Sad that the biggest selling game with a black main character was San Andreas which was stereotypical hood nikka.
Brother polight would probably point out the hypocrisy in this post. For starters, you rep an Asian console that has a longer history making games and has a history of worshipping white characters while totally neglecting to even have black characters altogether. When they do make a negro, he has either boxing gloves, a gun or is a rapper
The create a player rarely has the right skin color to even user create black people
Still not convinced? Because in America in every black neighborhood you'll find what exactly? Asian people, making a profit either with a nail salon or a carryout that makes everything. With that fact, tell me why Street fighter2 which is the best fighting game of all time has only one representative? Balrog
You can tell with Horizon and Last of Us that they were very cognitive of incorporating black folks into their supporting cast. With Horizon a pivotal character in the 2nd half of the story is black and the closest thing she had to a love interest was also black. They had very similar themes in Last of Us actually, the crucial character they had to reach, love interest of the girl, and a couple of the other characters they ran into.
Obviously not as good as actually having a black lead, but if the lead has to be white then I at least like the inclusion they gave. For the Horizon sequel they just gotta do a better job fleshing out the supporting cast as a whole, with the choices and developments, etc.
This post is so sad

Graphics are getting up there so it would be crazy to have no black characters (why witcher would you do such a thing) and you claim horizon and tlou did a good job because there is a black character at all? Not a lead character, we'll get em next time?

waiting for what you said on a foreign system is like waiting for white people to start recognizing Jesus as black
Keep hanging on Sony gamers.
Now for my haters, name an Xbox AAA that didn't have black characters in positive rolls. I'll wait. Maybe you guys will start to understand why Xbox gets the hate it does. Its too black friendly
Gears has Cole train aka Shannon Sharpe
It also has Del, co-star of gears 4
Halo has ALWAYS had prominent black characters since halo 1. Ditto with halo wars. Quantum break has actual famous black actors all through out the game

recore, Even killer instinct which went extra hard on details. Working with native Americans to create a chief thunder they would find respectable (this really happened) Forza horizon has lots of story elements, we in there too!!! Even fable legends had this dope black girl character who is on the cover if you wanna Google it.
Crackdown 3 with its black lead, I don't have to wonder if my console is racist. Finally Microsoft usually has a minority leading the charge. Upload studios has a black guy and some Rosario Dawson looking chick. When you want newXbox info the man in charge is Indian or something? Sound cloud is now on Xbox one and works in the background. nikkaz love sound cloud