Final Fantasy VII Remake:Part1. INTERmission DLC (6/10/21).

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
:snoop: to the first bolded...roche is clearly being used as a device to show what happens with soldiers in SOLDIER that have been infused with heavy doses of mako (basically becoming earthly gods, going insane and then withering away and dying early)...he will appear throughout this whole story and we'll get to see this arc.....i guarantee that

Jessie's dead...for christ sake people can't read (not dissing you) literally says in the chapter log she died.

The side quests were ass granted

the second bolded, I hear you, it was built as its own game, but it wasn't at the same time obviously because it's only got the beginnings of like 10 plot points...

the third bolded :what: the hell are you even talking about? esp materia we didn't lmao


as a sidenote, I always scratch my head at the weirdos that cry about 'filler' as if it's not a good thing the lore and story is being fleshed out to the max???'s as if they think the second and possible third games would come a lot sooner without them :dead:

"nah nah, don't make a little sub plot about that thing a bag have people have wondered about for decades...I want the next game 6 months earlier, you can skip doing that" :laff:
Game is legit the best videogame remake EVER done imo.

Imagine trying doing a remake to a game with rabid fanbase, that is looked at as a classic and is many peoples "1st" rpg that tells the original story while expanding on it and also being a sequel at the same time.

This game surpassed the 1st one in every manner for me and it's only part one, my biggest worry is that part 2 and the rest don't leave up to what when into part 1.

The music, graphic's, world building, characters, gameplay and fun factor are all vastly improved. Even the story as you actually get motive behind why people are doing what they are doing.


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
as a sidenote, I always scratch my head at the weirdos that cry about 'filler' as if it's not a good thing the lore and story is being fleshed out to the max???'s as if they think the second and possible third games would come a lot sooner without them :dead:

"nah nah, don't make a little sub plot about that thing a bag have people have wondered about for decades...I want the next game 6 months earlier, you can skip doing that" :laff:

Thats not what filler is. Filler is fluff just meant to pad the game that don’t add anything meaningful or impactful to the plot. The FF7 universe is huge and expansive and it didn’t really do anything to make the world we already know MORE interesting, instead you are chasing cats, and playing hide n go seek. The added chapters with Jesse didn’t make me like her anymore, and her incessant fangirling over cloud was cringey. There’s literally TWO different parts of the game that force you to look for a fukking cat. Like, what do cats have to do with the world of FF7 that needs to give you two missions for it?

Basically everything they tried to add to make a 5 hour portion of a game 30 hours didn’t make it anymore interesting. Thats the filler I’m talking about. There’s a good way to world build and there’s what square enix did.

The most memorable parts of the remake are the portions that stick the original plot. I haven’t seen one person that thought it was clever to have the main characters fight literal plot demons
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The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Thats not what filler is. Filler is fluff just meant to pad the game that don’t add anything meaningful or impactful to the plot. The FF7 universe is huge and expansive and it didn’t really do anything to make the world we already know MORE interesting, instead you are chasing cats, and playing hide n go seek. The added chapters with Jesse didn’t make me like her anymore, and her incessant fangirling over cloud was cringey. There’s literally TWO different parts of the game that force you to look for a fukking cat. Like, what do cats have to do with the world of FF7 that needs to give you two missions for it?

Basically everything they tried to add to make a 5 hour portion of a game 30 hours didn’t make it anymore interesting. Thats the filler I’m talking about. There’s a good way to world build and there’s what square enix did.

The most memorable parts of the remake are the portions that stick the original plot. I haven’t seen one person that thought it was clever to have the actual main characters fight literal plot demons
It's a JRPG breh, you do those things. I can't think of one where you didn't have at least a little bit of that.

Out of the whole game those things might have took a couple hours total. The Jesse stuff was interesting to me because in ff7 she clearly had a thing for cloud, that gets explored a bit more.


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
It's a JRPG breh, you do those things. I can't think of one where you didn't have at least a little bit of that.

Out of the whole game those things might have took a couple hours total. The Jesse stuff was interesting to me because in ff7 she clearly had a thing for cloud, that gets explored a bit more.

It really doesn’t though outside of silly school girl flirting.

Also to add on some of my dislikes, they kind of ruin a lot of big memorable moments also. Like Sephiroth ‘reuniting’ with Jehovah

Then you had this really moody trail of blood in the original and you knew shyt was about to turn up.


In the remake is like sparkly goo shyt.


