Ever Wanted Someone That Don't Want You?


May 1, 2012
yeah :mjcry: first happened to me at the tender age of 16. I was lead on. She started ignoring me. She quit coming to school for a while, and when she came back she was pregnant :noah:


Wicked Vain Lil Bih
Dec 2, 2015
By this time I still loved her. .but I was also free. Once the relationship bond was broken It could not be repaired back to it's original form. And the more she tried to get me back the more I :manny:. . Until eventually I kinda phased her out of my life completely. I STILL think about her. But. . It was a chapter that ended sadly.

Seriously was doing ok ignoring how I felt today and now this shyt got me bawling. My soul hurt man. Crazy how our situations were damn identical! :dwillhuh: But I take from this that there are more men out there like my love and I'll have to handle our conflicts a lil differently if similar problems ever arise.

Kinda fukked up that I feel it's on me....it's my job to make sure the next nikka don't feel some type of way. But I guess that's just the way things are, huh? :wow:

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
I am not the best with advice. . But I can share a slice of my history and you can see the perspective from a man's point of view.

My last serious gf about two years ago. . ( Body was :ahh::ahh::ahh::ahh: ) Kinda the same scenario. . She was you. We dated for two years and in those two years I did it all. Rented us a house. . . then a month after us being together she had a falling out at her job. . I told her quit. :ehh: She had been wanting to make and sell crafts. . Handmade jewelry etc. I told her you focus on that and I will hold us down. So she did not work for two years basically. I also footed the bill for all the stuff she needed to get started. Ordered hella shyt from china. :wow:

And we were good. . For a while. Your line about " We fell out because of his eccentricities, his insecurities, and lies " Is kinda what happened to us. I unwittingly was carrying baggage. . Which caused me to not really be open. . . . I am trying to explain . Let me reset.

This is how it would go. She would want to know everything about me. I would hit her with the :francis:. . I am a great listener. But she had to pull teeth to get me to open up. It was not like I did not love her. I did. But I figured why the fuss??!!!! I am providing for you and your hobby. I did not truly get why she was mad. Arguments started. I do not mean to stereotype. . But black women when they want to can say the meanest things that can cut a nikka to the bone. :mjcry: I am just not built that way for verbal warfare. So I would get more quiet. Which caused her to go :damn:

We broke up. . And she found someone right away who was willing to feed her emotionally more than I was. :sadcam: When I say a brotha was devastated. . . :mjcry: I remember looking on FB and seeing her hugged up with some dude like two weeks after we broke up. . I sat in my car and cried like a bytch. Then called my moms and cried on the phone. Cause it was kinda hitting me that I truly fukked up.... It was like I could see why after my marriages my relationships were failing. . I had always assumed it was the chicks fault. But I was not emotionally available. . Eventually if a chick loves you she wants that.

I remember I called her one day determined to get her back. I broke down and told her exactly what was on my heart. How I own my problems. . And that I want her back. . She hit me with the :ehh: and kept it moving. . I wallowed in that L for a whole weekend. . Then on Monday I closed that chapter in my heart, hit the gym hardcore and moved the fukk on. :yeshrug: She started having some real problems with her new dude. He was not what he seemed and she figured out quickly that the grass was not always greener. .She started doing what you did. . Hitting me up out the blue with gifts. Offering free p*ssy. Calling and checking up on me. By this time I still loved her. .but I was also free. Once the relationship bond was broken It could not be repaired back to it's original form. And the more she tried to get me back the more I :manny:. . Until eventually I kinda phased her out of my life completely. I STILL think about her. But. . It was a chapter that ended sadly.

I hope you write books or story's man. You really should, you paint pictures

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Seriously was doing ok ignoring how I felt today and now this shyt got me bawling. My soul hurt man. Crazy how our situations were damn identical! :dwillhuh: But I take from this that there are more men out there like my love and I'll have to handle our conflicts a lil differently if similar problems ever arise.

