How much did your training prepare you for what happens on the job?
At what point did you feel like "I got this"? Not so much that you know everything but the feeling that you and your team can handle just about any situation.
How often do you experience something crazy that you've never seen before?
1. On the fire side…I felt pretty well prepared and after a couple good fires you get a system down on how you’re going to operate.
EMS/medical side…Compared to what I learned in medic class to what we actually Do on the streets is almost night and day. Lot of that textbook shyt goes out the window
2. A veteran firefighter told me this and it rings so true. “The day you think you know this job is the day you need to retire or quit”. We are always training, always learning new equipment, new tactics, learning how to work under different leadership styles. My station always has 2 or 3 rookies so I regularly get to refresh on my skills which is great. Teaching the rookies is fun also, love sharing the knowledge I have.
3. I would say once or twice a month I get a call that has me like
. A normal day is pretty routine. Car accidents, natural gas leak, overdoses, shootings, etc
Can you just work day shifts or do yall have to rotate?
We don’t have day/night shift…that’s police
We work 24 hours on 48 hours off