Female Students unbraid Black Male Teacher's hair...outrage ensues edit: he's fired!

Apr 3, 2014
I see what you mean but at the same time we can’t punish people for things that might happen if they aren’t actually taking things to the next level, albeit there must be boundaries. However I do respect if people choose to abstain from those situations entirely to eliminate the possibility of anything terrible happening, especially with teenage girls like you said.

Enjoying certain interactions doesn’t always have to be from a bad place

I do not want nikkas to weirdly twist this as a preface:comeon: but for example I enjoy interacting with little girls because they remind me of the little sister/daughter I‘ve always wanted to have in my life to look out for :yeshrug: All joy isn’t sexual

That breh who got fired obviously has some social media antics going on that I don’t really agree with but maybe it could be something more deep-seated from his personal experiences as to why he is seeking that type of attention

Uh I hear you but I have 2 little sisters so I don't need to interact with underage girls like that. :manny:

I'm good with my family. I dont even like people PERIOD let alone teenagers. :pachaha:


Mar 11, 2022
They are saying the girl in that video of him dressing up as an 'emo boy' is over 21 and a gym influencer, but what's still weird about that is the caption of 'when she likes emo boys'. It should be 'when she likes emo-men'. If she's above age, then I won't put that jacket of desiring minors based on that video on him.

The issue with this guy is either no awareness of boundaries or, more like he knows there should be some and he doesn't care and I'm leaning towards the latter.

Look at this clip of R. Kelly and Aaliyah. What does she call him? Oh yea, 'best friend'.

And I guarantee you had all kinds of people defending R. Kelly then talking about ,"Why are you taking it like that? He is only there to help bring her career along and mentor her."

What is this dude calling all of those lil girls around him? That's right, his besties. If you're not a gay dude, then how is a 14 or 15 year old girl your best friend and what kind of straight man uses bestie?

This clip of him acting like he's straightening up when the admin comes up shows he knows the 'buddy antics' is frowned upon. Ain't no grown, straight man, trying to listen to some 14 or 15 year old tea from teenage girls. What would be of interest in those conversations? What some 14 year old boy is knocking down all the girls at the school, what rap star they find hot or who is a good kisser?

The danger of letting grown men chat with young girls and play that 'bestie' game is that its an opportunity for a predator to mine for information like which girl does and doesn't have a protective dad or older brother. Which girl is in a single parent household with a mom they are getting into it with? This lets them identify the kind of home situation that will allow him or her to swoop in without having to worry about an angry dad or brother busting their guns or a protective mom reporting him/her.

After these dudes play the bestie game, they come through and play the mentor game where they find the woman they like and isolate them talking about they are going to mentor them and put them on game. You've seen it in a lot of churches as well where the pastors pick a pretty girl or in the case of undercover pastors, they pick some young man out say he/she got some kind of blessing all over them and he's going to take this person under his wing for some one on one tutelage. Next thing you know, that underaged person is always at 'passas' house alone and it eventually comes out they've been sleeping together or they're getting married.

You do NOT let a grown man or woman who has no familial relationship play the 'peer', 'big homie' game with kids. Kids are having all kinds of hormones pumped in their bodies via food and they are developing much more rapidly than before, so what do you think is going to happen when this grownup establishes a 'peer', 'friend', 'homie' relationship with a kid that looks like a grown adult? And beyond that, some predators don't even care if the person looks like an adult. They just have a disorder to where they prefer someone that looks underage.

The boundary has to be set way ahead of time or else years down the line we're going to be hearing why didn't the adults step in and protect the kids.

I’d hook up a meal and give all y’all the big piece of chicken. I swear it is so refreshing to see men thoroughly explain the issue and see that y’all get it.

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Breh, this is exactly why I said that y’all need to watch who is around the children in your family.

The attitudes in this thread are exactly why it’s so easy for predators. Men on this site talking about “ephebophiles” and how it’s natural for men to be attracted to 13/14-17 YO girls same Niccas in THIS THREAD saying why ppl should be trusting of all male teachers around teen girls, even when doing weird shyt like this.

