Okay, I guess we're doing this.
For one, I
wasn't really speaking on Box Office or in terms of how the general public perceive the films per say. I really am talking about
studio execs &
movie critics because their the ones who in a lot of ways drive whether a script is Greenlit & put into production.
My apologies if that wasn't clear; but it's obvious on what kind of films get an "Okay" & what don't. I am
ALWAYS reading/ listening to reviews & keeping my ear close to hear how these "Professional" people in the movie industry react to certain things. More often than not, majority Black cast movies are rated terribly, gross less & are Sh#t on in comparison to others in the SAME genre & a lot of times HAVE IDENTICAL PLOTS/Storylines. Now, Will is a worldwide known "
ACCEPTED" Black celeb who's proven to have a nice track record in box office
(One of the few) so using him as a gauge to showcase how majority Black actors & actresses casted movies underperform as well as how they are badly received by many is already impractical.
Fast & Furious has
Tyrese &
Ludacris as "
Black" actors but they aren't
LEADs. Just because you see them on screen doesn't give them much
significance. The plot can go on with or without them in plenty of different ways; their just clever pieces used to keep them involved so pessimist like myself have to go out our way to see the F##kery.

Oh, & And even if you wanna be a smart-as$ & throw The Rock in that category that still only makes "
ONE" Lead in those films.
Nope, Stop right there! Vin Diesel don't claim black so miss me with that too.
Most people excluding myself disliked
After Earth. It got raped by Critics & the general Audience in terms of reaction So

I Can't believe you went
Space-Jam-Jordan on me & Reached with Bad Boys & Pursuit of Happiness to justify your views which are clearly not "
Lookie here bruh, I ain't typin all day nor did I post to have a debate. If you don't agree I'm cool with that but I'll still feel that there's a HUGE as$ void of underrepresentation of Non-c00n, intelligent, talented, Black Folk Leading Major mainstream film.
And you know in all honesty, it isn't just "Black actors" but "ALL Non-white". Why aren't there any Lead Hispanics, Asians or Middle Eastern actors in these American Blockbusters for that matter? I wanna see everybody in on the action putting out QUALITY but I guess that's Silly of me 
... Whatever fellow Coli, Agree to Disagree.