Ezekiel 25:17 ...When I Lay My Vengeance Upon Thee - Official 2016 Dallas Cowboys Season Thread


Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
Become a smarter Cowboys fan: How to identify their defenses | SportsDay

Become a smarter Cowboys fan: How to identify their defenses

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By Bob Sturm, Special contributor Contact Bob Sturmon Twitter:@SportsSturm

Over the summer, I took on the project to study the Cowboys defensive coverages by going through all of the 2015 games and charting it to the best of my ability. Now, this is an ambitious project since there are about 1,000 defensive snaps and it requires a fair amount of detective work to try to figure out exactly what they are doing.

Now, ask any player or coach, and they will confirm to you that there are dozens of different coverages. In fact, anyone who has played Madden knows that there are a dozen ways to play each coverage. If you line up in "Cover 1", you can actually offer many variations to try to keep an offense off balance.

I will not pretend to be able to offer a great understanding on this to the level of a normal football coach, because that would be impossible given that I am just a radio guy and part-time blogger. But, I wished to be able to increase my understanding to at least a basic level over the summer and now I wish to pass that along to you. We will keep it simple, so as not to lose our audience here. But, I would like to - for one morning - try to familiarize those who are interested in what the basic coverages that the Cowboys run would be. And how often they run them.

Please understand that this is my scorecard and while it may not be 100% accurate (if a QB can't always identify the coverages he sees, you shouldn't expect that I can), it is my best effort. I believe these numbers to be very close to the truth.

Here are the results of identifying the coverages (on pass plays only) from 2015.


As you can see above, despite Rod Marinelli being called a Cover-2 or Tampa-2 coach, I would attempt to verify that the Cowboys ran Cover 2 just 146 times (25%) out of a total of 576 passes. The Tampa-2 variation (which is a Cover 2 subcategory) was run less than 25 times all year. So, next time someone in the National Media identifies Marinelli as a Tampa-2 guy, feel free to change the channel. They aren't watching the Cowboys play enough to consider their opinions.

I wanted to show you a still photo to replicate what the players see on the sideline. They don't get moving video. They get 2 photos (from 2 angles (sideline and end zone), so technically 4 photos) from each play. One is taken at the snap and one is taken about 1-2 seconds into the play. This is how they see coverages. So, I showed you the still from the sideline view to show each coverage.


They ran Cover 1 (and its many variations) about 47% of the time. That was easily the coverage they ran the most as the season went along. I found this interesting because I know they wanted to do more of that, but once Orlando Scandrick was lost in training camp, I expected to see it far less.

Below is a look at Cover 1.

You can identify it from seeing a single-high safety combined with man-to-man coverage underneath.


Now, Cover 1 is man coverage, but there is an extra man available to use as well. This man, in the picture above, is Sean Lee. He stands on the 15-yard line and is playing at a shallow depth to either spy or act as a robber on an underneath coverage. As you can see, everyone else is locked in man and then your single-high safety patrols deep to make sure nothing causes trouble down the field.

I would call this the default Cowboys coverage.

Of course, the issues it runs into will be when you don't have guys who cover well in 1-on-1 situations, mismatches, and the dreaded rub-routes or pick plays. Veteran teams with veteran QBs love seeing you in Cover 1, but it does make sure that targets don't get much space.


The next most frequent coverage is Cover 3. This is the Seattle coverage that has taken over the NFL as Cover 2 has gone down in its use. In fact, I have talked to many Cowboys operatives that have often said that this is the defense they were attempting to pattern themselves after from an Xs and Os standpoint. The Seattle Cover 3 is run all over the league now, and it is a zone coverage with the corners forcing their threats into the single-high safety by generally playing outside leverage.

The other thing you are looking for is to see the shallow defenders playing a 4-across zone underneath all with their eyes on the QB. This is usually the 3 linebackers and the other safety. By the way, the Cowboys often run Cover-3 from a Cover-2 shell, which means that they look like Cover 2 at the snap, only to have one safety move to center field high while the other races down to join the linebackers.

This defense deploys eight men to stop the run but also can adjust to drop seven into coverage and can allow all sorts of options for a coordinator to play aggressive defense without a whole lot of weaknesses exposed.


QBs do like to work the sidelines behind the first line of defenders to attack this, but otherwise, they often check down and now the defense flies to the balls in front of them in packs.

The biggest issue with this coverage is if you don't have Richard Sherman (a corner who can play man concepts while playing zone) and Earl Thomas (the industry leader at FS). It requires a real solid centerfield safety and the Cowboys are hoping Byron Jones is now that guy. Because, if you have a safety that plays poor angles and always gets there late, big plays happen.


