They allowed you to be at 265?? When my brother was in training he had to meet weight (220) and had to be at that weight or within that 220-222 weight.
They don't care about weight as long as you are fit and pass the physical. When I took my physical they got me after the gym when I was water logged and full of creatine. I walked in there 280 lbs.
My blood pressure was so low cause I was in shape for my weight they was scared I was gonna pass out lol. I told them I wouldn't so the only way to get an accurate pulse was and measure was me laying down. Then my arms was too big for the cuff. Again. Men of my size didn't want to be a fire fighter.
1st Pic was me in training to Pass the Cpat/physical this Pic was taken 3hrs before my physical btw
2nd Pic is me slimming down to get into the Academy
3rd Pic is me at my smallest 232lbs.
Again I am an anomaly, cause Im a former athlete and come froma family of football players, so lifting weights and being an active fatboy is common to me. Hell I still move for a guy my size even thought I am very disabled. When I get back in the gym tho I am gonna drop weight again so it can be easier on my leg and lumbar and degenerative hip.