I just wish the original site didn't go down when it did. So much classic shyt was lost. The Wheel of Cysage (the Willie Williams story had me in legit tears) , NFL and NBA rankings, the movie and music reviews, etc. No site meant no place for nyggas to get checked when they stole ya'll shyt. No reference or receipts to the shyt ya'll started. It's simply NOT a coincidence that nyggas that were sharking ya'll (Bomani, Complex, Rod, Dat Tall, and Whitlock lowkey) started gaining more and more buzz during the sites hiatus. Hearing Rod and Bo talking about "Cism" and using the word "Cyse" on the The Morning Jones, Complex calling MJ "Cheese Eyes , and Dat Tall doing NFL rankings that sounded ghost written by you guys and also taking that Jesus Bynum shyt (I posted a link to your article in the comments section and he took the post down

I know ya'll gotta feel disgusted seeing other people profit off of you guys. Rod may not take credit for #DemThrones but he charges for old episodes where he discusses that shyt.

The writing has been on the wall for you guys to take action. When I saw #DemDebates was trending all over social media, my eyes got big as shyt. My nyggas that i put onto the 'cast all hit me up thinking asking if i'd seen that joint. It turned out to be short for Democratic Debates, but it just goes to show how far the style and lingo that you created can go.
I hope like hell you guys get the credit that's deserved. I'm not on Twitter but i'll @ nyggas in comments sections or post links here.