Developing a serious love/hate relationship with this one.
Having fun in spurts but some of these controls??
The "take" weapon button being the exact same as the "loot" function?
The game OD'ing on the mayhem with the incessant gun play and impeccably timed drive bys. Y' right when you're trying to get a mission or some Intel but can't because your informant is "in conflict." You wait until it passes and right when they proceed speaking, you get a pilot with an itchy trigger figure that isn't the least concerned about fuel efficiency and has circled the same block a dozen times.
Speaking of planes, Nick is okay but isnt fairly reliable when he rubs out of bombs, which makes it doubly frustrating when I spend 10 minutes stealthily clearing an outpost but end up being spotted by the fukking egg head in the airplane that manages to be everywhere at once and simutaneously nowhere (unless, I'm..well, there.)
Far Cry has historically had little quirks that almost seemed coded with the intent to annoy like the eagles in FR4 --
! -- but some of this is getting really obnoxious. I'll see if I can't get Grace to snipe the planes as I don't think it'll technically give away my position or prevent me from obtaining the outpost undetected bonus, but the little things like the controls, horrible driving, and excessive shoot outs is getting a little grating. I find it hard to believe they couldn't strike a happy medium on the latter between over the top and excessive and virtually nonexistent once the region is cleared. I mean, Jesus Christ.