Both images.
Explain what an image is.
I dont know what you mean by my guy. But all of those (though incorrect names) point to the God of Abraham.
Which franchise of Abrahamic God squad do you subscribe to?
Both images.
I dont know what you mean by my guy. But all of those (though incorrect names) point to the God of Abraham.
Explain what an image is.
Which franchise of Abrahamic God squad do you subscribe to?
How do you figure?
And all these things are still going on.oh let's consider that: human slavery, misogyny, domination through violence, the right to Freedom/dignity and human rights are generally and patently avowed and supported by edict of most modern governments and nations, that alone would do make this century more moral than previous. Plenty of work left to be done, but compared to the past, when these ideas and practices were generally accepted as rightfully ordained by God or necessity or deemed as signs human excellence, we are a much more moral planet then back then.
And all these things are still going on.
think...slowly and respond again
I dont need to.
sorry not fit for reply
dittoYou replied to me first
You can avoid my posts, but not the truth my friend
I would say an sculpture, picture, drawing etc... But lets go to the definition
a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art.
Anybody that worships this, cannot be worshiping the God.
No franchise. I just put my faith in the Eternal God and thats what guides me.
If he was God, why would he have to prove himself to us mere mortal humans? Seems petty
........................................................This will not end well:zfg:
like asking humans to worship him?
up this is why I don't negotiate with trolls that are not smartHave fun yet? KOK actually believes that since bad things are still happening, we're living in the most morally bankrupt time in human history. Nevermind that all those things happened at a much larger scale. Simply the fact that it still happens is enough to convince him this is the worst time in history, and oh yeah, his interpretation of the bible is correct.
Y'all gettin' trolled HARD.
I'm putting together a legion of troll
first three members are this guy, king-over-kingz and tripleblackness:zfg:
this will be our lair
because trolls don't care about copyrights