I feel like this entire section of the game was handled horribly outside of the Rufus fight. The entire mood of it was ruined. Instead of seeing president shinra with a sword in his back you see him dangling off the ledge of the tower on some goofball shyt lol

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
It really doesn’t though outside of silly school girl flirting.

Also to add on some of my dislikes, they kind of ruin a lot of big memorable moments also. Like Sephiroth ‘reuniting’ with Jehovah

Then you had this really moody trail of blood in the original and you knew shyt was about to turn up.


In the remake is like sparkly goo shyt.


I feel like this entire section of the game was handled horribly outside of the Rufus fight.

Yeah that's on you breh. If you can use your imagination for the original and that was epic for you it shouldn't be hard at all with the remake. The actual fight with Jenova should make up for that as it's much more epic and involved than the original

Clapsteel O'Neal

put a red dot on your head like a hindu
May 10, 2012
Example: clouds swords in the original


6 out of 16 weapons from that list are in the first game. Same with everyone else, and the list of materia is more than half.

Like i said, if this is going to be an episodic game they blew their load in the first one.

And as for Jesse, they’ve been hinting at her possibly returning.

'FF7 Remake' Part 2 could resurrect 1 dead character, producer hints

Even if it’s not Jesse, the fact that they’re saying dead characters can be coming back is enough to knock the wind out of my hype sales. I’m at the point where i don’t believe anyone will die in this series now.

I’m seeing too many kingdom hearts style tropes appearing in this.

Thats not what filler is. Filler is fluff just meant to pad the game that don’t add anything meaningful or impactful to the plot. The FF7 universe is huge and expansive and it didn’t really do anything to make the world we already know MORE interesting, instead you are chasing cats, and playing hide n go seek. The added chapters with Jesse didn’t make me like her anymore, and her incessant fangirling over cloud was cringey. There’s literally TWO different parts of the game that force you to look for a fukking cat. Like, what do cats have to do with the world of FF7 that needs to give you two missions for it?

Basically everything they tried to add to make a 5 hour portion of a game 30 hours didn’t make it anymore interesting. Thats the filler I’m talking about. There’s a good way to world build and there’s what square enix did.

The most memorable parts of the remake are the portions that stick the original plot. I haven’t seen one person that thought it was clever to have the main characters fight literal plot demons

Don't try to pretend I wouldn't know what filler is when you're saying stuff like 6 out of 16 weapons = "tHe MaJoRiTy Of WeApOnS" ?????

I know what filler is. The cat stuff, yes, the rest of what you :stopitslime:

We didn't get the majority of weapons, materias or skills. Actually, a lot of people including myself were slightly aggrieved about how LIMITED the parties arsenal was. I bet if they'd only had something 2-3 weapons (for a whole fuccin game mind you :dead:) you'd be moaning about that too. I'm glad SE isn't paying attention to fans like you because the game would've come out rigid and predictable as fucc. Btw, even if they had put most of the equipment in this game (when like we've both proven, they hadn't) you know they could carry on doing what they did in this game and that new equipment ??? do realise they're not shackled and bound by what was put in the original game right?

And to circle back I'm sorry breh, no offense, but you're being autistic as fucc about two sidequests that amount to about 20 mins out of a 60 hour game and an extra mission that YOU personally don't think anything adds extra...but you're so invested in your narrow minded idea of what the game should be you can't even take a step back and recognise the utility of certain things.

We NEVER get to see the top plates in the original game outside of Shinra HQ, let alone go to the neighbourhoods of the well to do people in midgar. Just read a couple speech boxes about that area. Jesse's side mission does that. We also get a full breakdown of why she's in Avalanche and also the beginning of the sub plot of wutai and avalanche's relationship which once it resolves itself will have a character personality shifting effect on Barret. That's NOT all. That's the epitome of world building and fleshing out lore (for the mainline story, since we all know the avalance/wutai thing is taken from that mobile game)

And the only reason people are mentioning Jesse being alive is the Zack alt universe thing where people think you'll meet her at Gold Saucer where she never joined AVALANCHE and became the actress her parents wanted her to be instead. Which hasn't been proven to be true yet, because obvs we don't have the game to see...and if it were true, we don't know how SE handles it. Yes it could pan out in a god awful Kingdom Hearts way but it could also not turn out that way.

I can never understand when people moan and cry about stuff they haven't seen happen yet. Just relax bredda.
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Clapsteel O'Neal

put a red dot on your head like a hindu
May 10, 2012
It really doesn’t though outside of silly school girl flirting.

Also to add on some of my dislikes, they kind of ruin a lot of big memorable moments also. Like Sephiroth ‘reuniting’ with Jehovah

Then you had this really moody trail of blood in the original and you knew shyt was about to turn up.


In the remake is like sparkly goo shyt.


I feel like this entire section of the game was handled horribly outside of the Rufus fight. The entire mood of it was ruined. Instead of seeing president shinra with a sword in his back you see him dangling off the ledge of the tower on some goofball shyt lol

This is one of the points i acc agree with you on. The mood was fucced by the goo, and the horror aspect wasn't there, which was a shame because that was a :ohlawd: part of the original game in retrospect. BUT...i understand they swapped out the blood for goo because they didn't want to get an 18+ rating...which is fair enough, and to me that whole section wasn't ruined by that. Tbh if they could've, they should've added an option so you could change it if you wanted to, but ultimately it's not even that deep. Plus JENOVA's an alien so I just explained it away that...its alien blood...i've never seen alien blood so, it could be on point :yeshrug: (i understand that's a me thing though :pachaha:)

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
we are not about to act like FF7 OG wasn't stuffed to the rim with all kinds of irrelevant bullshyt :mjlol:

That was half the charm. First time I played the game Yuffie robbed my ass like 3 times and it wasn't until after I finished the game that I learned about her and Vincent being optional characters :russ:

I remember telling my brother sth like "man this game is different some girl shows up randomly to rob you and you just have to take it :ohhh:".


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
we are not about to act like FF7 OG wasn't stuffed to the rim with all kinds of irrelevant bullshyt :mjlol:

It was also a full game not an episode of a full game.

This is one of the points i acc agree with you on. The mood was fucced by the goo, and the horror aspect wasn't there, which was a shame because that was a :ohlawd: part of the original game in retrospect. BUT...i understand they swapped out the blood for goo because they didn't want to get an 18+ rating...which is fair enough, and to me that whole section wasn't ruined by that. Tbh if they could've, they should've added an option so you could change it if you wanted to, but ultimately it's not even that deep. Plus JENOVA's an alien so I just explained it away that...its alien blood...i've never seen alien blood so, it could be on point :yeshrug: (i understand that's a me thing though :pachaha:)

It wasn’t just the blood, it was the president shinra thing, the barret thing, hojo’s lab, etc. There were a lot of parts of shinra tower i wasn’t fukking with. Like, I’m not trying to convince yall not to like the game I’m just saying why it was just OK to me and didn’t really blow me away or satisfy me. After the WOW factor of seeing the graphics modernized and the nostalgia started to wear off, it started to slowly lose its appeal to me. I’m glad i played it and I’m looking forward to teh sequel but i probably wouldn’t play through it again

Way too much tedium with a lot of aspects of it that just weren’t fun to me.

DJ Paul's Arm

Dec 15, 2015
Thats not what filler is. Filler is fluff just meant to pad the game that don’t add anything meaningful or impactful to the plot.

Like that bullshyt when you enter Shinra building in the beginning and have to play jungle gym with tifa for like 20 minutes just to get a dam key card.


42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
It was also a full game not an episode of a full game.

It wasn’t just the blood, it was the president shinra thing, the barret thing, hojo’s lab, etc. There were a lot of parts of shinra tower i wasn’t fukking with. Like, I’m not trying to convince yall not to like the game I’m just saying why it was just OK to me and didn’t really blow me away or satisfy me. I’m glad i played it and I’m looking forward to teh sequel but i probably wouldn’t play through it again

over a third of ff7 OG was fluff or roundabout nonsense :mjlol:

as bad as shinra tower was, its still better than a dumb RTS minigame you had to complete to even get to Juno. and the backtracking being bad in 7R? man, the OG legit threw out 4 different forms of restrictive travel just to stretch out the game out another dozen hours.
Like that bullshyt when you enter Shinra building in the beginning and have to play jungle gym with tifa for like 20 minutes just to get a dam key card.

yal really don't remember running in circles through gold saucer just to get to run through gold saucer again huh :skip:

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
over a third of ff7 OG was fluff or roundabout nonsense :mjlol:

as bad as shinra tower was, its still better than a dumb RTS minigame you had to complete to even get to Juno. and the backtracking being bad in 7R? man, the OG legit threw out 4 different forms of restrictive travel just to stretch out the game out another dozen hours.
yal really don't remember running in circles through gold saucer just to get to run through gold saucer again huh :skip:

I'm starting to think these nikkas didn't play the original game. :patrice: