I swear y'all cats don't even think before you post. Diarrhea filling up your guts and coming out your mouth, and you still don't even realize your shyt stanks.

I swear y'all cats don't even think before you post. Diarrhea filling up your guts and coming out your mouth, and you still don't even realize your shyt stanks.
You came up with a nonsense hypothetical. Do you not see how it has no relevance in this discussion?
Tell us you're a square without telling us you're a square.I mean at least I'm giving you legit basketball highlights and FMVP voting.
That would be steph.If they swapped teams with the same surrounding pieces, what would the outcome have been? That's your answer.
All you are telling me is that Curry had a better front office and coaching staff. You keep bringing up the Warriors being 3-1 vs the Cavs in the finals like it's suppose to mean something in the Bron vs Curry debate. Last time I checked this isn't a one on one sport.This is such an elementary way of looking at it.
Steph cultivated the culture/system that led to a dynasty and the players that played alongside him became the best versions of themselves. Does Draymond become the player he does if he plays alongside Bron for his entire career, or would he have likely been traded long ago for a shooter? Does Wiggins turn into the same player if he played alongside Bron? How many players have played alongside Steph and become better as a result? How many players have benefitted from Steph being the most selfless superstar of the modern era? How many players have benefitted from having more easy scoring opportunities as a result from his gravity and off-ball movement?
Nobody should hold it against Bron that he wanted to maximize his chances of winning by hopping from team to team, but there's a reason why he hasn't been able to create the same environment that Steph has.
Highlights and examples makes you a square nowTell us you're a square without telling us you're a square.
So this only matters in 10 year gaps huh Bron stansThe one with more rings and MVPs
He very well might have but I'm not sure why we just gloss over that detail. How is that more worthy of admiration than Bron signing with teams via free agency? They're different sides of the same stacking-the-deck coin.Someone might argue Bron did the same thing when he skipped town and teamed up with DWade.
Stones, glass houses and all that.
I mean we've seen Lebron win a shyt load of games with nothing more than 3 and D role guys.. Prime Lebron was a walking 50 win season with just an average or slightly above average supporting cast. Draymond and Steph uniquely optimize each other, they both cover for each other's deficiencies in a way that hasn't been replicated in NBA history. Lebron and Draymond have too many overlapping skills to work. But, hypothetically speaking, what if you replace Curry and Draymond with Lebron and say Kyle Lowry (a better fit with Lebron in the same vein as Steph/Dray). You don't think Lebron/Lowry/Klay/Iggy, and later Lebron/KD/Lowry/Klay/Iggy, and finally Lebron/Lowry/Klay/Wiggins/Poole would be perennial contenders? Maybe not the same ceiling as Steph's Warriors but certainly a championship core.This is such an elementary way of looking at it.
Steph cultivated the culture/system that led to a dynasty and the players that played alongside him became the best versions of themselves. Does Draymond become the player he does if he plays alongside Bron for his entire career, or would he have likely been traded long ago for a shooter? Does Wiggins turn into the same player if he played alongside Bron? How many players have played alongside Steph and become better as a result? How many players have benefitted from Steph being the most selfless superstar of the modern era? How many players have benefitted from having more easy scoring opportunities as a result from his gravity and off-ball movement?
Nobody should hold it against Bron that he wanted to maximize his chances of winning by hopping from team to team, but there's a reason why he hasn't been able to create the same environment that Steph has.
Prime Lebron doesn't blow a 3-1 leadPrime curry doesnt lose to the mavs with wade and bosh
Nah, what I'm telling you is, 99.99999% of players that play alongside Steph become the best version of themselves. The same doesn't happen with Bron, which again, is no slight against him, because Steph is essentially one of a kind in that sense.All you are telling me is that Curry had a better front office and coaching staff.
Last time I checked Steph's record against Bron in this context holds a lot of weight. And I keep bringing it up because it's the same type of reasoning that rockhead is spamming this thread with. It's merely to illustrate how nonsensical his argument is.You keep bringing up the Warriors being 3-1 vs the Cavs in the finals like it's suppose to mean something in the Bron vs Curry debate. Last time I checked this isn't a one on one sport.
Prime Lebron doesn't blow a 3-1 lead![]()
I can't take anyone seriously that believes "legit highlights" is some sort of damning argument, least of all, FMVP votes which has been debunked on here years ago. You're not even worth my time of lacing them up. I'll just point and make jokes out of your posts.Highlights and examples makes you a square now
You reeling Gil... What the hell is even Steph's defining moment? 2022 I'll give you.. besides that year