I’ve said countless times that it isn’t EVERY man, but because you don’t know WHICH man you have to be careful.

The Coli, I tell ya.

Who said it's natural to be attracted to 13/14 yr old girls? shyt is mad weird and creepy


All Star
Apr 14, 2020
If his students know he has social media then they've seen him shirtless before. The woman is his sister.

Beyond that the more adult shorts. :francis:

Some jobs you can't just do anything. Kids are impressionable. It'll be different if someone like TraRags made these because he's not a teacher.

This dude making vids shirtless about kids being attracted to powerful auras. Who is that post for exactly? Why is he showing off his “powerful aura” if hes attracting kids with it… how is this in any way defendable.

What in the world…

The level of ignorance is just wow

Talking abiut tryna smash theyre moms. What school is this and why the fukk is this just now coming out. This is fukking insane im sorry.

Atleast now i know who to block on here.

22 pedos who dapped they dont see a problem. Now blocked. This thread was useful afterall

Tho its the 85 dapping homie on first page blaimong on him being black thats the problem. If a white teacher was talking to students on tik tok half naked talking bout “children respect a powerful aura” and made posts about this yall would 100% call him a pedo.

And some of you are mighty dumb on how you interact with kids. Dude talking bout telling his 15 yr old neice how hard it it is to be a man. Mufukkaa, thats our job. You dont fukking complain about it to teenagers for sympathy. Who raised yall
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All Star
Jul 17, 2012
I get asked to go to high schools and work with teens, esp troubled youth.

There’s one hs in particular I’m at like 3 days a week a lot of weeks out the month and I rock with a LOT of students heavy.

I look 10 years younger than my age and Im def cool as shyt so all the students really rock me heavy, and a few of them confide in me about little things here and there like, self confidence/style/trying to go to college/creative/gambling (lol I’m big for saying it’s a scam and not good for you)/sports etc

There’s a few students I’ve taken a liking too, the same ages of the kids in this video. One girl wants to be a writer and I want to read her work, one girl is super dope painter and is hella stylish and looks like a kid version of Bey in the face, that’s her nickname.

All that being said, I tell the first little one I’ve been helping to send me her book through the school admins, the Bey one we only talk life during lunch with other people in the room, I’ve never physically touched them and would probably only hug them on the last day of school, I never ever give them my socials even if they ask, and when the girls in particular get a tad friendly I make it a point to do or say something age-appropriate (I’m much older than a high schooler so I’ll say something semi-stern or parental like just as a soft reminder that I’m an adult and not a peer - not to chastise but just so they can feel the difference)

And again I’m considered cool as shyt to them.

And I would never in a million decades even consider having 4 of the girls touching my hair, that’s fukking crazy.

And texting me??? :what:

F this clout chaser


All Star
May 24, 2022
This is not okay, very inappropriate. They did the right thing to fired him before too late.

When we were young kids, teenagers, we had a hot teacher. We would be like :takedat: , :noah: , had a crush on that hot teacher, thinking about nasty things, etc. It's no different from student females, they probably think the same thing and have a crush on that male teacher. Look how they excited to unbranded teacher's hair, its sexual touching.
Same for us and this started in 4th-5th grade, the freaky shyt we used to say we would do to Ms Greene :mjlol:

I didn't factor in his motives at first just the fact its out of order and that alone is enough, but after seeing that bathroom tiktok all it would take is one of the girls to get a crush and make a move


Jun 16, 2012
Same for us and this started in 4th-5th grade, the freaky shyt we used to say we would do to Ms Greene :mjlol:

I didn't factor in his motives at first just the fact its out of order and that alone is enough, but after seeing that bathroom tiktok all it would take is one of the girls to get a crush and make a move

:dahell: Bathroom tiktok? A teacher that got fire's tiktok or what?