Black Girl Gamers Interview: Founder Expresses The Need For New Diverse Stories And Characters
On racebending:
Apologize if this was posted already, but this is a pretty good interview I agree with her take on racebending.
"The normalized association of fantasy, you think of European medieval settings whenever you think of any kind of IP: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter…Even The Witcher, they're all based in European settings.
Within those fantasy settings, it seems that they can have dragons, but have no people of color. They can have magic, but they will negate the very real, very historical existence of Black and Brown people in Europe in those same medieval or middle-aged times. One of the biggest repercussions, I think, is the negating of Black inventors and founders within the space, like Jerry Lawson, and the whole narrative that a lot of White gamers used to say, “Gaming is White culture. You're appropriating our culture.” It's a common rebuttal online when people are asking to fight for diversity, wholly ignoring that a whole Black American man created the game cartridge, which obviously we know led to a plethora of different versions of hardware that we use for gaming today, so that the repercussions are social, economical, educational in all of these different ways."
"I don't need a strong Black female character, to be honest. We have a lot of strong Black women; this whole trope of being strong as a Black woman is in itself a whole discussion.
I see diverse, underrepresented characters in games like Apex, who have kind of covered a lot of bases. There are also games like Overwatch, which I had initially had a problem with – and they seem to be picking up their slack now – but still as a game that has a majority of White characters, I still don't understand how you can call yourself a diverse game and have a majority of White characters. But a lot of them that do it right are games where you pick from a roster..."
On racebending:
"I would flip the whole premise of a number of games, especially the ones that go into countries and get their relics. I would flip that on their head – that's always been a dream of mine in general. But to be honest, no. I'm not averse to having White characters. I'm just annoyed at how prevalent they are.
I wouldn't want to change an existing character that I can think of at the moment. One of my favorite games, The Witcher 3, is predominantly based on a Polish novel. I have seen no need for me to change that main character. What I want is more stories that are authentic to Black, Brown, and Non-White people of color to be reflected in. I don't want to necessarily have to "racebend" an existing character for me. That's not the epitome of representation. It works in some ways and other ways. I want some original content."
Apologize if this was posted already, but this is a pretty good interview I agree with her take on racebending.