Ex-Singaporean leader (smartest country in the world) explains why US empire will crumble if it continues with its current Playbook


Nov 1, 2015
Naaaaah… I feel you, but “woke” has been disassociated from Black folks for a MINUTE. So much so someone had to interview Badu and point out that a Black woman created the term— most Americans have no idea that she did.

“Wokeness” is associated with being super liberal. E.g. the acceptance of transgenderism, LGBTQIA having huge voice/presence culturally,
promoting hookup culture, individualism, etc. Basically all the reasons other cultures hate the “West”.

no it hasn't :rudy:

my community still uses it the way it's always been used. :childplease:


All Star
Dec 12, 2019
Tell us you don't know what Singapore is.

I know what Singapore is, you fakkit weirdo foreigner. I don't care about fake moral superiority from that region when most children live in poverty in SEA and prostitution is rampant.

You foreigners are so obsessed with comparing yourselves to America.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
I know what Singapore is, you fakkit weirdo foreigner. I don't care about fake moral superiority from that region when most children live in poverty in SEA and prostitution is rampant.

You foreigners are so obsessed with comparing yourselves to America.

African Peasant

Oct 18, 2014

It’s literally part of the thread :francis:

There’s politics in linguistics.
Using “woke” in a negative connotation is anti-Blackness.
What's Eurovosion has to dowith black people?

Why you cats always want to make black people the poster child for nonsense?


May 3, 2012
Naaaaah… I feel you, but “woke” has been disassociated from Black folks for a MINUTE. So much so someone had to interview Badu and point out that a Black woman created the term— most Americans have no idea that she did.

“Wokeness” is associated with being super liberal. E.g. the acceptance of transgenderism, LGBTQIA having huge voice/presence culturally,
promoting hookup culture, individualism, etc. Basically all the reasons other cultures hate the “West”.
I hear what you’re saying, but I have to disagree.

”woke” is not disassociated from Black folks.

“Woke” is used with a negative connotation as a dog whistle to maintain the white/conservative status quo when social injustices are adressed to dismantle it.

Especially by (Far) right-wing/conservatives who are predominantly WHITE and/or religious that benefit from the status quo THEY THEMSELVES created.

(This can be extended to non-Black right-wing/conservatives)

Erykah Baduh having to explain that doesn’t negate that fact.

Woke is associated with Black ppl, as we are the creators of it.
(Hence why “woke” was and still is used to say Black and damn near flatout the N word)

The function of “woke” was to stimulate social awareness of social injustices by way of Black ppl.

Anti-Blackness (Racism), LGBT (Freedom of expression), gender equality, etc all fall under social injustices.

So one can’t separate those things,
and they accordingly are not separated in the usage of “woke”
They all fall under social justice (which is part of left-wing politics)

That’s why it’s been MAGA/right wingers that were leading the “anti-woke brigade” as a racist but also religious-conservative dog whistle for their base.

And in truth, there’s no such thing as a true left wing political party in US politics, as Democrats are centre to centre-right politically.

It’s simply called “left wing” because the US despite popular belief, is way more conservative than it thinks of itself.

This lack of political understanding is exactly why Black ppl are frustrated with the Democrats for not “changing the status quo”, when that’s EXACTLY what political centrism does.

Naming centrism “Left-wing” without understanding what political centrism is, is exactly why we’re inefficient politically.

You can’t want Left-wing politics, but maintain Centrist to Rightwing views and ideologies that oppose it.

LGBT ppl understand Left-wing politics better and engage it in more as a unit politically, so they achieve more accordingly.

So when we as a ppl hear “The plights of Black ppl and LGBT ppl are intertwined” and get frustrated.

It speaks to our lack of political understanding of the Left Wing spectrum.

Which is necessary for our liberation.
And maintain the status quo designed to oppress us by having Left wing desires, but Centrist to conservative believes and votes.

But us Black ppl don’t want to accept that fact, bc we’re blinded by the bigotry preventing us from looking at it for what it actually is.

Well-calculated Leftwing political decisions made by a minority collective for the greater good, in a Centrist and Conservative space, and reduce it to “agenda”

While we could be learning and engaging with them politically under the Leftwing political umbrella too.

Because in a white-conservative space being the norm, being Black by default is an “agenda”

so “super liberal” is the inaccurate term used by the mass public in America that doesn’t understand the difference between the 3. When in actuality it’s Left-wing socialism.

Even the framing of being a secular nation, is misleading with the immense power the Church has on US politics.

Zionism being so present in America is a manifestation of that fact.

To come back to the term “woke” not being disassociated from Black folks.

The first thing racists say when Black ppl are included into things like ‘Little Mermaid’ (which falls undern anti-racism)
is “this that woke shyt”

The first thing homophobes say when LGBT ppl
(which falls under freedom of expression) are included into things like storylines of movies is “this is that woke shyt”

The two are impossible to disconnect as our existence as Black ppl is a permanent social justice issue.

Like LGBT ppl’s existence is a social justice issue as well.

The thing is, we as Black ppl are a race.
LGBT ppl are not limited to race, it includes Black and white ppl, so it’s easier to hear the term “woke”

That doesn’t mean it’s been disassociated from Black folks.

Hell, there are Black ppl that copy racists and use woke negatively too
(which bugs me out every single time as it literally adds to our oppression as a ppl through linguistics doing that, but I digress.)

LGBT ppl “having a huge voice and cultural presence in the West” as a blanket statement is a bit misleading imo.

The West was the oppressor for so long in recent times, they had a longer time to focus on human rights like freedom of expression which LGBT ppl fall under.

They were in the Global South as well, but colonialism happened and ppl want to pretend they didn’t exist in cultures prior because of imposed Abrahamic religions via colonialism and Imperialism.

An oppressed ppl can barely liberate itself when it’s focused on survival.

Many of these “other cultures” haven’t even liberated themselves from things like colonial anti-LGBT laws
(predominantly imposed under Western colonial rule in the first place ironically)

LGBT ppl that fear extreme persecution in the Global South,
go to the West to have some sense of legal protection.
So ofcourse their presence is gonna look more visible in the West compared to the Global South.

LGBT ppl exist across the board, no amount of “this is not part of our culture” will erase that fact.

Besides, “other cultures” hate the West more because of Imperialism, colonialism and perpetual exploitation of the Global South if anything.

That’s my take on it.
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Oct 22, 2017
Why is he using the term "woke" in that context?
as applied by him in this context, the term “woke” is referring to the relaxation of moral values in america. notice how he indicates its spread to asia. there are hardly any black people in asia, so that’s obviously not what he is alluding to.

what he’s more concerned with, i imagine, is this trans hysteria and the general obsession america has with promoting the lgbt lifestyle.



Oct 8, 2014
as applied by him in this context, the term “woke” is referring to the relaxation of moral values in america. notice how he indicates its spread to asia. there are hardly any black people in asia, so that’s obviously not what he is alluding to.

what he’s more concerned with, i imagine, is this trans hysteria and the general obsession america has with promoting the lgbt lifestyle.

The thing is tho....

LGBT people don't use the term "woke" to describe themselves....

"woke" is only used by black people and politically aware people...

the negative connotation was made by opposition to discredit the term itself.....

if another country uses the same term...

it's the same as that country using "ghetto" or "welfare queen" to describe their issues/problems...

trying to act like the term has been divorced from it's origins is disingenuous...

because it's origins are the exact reason why the term was flipped


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Dude is such a China apologist that even his assertion that china and Vietnam are on good terms is a bald face lie...

Vietnam is becoming closer to the US because of China making claims in their territorial waters...

China actually threatens the sovereignty of Vietnam with it's aggressive acts in the south china sea...

as soon as I read dude's take... I knew the rest was BS

Mao murdered and ran off all the previous political/upper class that held the historical viewpoints he wanted to destroy..

China as it is now does not hold the viewpoint that you were told
I knew it was BS as soon as he said that China doesn't want to replace the US. They have specifically said that. After that I knew he was lying.

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
Gotdamn, good post. Oddly enough I was chatting with a patient today and she’s big on Asian policy and she was saying how the US doesn’t understand China and how it’s a problem. How we are a young country and see things through that lens, but China has more history than us because their nation/culture has existed much longer, so they view their interactions with other nations through that lens. And how although we are a young nation, we still represent the West and are grouped with European nations (which have been around a lot longer than us, as well).

Even got into the concept of “flat Whiteness” (although I admit I brought that up after she mention the idea of being “American” and people not drawing on the cultures of their home countries)— but she agreed!

Crazy timing.

China has been throwing around “we are older thus wiser and better” argument against all its neighbors as to why the majority of its immediate neighbors (Philippines, Japan, Taiwan South Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia etc) hate them. It’s a legacy of Chinese imperialism where all nations were expected to be vassals of the Middle Kingdom.

The USA as a political entity is older than the current regime of China.

Unified “Chinese” culture is a myth. China was home to many different ethnic groups, religions, languages, dialects and cultures. It would be like talking about African culture or European culture.

The concept of a “nation state” was only recently introduced to China as early as the 19th century, before that it was just whatever the emperor possessed and its tributary vassals. Your life, property, anything you possessed was just the property of the emperor.

Geopolitics is not a Chinese invention. China can claim to be playing the “long game” all it wants. Its demographics paint a different picture and doesn’t care who the emperor of the Song dynasty was in 1200AD



Mar 11, 2022
Sounds like your friend was doing a lot of babbling
It’s not like anyone is attempting to predict the US taking a backseat to China, lol We’ll still be #1, but I think it’s fair to acknowledge that we may need to tweak the way we view or interact with them.