The solutions i would give for this issue is this:
No funding for children if they were conceived outside out of marriage or a verifiable co parenting/habitation.
No funding for additional children born after getting on assistance
Working 40 hours/ 20 hours with school is mandatory for assistance for parents with children
Govt assistance is temporary from 1-3 years, getting it again after being taken off is made much harder to get on.
Children that are repeatedly committing crime/causing disruptions in school need to be sent to military school until they are 18, plus the parents have to fund it.
No leniency for violent crimes in regards to bail or sentencing.
No cash bail for those that are accused of multiple physically violent crimes. They do not get any "risk assessment" or special releases before trial. Here is an example of what not doing that causes:
Cook County man said he'd 'be out by Sunday' after armed carjacking — will now serve 22 years in Will County
Provide mental health services to children/people to address undiagnosed issues that could cause issues with school and employment
Provide job/trade training to those that want it.
Improve the schools in struggling areas.
Provide after school programs that help with homework and post K-12 life.
The list can go on and on but there are solutions out there, the problem is getting the people that need it to organize politically and demand it.