Games staring blank people get lower scores


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Bush was president when SA came out.
And then what...
FFVII has a black man as one of its most pivotal and most important characters and it’s a classic.
So the star of FF7 is a black guy? And if final fantasy 17 came out this fall and starred a black guy, it wouldn't get reviewed bombed? It's hilarious that you failed to name any of the other black characters from the franchise. Could you speak on chicken George?

Let's keep the goalpost in the current, context matters. While we're at it let's keep the sense, common...
Killer 7 is a niche cult classic that stars a black man.
Oh great, so racism doesn't exist. Thanks for clearing that up :handshake:
Deathloop is massively popular.
Alyx from HL2 had her own game that is considered riveting and breakthrough in VR.
VR gamers are so desperate for content that they simply can't afford to be racist. The fact you reaching this far to deny racism is sad but let's continue...
They beg for a new Def Jam Vendetta to this day.
When you say THEY. It's a game that appealed to wiggaz and nikkaz. Real one's didn't care for it :yeshrug: I get it, it's how some of you felt a connection to the culture. I felt it was a mediocre fighting game exploiting rappers likenesses. I don't hate it, it's a step below the clay fighters of the world.
Last year Bomb Rush Cyberfunk came out and it’s filled with characters and has a nice following.
Now you naming games your brother made for you. If people ever heard of these games and cared? Then it would get the attention we speaking on
GTA has had three black main characters since going 3d and all of them are highly praised.
Thugs right?
The Walking Dead game was considered a benchmark in gaming storytelling and its main character is one of the most beloved game characters of the past ten years.
You're good at naming white centric games with black characters here and there. Has nothing to do with this threads topic other than it has black peoples. How is this related to the topic at hand in this thread?
I can keep going. While it’s true that games with black main characters are rare to say they are all scored low makes you look like an actual idiot.
Oh please do just keep it current. Like this gen. Next you gonna name drop Mike Tyson's punch out

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Court. Shut the fukk up. Disrespectfully.

Trying to panic-smack the CAC button on a black poster because you identify as blank is such a stupid attempt to make.
Been black every day of damn near 40 years, grew up in a town that was 2% white and I didn't go to school with a person even half white until after I
graduated high school, you fukking dweeb.

Shout out to school though - allowing me to spell 'starring' and 'black' correctly on the FIRST GO :salute: Man them hood high schools don't get enough credit for the basics.:wow:

but back to my point: you should leave again. For longer this time.
I'm just calling it like I see it, and I still see it
Not an indictment, so let's address how I came to such a conclusion. Correct me if I'm wrong :handshake:

Now this is a thread about how politics is spilling over into gaming. I have the examples, decided to discuss it with the brothaz ;blessed:
But instead of engaging in the topic at hand, you decided to c00n out and act like the change of a single letter makes it so you can no longer engage or focus on the very real topic at hand. You doing what cacs want which is to turn a blind eye and be in the dark. That's your right now but if you want to claim black while acting cac? Cool. You calling me a DWEEB afterwards only furthers my point. You the type of dude that got stole on a lot growing up. You know how some people say "I'll never lose to a white boy" well I try not to lose to anybody but I be dammed if I lost a fight to a guy who calls people "DWEEB"

Drop the coordinates, I'm flying out tonight :ufdup:


May 24, 2022
cac's don't have heros
so fantasy all they got so they get real offended when
they don't see themselves on some lame movie screen or game (when you can't create a character)

they need a systematic echo champer to survive

irl they are the villains so it's hard to be a heroic when your religion is your race :manny:

Return of the Jedi

Star Wars & Sneakers
Apr 30, 2012
The Anti-George Lucas Coalition
I've been on SOHH/The Coli since 2008, I don't think I've ever sided with Courtdog on anything..but I totally get his point. While it might be a stretch to say that games with black protagonists (or major characters like Barrett in FF or something) are all scored lower by professional critics, it's not surprising they get a dose of review bombs on Meteoritic, Steam, etc.

We saw it with Miles Morales in Spider-Man MM and Spider-Man 2, Forspoken (intermixed with valid criticism about the gameplay)..hell, we see it in other media like The Acolyte.

Return of the Jedi

Star Wars & Sneakers
Apr 30, 2012
The Anti-George Lucas Coalition
cac's don't have heros
so fantasy all they got so they get real offended when
they don't see themselves on some lame movie screen or game (when you can't create a character)

they need a systematic echo champer to survive

irl they are the villains so it's hard to be a heroic when your religion is your race :manny:
You're painting with a broad paint brush man. I'm a white guy, and I genuinely, deeply don't care about the skin color of these fictional characters in fictional stories. I just beat Suicide Squad: Kill the JL a couple hours ago and mained Deadshot.

I'm an optimist; I'm willing to bet most white dudes don't care either. There's just a loud, brash, racist minority on the internet, insecure in the face of changing demographics across western civilization. The world will continue to spin in this direction, whether they like it or not.


Mar 10, 2017
The Bay
I'm an idiot who makes thoughtless assumptions without doing any critical thinking
feel free to fly into any bay area airport. Bet craigslist got a whole grip of lightly-used plane tickets :blessed:

Actual c00nery is questioning someone else's blackness SOLELY because they mock the messenger of a poorly-provided, horribly worded dicussion on a nuanced subject and presume there's an immediate correlation to them taking a side. I've never been quiet on my stance on issues that affect my people a day in my life. I don't need to prove my blackness to you cause I see it reflected at me in every action I do and every halfway shiny surface I see.

There's assuredly many lengths to speak on the complications and nuance of providing black voices equivalent means to have our stories told and heard in spaces universally known to be very insular and discriminatory to everyone not white and male. There are assuredly questions to be had about Sweet Baby Inc,, what they did, and the legacy it will leave; and even more questions to be asked about the visceral rejection they received for, in all honesty, hitting a lick on an industry desperate to satisfy optics about allyship and inclusivity but not doing any actual harm.

Also something to be said about the absurd response that got them from braindead white folk who found themselves a boogeyman for why their media no longer seemed to care exclusively about them by default and their fragility of character not being able to handle not getting to believe they're meant to be the main characters all the time. Compound this with the current political climate making fragile White American exceptionalism especially rampant right now, and there's a whole clusterfukk of sociological tangents ripe to go off on.

The discourse on Sweet Baby Inc is a multi-faceted situation.
There's a lot to the topic, and I have plenty of thoughts on it.

You, however, were very much the incorrect messenger. Because you're so compromised by your obsessive devotion to 'your side' of an imaginary console conflict you take way too seriously, to ever be the person to lead this kind of discussion. Your agenda is foundational to your character at this point. Embrace your jester's priviledge, but understand it comes with the realities of being a jester. A clown. People will laugh, and get their jokes off.

As we all did. Because either you're in such an overwhelming rush to produce more biased, nonsensical drivel that you don't even hit a second look on the stuff you spew,
or, you can't spell.
Knowing it's 'both' is funny:yeshrug:

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
CJ goes from a gangsta to a mogul and arguably the freeest man alive. Outside of that, its an issue


So what? Cacs like yourself have always been most comfortable with niqqas being pigeonholed as gangstas.

Let Eddie tell your lame ass

Thats who yall been.
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