Dirty Mcdrawz
Your girl loves em....
skyfall is all over the internet brehs and so is this movie.
Probably a little bit of both...Denzel did a great job acting...and this movie had no redeeming moments to me...no triumph...no glory...it was like watching a big screen version of intervention. If Denzel hadnt carried the movie...I probably would have thought it was one of the worst movie's I've ever seen in theatres.You wanted to walk out, because of the repetitive, cliched, hackneyed 'going thru the motions' of the movies portrayal of alcoholism, or because you were that emotionally invested in the movie, and the character, of Whip Whitman? So many bad scenes in that movie, so many bad lines. Good have been good, but crumbled, with the heavy handed, platitudes of the script and the director.
Late on this...but that movie was. Denzel killed it.....and that Cancer patient was comedy.
Unstoppable was garbage imo.it was better than pelham 123 and safe hosue, not better than unstoppable or book of eli
Unstoppable was garbage imo.