Eva Mendez isn't a Cac and before her he was trying to get Halle Berry to star with him but she couldn't clear her schedule. Will's love interests in his movies have, before Focus, nearly ALL been women of color or minority women.
Made In America- PRIME Nia Long
Independence Day- PRIME Vivica Fox
Enemy Of The State- Regina King
Wild Wild West- ole girl from Jamie Foxx Show and Selma Hayek
Men In Black 2- Rosario Dawson
Ali- His wife Jada (still fine) Nona Gaye

and Micheal Michelle
Bad Boys 2- Gabrielle Union
Seven Pounds- Rosario Dawson
After Earth- Sophie Okonedo
Of his Blockbusters he's only had Cac love interests in Hancock (ugly pasty pale ass Charlize Theron

) and now Focus. He flirted a little with Linda Florentino in the first Men In Black but she wasnt a "romantic" interest.