
Native will get their Land

Malema is a Pedi tribalist, all the EFF top brass are from Limpopo, he's a joke who wants to open borders.
Open borders is good and one of the reasons I like Malema...
How can he be a tribalist and at the same time welcome foreigners and illegals and opening up the borders....explain?

Corruption is a minor problem when ANC hires ghost workers to steal money instead of hiring the unemployed youth?
Yes...The Real Problem is solving and dealing with the Redistribution of both Land and Economy - all else pales in comparison.

I doubt your knowledge of South Africa,
As you should....I am by no means on South Africa.
I am How ever very knowledgeable on developing economies and newly formed Governments/Nations and the challenges such administrations face because of the learning curve.

South Africa is top 10 in illicit outflows of money, it is a capital exporter despite the poverty.
Sad but pales when compared to giving or getting back the Land and Economy in the Rightful Black Hands.

Even the Nats governed better.
Wow!! you must be so kind of Aparthied loving South African
Are you perchance (Boer) Afrikaans?
This will be done by naturalizing illegal immigrants.

ANC is beyond corruption it is plain destruction at this point.
I cant disagree more....
is there Corruption in the ANC....yes


Dec 2, 2012
Yes I did....but i did lay out a condition - that the proceeds be spent in the local economy .
The socalled first world countries are so corrupt that they legalize and regulated corruption...
South Africa is young when compared to countries like the USA which is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.