Kinda fukked up that I feel it's on me....it's my job to make sure the next nikka don't feel some type of way. But I guess that's just the way things are, huh? :wow:
I have been there friend. The tears flow fierce and hot. :mjcry:

When I read your thread I thought back to my situation right away! Do you know what I think. . I think that sometimes people are put in our paths as a learning tool. Like on the job training for your eventual mate. Does not help the hurt of course in the short term. :wow:


Wicked Vain Lil Bih
Dec 2, 2015
I have been there friend. The tears flow fierce and hot. :mjcry:

When I read your thread I thought back to my situation right away! Do you know what I think. . I think that sometimes people are put in our paths as a learning tool. Like on the job training for your eventual mate. Does not help the hurt of course in the short term. :wow:
What is your profession...a therapist?! Lol. You speak so soothingly. @Amethyst is the shyt for tagging you and everybody else with their awesome imput! Now I need some ice cream and a hard body to get me thru this snow storm.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
What is your profession...a therapist?! Lol. You speak so soothingly. @Amethyst is the shyt for tagging you and everybody else with their awesome imput! Now I need some ice cream and a hard body to get me thru this snow storm.
Nah. LOL. Just a nikka who knows hurt and L's. I have made taking L's a art form. :wow:

@Amethyst is a real one. I always salute that sista! :salute:

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
I can tell you that I did the same for my fiance for almost a year, I did any and everything to win over her heart once I realized "It wasn't just her fault" and I played a part in screwing things up. I'm a stubborn dude so sometimes it takes me awhile to come around. Once I did it was too late though, like most stories here though she moved on, realized the grass wasn't greener. And then came around after I went through months of true heart break and headache. But I had moved on finally and there wasn't nothing she could do to really get it back like it was...
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
I am not the best with advice. . But I can share a slice of my history and you can see the perspective from a man's point of view.

My last serious gf about two years ago. . ( Body was :ahh::ahh::ahh::ahh: ) Kinda the same scenario. . She was you. We dated for two years and in those two years I did it all. Rented us a house. . . then a month after us being together she had a falling out at her job. . I told her quit. :ehh: She had been wanting to make and sell crafts. . Handmade jewelry etc. I told her you focus on that and I will hold us down. So she did not work for two years basically. I also footed the bill for all the stuff she needed to get started. Ordered hella shyt from china. :wow:

And we were good. . For a while. Your line about " We fell out because of his eccentricities, his insecurities, and lies " Is kinda what happened to us. I unwittingly was carrying baggage. . Which caused me to not really be open. . . . I am trying to explain . Let me reset.

This is how it would go. She would want to know everything about me. I would hit her with the :francis:. . I am a great listener. But she had to pull teeth to get me to open up. It was not like I did not love her. I did. But I figured why the fuss??!!!! I am providing for you and your hobby. I did not truly get why she was mad. Arguments started. I do not mean to stereotype. . But black women when they want to can say the meanest things that can cut a nikka to the bone. :mjcry: I am just not built that way for verbal warfare. So I would get more quiet. Which caused her to go :damn:

We broke up. . And she found someone right away who was willing to feed her emotionally more than I was. :sadcam: When I say a brotha was devastated. . . :mjcry: I remember looking on FB and seeing her hugged up with some dude like two weeks after we broke up. . I sat in my car and cried like a bytch. Then called my moms and cried on the phone. Cause it was kinda hitting me that I truly fukked up.... It was like I could see why after my marriages my relationships were failing. . I had always assumed it was the chicks fault. But I was not emotionally available. . Eventually if a chick loves you she wants that.

I remember I called her one day determined to get her back. I broke down and told her exactly what was on my heart. How I own my problems. . And that I want her back. . She hit me with the :ehh: and kept it moving. . I wallowed in that L for a whole weekend. . Then on Monday I closed that chapter in my heart, hit the gym hardcore and moved the fukk on. :yeshrug: She started having some real problems with her new dude. He was not what he seemed and she figured out quickly that the grass was not always greener. .She started doing what you did. . Hitting me up out the blue with gifts. Offering free p*ssy. Calling and checking up on me. By this time I still loved her. .but I was also free. Once the relationship bond was broken It could not be repaired back to it's original form. And the more she tried to get me back the more I :manny:. . Until eventually I kinda phased her out of my life completely. I STILL think about her. But. . It was a chapter that ended sadly.

Breh that wallowing weekend Ether:wow: women just don't KNOW. I've been through that once in my life. when I was 18. That first time will LITERALLY shape a man into who he is going to be towards women for the rest of his life. Any man who is "Hard On Hoes" is simply still living in that weekend. The confusion, the anger, the shame, the longing, the unrequited desire...it literally feels as if your heart is RIPPING in two. There is no food that can fill you, no drink that can quench your thirst, no salve that can mend your soul....


The Project's Manly P Hall
Resting in Peace
Oct 25, 2012
I'm Hard Like D-Block Readin The Book Of Enoch...
story of thoust grime god's current reincarnation,i don't fall easily(Gemini)but when i do that clinging/loyal (Taurus) cusp kicks in..

can't een get a holla from Darweezy for the TC fukkery..and a certain petite mystique queen who somehow decoded a strand on mi akashic web found herself another schmoe:mjcry:

i'm a nomad on a Solipisist Solivagant junky junket anyhow..

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Breh that wallowing weekend Ether:wow: women just don't KNOW. I've been through that once in my life. when I was 18. That first time will LITERALLY shape a man into who he is going to be towards women for the rest of his life. Any man who is "Hard On Hoes" is simply still living in that weekend. The confusion, the anger, the shame, the longing, the unrequited desire...it literally feels as if your heart is RIPPING in two. There is no food that can fill you, no drink that can quench your thirst, no salve that can mend your soul....

My dude. . After she moved out I got a roommate. . He saw me at my lowest that weekend. It was like that L burned through a breh's soul. Like I got hit with that Flaming Sword.


Torched my innards completely .Blowed up, no guts left chest face gone. :wow: When a breh reaches that point one of two things can happen. Weak minded dudes get physical and try and break in a chicks crib or confront the nikka they are fukking. etc. Stupid shyt that gets you put in jail. Or a breh will let that ether burn out and when it does you are reborn. . But you will never be the same with that chick again. Everytime she kept trying to come back with hints. etc. . I would flashback to when I poured my heart out to her and she hit me with the :ehh:. And it was not on some bitter shyt either. It was that I knew I could not go thru that with her ever again. That weekend of woe was :mjcry:


Staff member
Sep 9, 2013
I don't chase men. My mom raised me that women don't chase men. Most men are about action and show you how they feel. Now, that being said I see no problem with being a female simp for some one who deserves it. I think people should simp each other. Its nothing wrong with showing someone you like, love, appreciate them as long as y'all are on the same page.

It's ok to feel stupid too that's your brain telling you its wrong cause you know better. Listen to it. Run.


The Picasso of the Ghetto
Aug 30, 2015
South Central Los Angeles
Is chasing a man you're in love w considered simpin according to the coli?
I was in a great relationship w a man that spoiled me and took care of my every need without me ever having to ask. I never had to lift a finger. But we fell apart and he's happy to leave it that way. I want him back so I find myself doing the most.


●I went grocery shopping for my home but I made sure to buy shyt to chef up his favorite meal.

●I got comfortable and slowed down on my cute girl stance when we were together so I'm back to getting cute every day.

●I hit the mall today and grabbed him $500 worth of fly ass Polo dress shirts and sweaters.

When I hit him up to surprise him w gifts and go put it on him he told me to wait till tomorrow. I feel played....by my damn self.
I've never been that woman and now I'm starting to feel real stupid.
the hell you do for a living?