"Exclusives Are 'Completely Counter To What Gaming Is About "- Phil Spencer


May 24, 2012
Tha Land

Competition is what makes the products better. We need that. While I agree it sucks that you dont get to play certain games because you didn't get every console the Era where Sony and Microsoft were really competitive brought out alot of really cool games that furthered progress for all companies.

Xbox doesn't know exactly what it wants to be right now. They're still putting out consoles but it's clear they want to be more of a streaming service nowadays.

And I like how they 180'd on everything and now they're trying to be all inclusive and "making gaming accessible to everyone" sure that's their message now when they losing the console wars but what happened when they were running shyt after the 360 Era?

They tried to become a fukking gaming authoritarian where you couldn't even fukking share games with your friends that had the same console brehs.

We didn't forget that. That's why they got their ass kicked last gen. Now they wanna flip flop but how long that gonna last? I just don't trust them tbh. You let Microsoft get ahead again I think they're gonna pull the same shyt. We saw where their mindset was when they held all the cards. But now they wanna change.. idk about that.
Like none of this is true.

Just Sony stan musings :mjlol:
Nov 1, 2014
Like none of this is true.

Just Sony stan musings :mjlol:

Everything Microsoft Did Wrong With The Xbox One
Just read the shyt. It's all in there.

That was their original position at the start of the Xbox one Era and they were forced to backtrack due to the horrible reception it deservedly got. Don't try to rewrite history.

They tried to force the kinect on you. Had to be mandatory for it and the console had to be online. And you couldn't share games. And they basically said "that's tough" originally when people got pissed about it.

This is all Playstation had to do to win gamers over

I am not doing stan wars shyt like yall 30+ old heads seem to be doing here like some fukking teenagers. :hhh: anyone doing Sony and Xbox stan shyt is pathetic. These were Microsoft's factual positions at the start of last gen. I am completely valid in my argument here. The company pulled as many shady tactics as possible as soon as they had the crown. They really aren't to be trusted imo. If you do, that's your thing. But it is completely fair to state how fukking garbage they were and how they treated their audience who supported them immediately as soon as they were winning and we shouldn't forget that regardless if you love Xbox or don't.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
They def tried to fukk people with the xbox one launch with no game sharing, drm, etc. Do you remember a guy named Don Mattrick?
Y’all are misrepresenting what the policy actually was.

They were trying to bridge the gap between digital and physical games. Which would have given us more flexibility with how we access the games. With the caveat that there would be a periodic online ownership check.

people weren’t ready for the change or didn’t understand it so. We didn’t get those changes.

Now they sell all digital consoles with always online games and nobody bats an eye. :francis:
Nov 1, 2014
Y’all are misrepresenting what the policy actually was.

They were trying to bridge the gap between digital and physical games. Which would have given us more flexibility with how we access the games. With the caveat that there would be a periodic online ownership check.

people weren’t ready for the change or didn’t understand it so. We didn’t get those changes.

Now they sell all digital consoles with always online games and nobody bats an eye. :francis:
You're diluting facts with that shyt meach. Going digital doesn't mean completely fukking over the ability for consumers to still buy and trade physical media. It wasn't they were going digital but how they did it.
By the way originally they wanted you not only to have your console on constantly but you would have to check in once a day as well. And by the way those digital consoles now are optional without having to do daily checks and bullshyt like that. Not having to force the fukking kinect of all things so Xbox can watch you constantly. The way they went about it was probably the worst thing a console gaming company has done.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Y’all are misrepresenting what the policy actually was.

They were trying to bridge the gap between digital and physical games. Which would have given us more flexibility with how we access the games. With the caveat that there would be a periodic online ownership check.

people weren’t ready for the change or didn’t understand it so. We didn’t get those changes.

Now they sell all digital consoles with always online games and nobody bats an eye. :francis:

Dude STOP we fought about this years ago when they tried this shyt at E3!!!! :wtf:

YOU ARE EMBARRASSING YOURSELF FOR REAL!!! we got it all on video and the internet does NOT forget....:stopitslime:
Nov 1, 2014
Everything Microsoft Did Wrong With The Xbox One
Just read the shyt. It's all in there.

That was their original position at the start of the Xbox one Era and they were forced to backtrack due to the horrible reception it deservedly got. Don't try to rewrite history.

