King Crimson
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I gotta say, I agree with this wholeheartedly. Just about every word. I did have trouble buying the fact that Harry and Pete were friends. I was just like "How? How the hell would a kid worth 100 billion (or whatever figure they said) become friends with a working class kid from Forest Hills, Queens." That did give me pause, but like you said, Dane and Garfield made it work. Cosign the Electro criticism. I don't think he was meant to be on par with other comic movie villains, he was just there to give a clear cut villain and possibly sell toys. I can dig that.I feel you on all of that but definitely the bolded. Most spider man flicks, at least 2, ASM and ASM 2 have been character studies disguised as comic book flicks and for me it works. Electro isn't much of a character to be honest so he needs to share screen time with someone else at least for me and I feel like he served his purpose. I'll agree with @HHR that there is a lot of world building and when you do that, it sacrifices story but for me, the main story was Peter and him learning to accept things, let go of things, and ultimately what would happen between he and Gwen and what impact that would have on him and that's how the comics work. The villains are normally background to whatever main issue is going on in his life. My one criticism of the film is that the tone took some getting used to and the screenplay didn't seem too sure of which direction it wanted to go in tonally a few times. And I wanted more time of Harry and Peter because you're telling me they're best friends but not really showing it. Luckily Dane and Andrew are dope actors so they were able to inform a lot of that relationship in the few scenes they had together.
And much like ASM, it's easier for me to get behind this movie because I can get behind Peter and what he's going through. Oh and he finally made jokes and I felt like I saw Spider-Man on film for once and not some mute who calls himself Spider-Man
Yeah though, I agree with you, spider breh.