That leaves Cover 2 for most of the remainder (25%). They are pretty much just in these three coverages and this is more of the "let's be careful" coverage. You will see it on most 3rd and long situations and in most 2-min drill situations. When the Cowboys are just trying to survive a situation, chances are they are in a Cover 2 or even a deep Cover 2 that almost becomes a Cover 4. Both of those are zone coverages that intend to flood the deep areas with so many defenders that you will see no choice but to accept the check down targets and therefore limit your gains and eat more of the clock.


Again, see what will become a 3-underneath, 4-deep type coverage as the corners carry their guys deep and try not to allow any window (the Cover 2 beaters) to the deep sideline - beyond the corner but in front of the safety. Cover 3 is 4-underneath and 3-deep. This is the opposite.

Of course, you can beat a Cover 2 in front of the safeties.

They ran this a lot, but not a lot on 1st or 2nd downs. Although, they did show a Cover 2 shell a lot. I suggest that the opponents saw that this was largely a bluff, though.

This Coverage was run in the first 4 weeks some and then pretty much disappeared. It is 2 safeties high and man coverage underneath. We saw it quite a bit in Week 3.


And then, for reasons I don't totally know, they stopped running it. I don't remember them being bad at it, they just went in another direction.

As you can see, it is very much the same as Cover 1, except both safeties are deep. The Cowboys run Cover 1 with a safety deep and a middle linebacker shallow to take away underneath things, spy the QB, and even blitz.

Here is the coverage breakdown by downs:


Beyond those four coverages, they ran a handful of other looks here and there, but this is the majority of what they do.

I hope this helps. Leave any follow up questions below.


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
From Peter King
"Prescott, of course, has been a godsend. A DUI arrest in March (he was later cleared) pushed him down draft boards, and he’s been the best quarterback by far in the NFL preseason—whatever that means. His 137.8 rating and .780 accuracy rate have blown away the Cowboys. In some ways, he’s almost been too perfect. This story from training camp reflects that: In an 11-on-11 period late in practice, the offense had 10 seconds left to score, and Prescott was the quarterback with the first unit. He passed to Dez Bryant, and Bryant was supposed to out of bounds immediately so the clock would stop or go to the ground so the offense could call a timeout. But Bryant tried to score instead, was stopped, and the clock ran out.Prescott ran to him and said words to this effect: We know you’re the best receiver in the world and you MIGHT score, but we can’t take that chance. You gotta use your head and get the clock stopped. That’s a rookie, talking to Dez Bryant. And Bryant, to his credit acknowledged Prescott was right. Prescott grew a lot in the eyes of the starting offense, and the coaches, that day."


Mar 30, 2013
That and kicker has to be the GOAT positions to play. You don't get hit and get paid 400k a year

Honestly dont know why more brothers dont try this shyt, markette King was a WR that was not good enough for the NFL so he started punting. Now hes the highest paid punter in the league, and the fastest one too :pachaha:


This my city
May 9, 2012
Lemongrass, cherries, alkaline water
^^good read on some basics about our defensive tendencies.
what do you think should be our main pass coverage this year? I'm comparing that game by game breakdown on the chart to the schedule and in the overhwelming majority of the biggest point outputs (Atl, Phil, NO, NE, GB) we were getting torched out of cover 1. I would like to get in some cover 2 man or cover 1 with Byron in the center field. It's not the man coverage that really concerns me (outside of Carr) its the YAC, I'm still not sold we have the physical sure-tackling corners you need to run good man coverage


This my city
May 9, 2012
Lemongrass, cherries, alkaline water
I will be extremely pissed if we cut Jackson because we want to keep McFadden who won't be on the team next season.
The thing with Jackson is how much time is he even going to see? Zeke is going to be the workhorse, Morris (who isnt old) is signed for 2 years, and then we saw Dunbar getting a lot of work as a back/receiver hybrid last year. Jackson seems like the kind of late round pick you can make every year


Mar 30, 2013
The thing with Jackson is how much time is he even going to see? Zeke is going to be the workhorse, Morris (who isnt old) is signed for 2 years, and then we saw Dunbar getting a lot of work as a back/receiver hybrid last year. Jackson seems like the kind of late round pick you can make every year

Why keep Macfadden over him tho? Hes much younger and less injury prone


Sep 14, 2012
The thing with Jackson is how much time is he even going to see? Zeke is going to be the workhorse, Morris (who isnt old) is signed for 2 years, and then we saw Dunbar getting a lot of work as a back/receiver hybrid last year. Jackson seems like the kind of late round pick you can make every year
From what I saw, he has the potential to be a solid contributor in this offense in future years. He had nice runs in the Miami game called back because of penalties. Not to mention, he plays well in this blocking scheme. A blocking scheme that McFadden struggled in last season. He also blocks pretty well himself. McFadden is also injury prone himself and he is as of this past weekend, 29 years old.