They tried to force the kinect on you. Had to be mandatory for it and the console had to be online. And you couldn't share games. And they basically said "that's tough" originally when people got pissed about it.

This is all Playstation had to do to win gamers over

I am not doing stan wars shyt like yall 30+ old heads seem to be doing here like some fukking teenagers. :hhh: anyone doing Sony and Xbox stan shyt is pathetic. These were Microsoft's factual positions at the start of last gen. I am completely valid in my argument here. The company pulled as many shady tactics as possible as soon as they had the crown. They really aren't to be trusted imo. If you do, that's your thing. But it is completely fair to state how fukking garbage they were and how they treated their audience who supported them immediately as soon as they were winning and we shouldn't forget that regardless if you love Xbox or don't.

Until I see a counter to this post. Yall are ducking the truth.

If you like Xbox, that's fine. Nobody cares. They have some cool games. But ignoring history in front of your face is bold faced delusion.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
You're diluting facts with that shyt meach. Going digital doesn't mean completely fukking over the ability for consumers to still buy and trade physical media.
you would have still been able to trade physical media.

Like I said y’all are misrepresenting what the policy actual was

i t wasn't wasn't they were going digital but how they did it.
By the way originally they wanted you not only to have your console on constantly but you would have to check in once a day as well.
So over the course of the last gen how many times did you go days without an internet connection? How many always online games you played?

The check would have ment nothing but give you more options on what you could do with your games

And by the way those digital consoles are optional without having to do daily checks and bullshyt like that.
You literally can’t use them without the internet. fukk are you taking about:dahell:

Not having to force the fukking kinect of all things so Xbox can watch you constantly. The way they went about it was probably the worst thing a console gaming company has done.
More lies. Kinect didn’t and does not have to be connected or on all the time.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Dude STOP we fought about this years ago when they tried this shyt at E3!!!! :wtf:

YOU ARE EMBARRASSING YOURSELF FOR REAL!!! we got it all on video and the internet does NOT forget....:stopitslime:
Y’all said lies and bullshyt then, just like now.

Now you are playing your all digital console with always online games and it’s all fine. :mjlol:
Nov 1, 2014
you would have still been able to trade physical media.

Like I said y’all are misrepresenting what the policy actual was

So over the course of the last gen how many times did you go days without an internet connection? How many always online games you played?

The check would have ment nothing but give you more options on what you could do with your games

You literally can’t use them without the internet. fukk are you taking about:dahell:

More lies. Kinect didn’t and does not have to be connected or on all the time.
You are not getting it at all.

What about people in rural areas who got shytty connection. You know what Xbox told them? "Get a 360" that really happened and it's on video and I'll link it when I find it.
There's days where I might go and not turn on my console. There's days where the internet in my apartment might be shotty. That's true for most people. But it's not acceptable for Xbox. My life doesn't revolve around my gaming console breh lmao. Being forced to do it is the biggest problem here.

The digital consoles have to be online yes duh. But you were being forced to originally turn them on and do daily check ins. What if I go on vacation or I got shyt to do that day. "Aw sorry fam I'm gonna be late, I gotta check in with my Xbox before I can make that movie :troll:"

Breh what? How can you be defending that. Plus we're not even considering that it's much easier to get internet access nowadays than 10+ years ago. Online gaming has evolved so much and been adopted worldwide since then. There's proffessional E-sports teams making millions now for fukks sakes. It was different and a bigger barrier to entry a decade ago for alot of people.

And yes it was absolutely mandatory when they revealed the Xbox one that you had to buy a kinect at the time. Why would it not have to be on when the Xbox gotta be turned on and check in once a day? You think they'll draw the line in the sands at the mandatory connect? :mjlol:

Nothing I've stated was wrong. I know it must be hard for you to believe. It was for everyone to believe which is why It caused such an uproar that they backtracked on every single one of those positions. If they focused more on games than petty and unnecessary bullshyt they would've had a much more productive generation. Maybe now they've changed their ways.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
I mean I’m not sure what else to say.

You are playing always online games on a digital only console right now with less rights and options than you would have had with the OG plans.



Do you know how to say: I was wrong, I'm sorry?!!?:birdman: