Female Students unbraid Black Male Teacher's hair...outrage ensues edit: he's fired!


Mar 11, 2022
The funny thing is my 15yr old niece totally understood. And she felt bad because she sees it herself. Even at 15yrs old she has alot of understanding. More than alot grown people apparently.

She even understands when I tell her simply how hard it is to be an adult.

But I'll tell you what the issue is. Not only is she intelligent, but She has grown up with a lot of love from the male figures in her life.

So she don't see men as potential threats. She sees them as people, who have their good traits and bad traits.

but a lot of yall have trauma from your own lives, and you haven't been surrounded by love from men, so you look at every man like they will hurt you.

The bolded is exactly what I'm talking about.
Your life was probably filled with men that didn't love you. (And I'm not saying this to be funny or to get at you)

The men in our lives, are girl dads, loving uncles, Loving grandfathers, and fully invested stepfathers.
I am the god father to my friends daughter.
And if I had a daughter my homie would have been her god father because he was a righteous brother.

But fukk all that.
U see when a man tells you his experience. How it's dismissed and it's "well we have it worse".
I literally just said just existing as man, you are looked at as a pervert. Just living your life .
And you didn't say "damn, that's fukk up".
You said my 15yr old niece hypothetically has it worse. Even though you have no clue about her life personally
Babe, I have posted NUMEROUSLY on this site about the great men in my family.

U see when a man tells you his experience. How it's dismissed and it's "well we have it worse

NAW- what YOU don’t see is you’re trying to get a TEENAGE GIRL to sympathize with ADULT MEN. You’re grooming her for other old ass Niccas and don’t even realize it.

Everything seems to break down into male VS female with your viewpoints.

I did not say your niece automatically has it harder simply because she’s female.
She has it harder because she’s a TEEN GIRL who has to worry about male teens and GROWN ASS MEN sexualizing her!
Children’s minds don’t need to be filled with how hard it is for older people. YOU ARE OLD. If you were socialized properly and know how to move in society you understand how to move as a grown ass man and NOT have people looking at you funny. MILLIONS of men out here who aren’t being accused of a damn thing because they act like NORMAL

Talking about loving fathers, uncles, etc. I have divorced men in my family and their daughters live with them. ALONE. And there is no concern because their fathers aren’t creeps. I have more men than women in my family which is why I’m speaking the way I am- because they gamed me up and let me know that men would be trying me when I was no longer under their protection in the adult world.

And you know what? THEY WERE RIGHT. I had professors, bosses, pastors, etc make passes at me cuz I was young and pretty and because of my male relatives I could spot weirdo shyt and get around before any of those men in positions of authority could take advantage of me.

Your niece is a CHILD and doesn’t need to told about how hard it is for grown ass men.

What YOU don’t understand is you are painting all grown ass men with a broad sympathetic brush in the eyes of a teen girl who is too young to fully understand nuance and pick up on weird, inappropriate behavior from men 2-3x her age.

Why do you want a 15 year old to be concerned about how hard it is for grown men who are around teen girls?! Lmao

The MEN in my family would’ve broken my teacher’s fukking back if one of them walked into my classroom and saw me taking down a grown ass man’s braids. Fukk out of here.

You telling your 15YO nephews about the hardships of grown women too? Or only the men?


Mar 11, 2022
Lmao at the weirdos in here excusing a male teacher letting little girls groom him. I never had a teaxher do this. What people do for vids is retarded.

Line stepping like this is first step. Ive seen it with my own eyes. Dudes a weirdo. I just went thru the whole thread. He 100% was tryna these girls. Texting them after fired. Literally tryna get their attention from his page. Hea a fukking weirdo.
Breh, this is exactly why I said that y’all need to watch who is around the children in your family.

The attitudes in this thread are exactly why it’s so easy for predators. Men on this site talking about “ephebophiles” and how it’s natural for men to be attracted to 13/14-17 YO girls same Niccas in THIS THREAD saying why ppl should be trusting of all male teachers around teen girls, even when doing weird shyt like this.

I’ve said countless times that it isn’t EVERY man, but because you don’t know WHICH man you have to be careful.

The Coli, I tell ya.

Hoodoo Child

The Urban Legend
Jul 22, 2017
The Crossroads
Look at this dude :stopitslime:



All Star
Apr 14, 2020
Heres another vid of him literally ignoring class to create content online while his students are bullying some girl for being fat and he just uses it to create catch phrase's online and totally ignores it

He literally is a teacher… to create content. Holy fukk lmao


Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
Heres another vid of him literally ignoring class to create content online while his students are bullying some girl for being fat and he just uses it to create catch phrase's online and totally ignores it

You can't bully someone for being a Fat. :gucci: :camby:

These fat lazy fukks are literally eating everybody else out of house and home, fukking up the gene pool with their fatness. Big bloated bodies walking/scootering around, sucking up all the oxygen. :pacspit:

@Black Mamba


Jan 4, 2017
Babe, I have posted NUMEROUSLY on this site about the great men in my family.

U see when a man tells you his experience. How it's dismissed and it's "well we have it worse

NAW- what YOU don’t see is you’re trying to get a TEENAGE GIRL to sympathize with ADULT MEN. You’re grooming her for other old ass Niccas and don’t even realize it.

Everything seems to break down into male VS female with your viewpoints.

I did not say your niece automatically has it harder simply because she’s female.
She has it harder because she’s a TEEN GIRL who has to worry about male teens and GROWN ASS MEN sexualizing her!
Children’s minds don’t need to be filled with how hard it is for older people. YOU ARE OLD. If you were socialized properly and know how to move in society you understand how to move as a grown ass man and NOT have people looking at you funny. MILLIONS of men out here who aren’t being accused of a damn thing because they act like NORMAL

Talking about loving fathers, uncles, etc. I have divorced men in my family and their daughters live with them. ALONE. And there is no concern because their fathers aren’t creeps. I have more men than women in my family which is why I’m speaking the way I am- because they gamed me up and let me know that men would be trying me when I was no longer under their protection in the adult world.

And you know what? THEY WERE RIGHT. I had professors, bosses, pastors, etc make passes at me cuz I was young and pretty and because of my male relatives I could spot weirdo shyt and get around before any of those men in positions of authority could take advantage of me.

Your niece is a CHILD and doesn’t need to told about how hard it is for grown ass men.

What YOU don’t understand is you are painting all grown ass men with a broad sympathetic brush in the eyes of a teen girl who is too young to fully understand nuance and pick up on weird, inappropriate behavior from men 2-3x her age.

Why do you want a 15 year old to be concerned about how hard it is for grown men who are around teen girls?! Lmao

The MEN in my family would’ve broken my teacher’s fukking back if one of them walked into my classroom and saw me taking down a grown ass man’s braids. Fukk out of here.

You telling your 15YO nephews about the hardships of grown women too? Or only the men?

I guess I'll start from the bottom. Lol

Yes... I try to tell her all the hardships that I know of for a woman, since I only know them from a mans perspective. I do my best.
To the point that her response sarcastically was "I guess from what you're telling me, I should have been born a boy" Lol
I almost spit up whatever I was drinking at the time lol

Why do I want her to be concerned with how hard it is to be a grown man?
These questions show me you were raised differently than how we raise the girls in our family.
I want my niece to be well versed in as many ideas and topics as possible. She has an unbelievable mind. Shes great in school , but when we talk, it's a different kind of class. And I give her new concepts all the time.
She challenges me with questions on different concepts. And I've learned to be a better man because of it.

I'm painting a picture of grown men with a brush yada yada yada?
Me saying men have it hard... Is a truth. You won't know because you are not a man. You only see the world from your eyes.
And maybe you didn't have certain understandings about men, women, life and the world at that age. But some of us did. She definitely does. The slight nuances she will pick up on as she grows.

My niece is a child?
No, My niece is not a child..she is a teenager. We use to call those, "young adults".
I have another niece who is a child. My baby is like 6. They are totally different. They don't have the same interest, or motivations.
One is concerned with playing. The other is stressing about grades and where she's moving to once she graduates.

In regards to your family telling you about men trying to get at you... Did you really need them to tell you these things lol.

From what I'm gathering. You may have just been a late bloomer when it came to understanding.
Cause I have sisters, and a gang of nieces and it didn't take them lectures to figure men out. Men are simple.

Trying to get a teenage girl to sympathize with men... Yes. Give her understanding.
The same way we make men sympathize with women, animals, everything on this earth.
Kinda seems like men are the only ones that shouldn't have that benefit.

It'll be hard to answer everything you wrote. But I'll say this.

A 15yr old girl totally understood the point and was hurt by the thought that even her uncle who she loves and trust has to walk around worried that people might think he's a pervert if he's around kids.
Or trying to not be alone with women I don't know because I don't want anyone to say I did anything.

But a grown woman on the Internet turned this into a gender debate.
And dismissed what I was saying.

This had nothing to do with men vs women.
This was "this world ain't easy for anybody".
Apr 3, 2014
Just for the optics reasons alone, you don't do this. He may not have any ill intentions, but you don't set yourself up like this and as a parent, you don't let this go on because someone who may have ill intentions is going to try to slip under this banner. Also, all that has to happen is he has a falling out with one of these girls because they are acting out in class and he goes to discipline her and she lobs an accusation at him.

There's also a vid of him holding a lizard while getting his hair braided and one of those girls are reaching over to pet the lizard. Nah,

Also, HE may not have anything going on in his mind, but what is he going to do if while petting that lizard, one of those girls takes a swipe at his lap? If one of those girls ups the ante and he rejects it or those other girls call that girl a ho and she's feeling embarrassed and now he's in a situation where either the girl is mad or embarrassed and he has an accusation on his hands

When you normalize all of this buddy, buddy, feely touching, you also open the door to predators to try to slip in. Imagine some perverted teacher sayiing something like, "How is it different that she's sitting on my lap? My lap isn't that different from a chair and I just wanted to make sure she wasn't tired and focused for class. That's your sick mind making something out of it that it isn't." "Oh, that was just an innocent massage. You're the one making it sexual. Sports players get massages all the time."

Nah, you don't let all of this cozy, cozy, buddy buddy stuff go on. I don't think bruh should be fired, but somebody needs to sit him down and tell him to cut it out.

Bro! Everything you said is right and exact but you left one thing out:

We are MEN. We react to physical touch and stimuli. We can't help that even if we wanted to.

I have a thread on here right now where I talk about how much I enjoy going to the dentist, because all of my dentists since I was 12 have been women, and I promise you, none of them have ever been thinking about me in that way.... but I am hypersensitive to the fact that when they're working on my teeth, their titties are resting on me. And a bunch of other brehs came in the thread agreeing with me and saying they felt the same way when going to their female dentists.

What's my point? My point is that if you have a bunch of teenage girls touching on you, you may not act on it... but let's not pretend that you don't like it and that your body ain't reacting to it in some way, form or fashion.

Which is why you don't do it. It's a gateway to something more sinister.

Just stay away from them.

I have a rule, because when I was growing up, I saw grown men get caught up behind some teenage girls... and in a lot of those cases, the girls was initiating it and tempting the men.

Ever since I saw that growing up, I stay AWAY from teenage girls cause I know what type of time some of them be on. I legit walk past them like they don't exist. If they ain't family, we can't talk.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Folks think it's all 'cute and innocent' that he's giving these girls dap, but what's really happening is he's doing little things to make himself a peer of these girls to where in their mind he is 'the homie' instead of the teacher.

Once they got the mindset of him being big homie, that's when they start being comfortable and lowering their shields, which starts off with stuff like painting his nails and braiding his hair. He's big homie, so they can confide in him and chat with him. Now that they are comfortable with touching him, if he decides to touch back, they won't be creeped out because he isn't the older teacher who needs to respect his boundaries. He's the 'big homie' who these girls think is cute and who they can joke and play with. That's when you start seeing the 'big homie' get one of these girls numbers and starts escalating from there.

All of that buddy, bestie, lemme be your mentor talk is laying a path stone by stone for one of them girls to walk right on in his bedroom. There's no reason for a grown man to be texting some 14 year old girl and being her 'bestie'. Letting a grown man play like that is opening the door for a predator to step right on through talking about he's just a mentor/big brother. At what point does the 'big bro', 'mentor' nonsense stop working? He's got them braiding his hair. Then painting his nails. What next, cutting his fingernails? Washing his car? Giving him a massage?

I went easy on bruh in the first post and said they should just speak with him and tell him to cut it out, but as more videos come on and he's got some of these girls' numbers supposedly, because how else would they say they loved him and got his back, you start to see many more red flags. Even if dude has no ill intentions, you have to get him away from those kids simply because a cat with no boundaries and no perception of how he's coming off can be nearly as bad because of the precedent it can set. You do NOT want to normalize relationships between students and teachers where they are homies and friends, because that could eventually open the door for some of them to be lovers.