No my friend. For one, SAYING one thing but doing another is not being about what one is SAYING. Thats being a liar. Second, saying "god" does not mean that one is referring to the same Being (who is the Source of All Existence) that I am. Some people call a variety of things that are not "G-D", "god". As well, not making overt legislation is proof of the belief that they don't promote it. I mean you see gay marriage being passed through legislation right? Is that not the OPPOSITE of the values presented in the bible? It not being in the media, is also proof of it.
Again, I don't know what you're talking about. Who's saying one thing and doing another?
Sure, not everyone has the same god belief as you, no shyt. That's not proof. Some would like to make such laws, but again, we have this overarching law in the US which prohibits leaders from making, for example, Christian-specific laws. Gay marriage laws are the result of a populous becoming more secular, and an application of that aforementioned law.
You sure you didnt know what I meant mainstream rap? The rap music that the majority of the people listen to is what I meant. This rap music that has billions of dollars sunk into it to promote it. Yet, I do not hear the music representing values of God. But according to you, the people that instituted the state of Israel (which was RICH men using nations. Look it up) believe in and serve the God of Abraham. I'm saying this sentiment doesnt match the reality I'm seeing.
No, I don't know what you meant by saying our leaders promote things that conflict with your religious belief, namely rap music. What leaders promote rap music? There is no connection between mainstream rap and zionism in 1948 as far as I can see.
Corporations and your leaders are working towards the same goal. You said you know lobbying exists? You think its your "average" man and woman dropping stacks on politicians? Plus, I was showing you was that you are offered "choices" that arent really choices at all. That was with products. I already told you about the same thing being the case with the media. Thats without mentioning how many presidents we have had that are related at the least distantly. But you're covering your eyes and closing your ears to the "mystery" of what Im saying...
Nah, what you're saying makes no sense to me.
Well as I said, you could do some reading on REAL politics and not the one the media presents that you said . The Vatican has an obviously shaken history as well. And prophecy has to do with it my friend.
Isaiah 46:10
I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.'
So when you see something happened, that was said to happen, thats an example of PROOF. Not the only one though.
I don't think you understand what proof is. Anyone can make a prediction and claim they got it from some divine source. That doesn't mean it's true.
No theres been one example brought from buddhism that doesn't even have a definitive source if you research it. Not to mention a separate interpretation than the one he presented. I understand you DONT want to believe though so if thats where you want to go with your free will then I suppose thats where you'll go with it. I would think understanding the existence of a Creator that is able to destroy all the existence would be important(consider the amount of nations that somehow have a story of the earth being flooded). Especially with the facts presented in this thread. But I guess for your case its not important.
The existence of a Creator has not be demonstrated.
Billions of people have came to a tiny nation of Israel (when compared to other major civilizations like Persia, Greece, Egypt, Rome etc...) to learn about their God is simply what Im getting at. The idols of the other nations, have not done what the God of Israel have done. Which is why when I ask for a prophecy from another religion I get a flimsy one at best.
I think your prophecies are flimsy at best too. The fact that more people today happen to believe your myths is irrelevant.
I've already told you about the spirits behind other religions. All created or simply images. Bring a specific one and I can go further if you would like.
And ok lets talk about we'll say the "son of man" since "Jesus" wasnt his name (so anyone coming back as "Jesus" would be suspect but not guilty). Why would you expect the "son of man" to come back ahead of the timeline he gave for his return?
Depending on the particular belief, Hinduism has a creator god. Ahead of the timeline? I'm just saying he hasn't come back.
Of course. Its you I'm worried about my friend.
Sure you are.
I've pointed out that his father (A REPRESENTATIVE in the US Senate) supporting Hitler.
Except you didn't show this. The only thing you demonstrated, if the claim is true, is that his father was willing to do business with someone who might have supported Hitler. Maybe he did something bad, but you make it as if he led Jews into gas chambers himself. What you're saying is a misleading and a bit dishonest.
From P. Bush's wiki:
Wikipedia said:Bush was one of seven directors (including W. Averell Harriman) of the Union Banking Corporation (holding a single share as a director), an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen. In July 1942, the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders. A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations but confirmed the Thyssens' control, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II. According to journalist Joe Conason, Prescott Bush's involvement with UBC was purely commercial and he was not a Nazi sympathizer. The Anti-Defamation League and historian Herbert Parmet agreed with that assessment.
Plus this happened well before he served in the US Congress, so how would it have anything to do with corruption? Besides, the point is anyone can look at one (possible) mistake in a person's life and dismiss any good they've done. You ignore the work Bush did for the United Negro College Fund and Planned Parenthood (which, you're probably against anyway). But you even take it a step further and accuse a person's child of being untrustworthy because of something the parent did. That's just asinine. If you wanna talk about why we shouldn't trusted the intentions of previous politicians, we should talk about specifically what they believe, and what they've did individually.
But atheists waste both of these as well right? So what are believers missing out on by being not being atheist? It cant be anything concerning "wasting time and money" because atheists do this in one way or another as well. Another unanswered question
The difference is, assuming you're wrong, they don't do so because they believe in imaginary beings and flimsy prophecy claims. Atheists generally don't tithe, so the money given to the church so it can function and preach can be used in an infinitely more productive way. Even if its spent on a lotto ticket, at least the potential to win the lotto is a real tangible thing. If you're wrong, you used a substantial amount of resources towards this thing that isn't even demonstrable. That's why it's called a wager; what you're doing is essentially gambling to receive the best possible outcome when you die. The difference is at least we KNOW people receive money after winning the lotto. We don't know people go to this great place with God after dying.
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